

  • The biggest thing is to just not stop for too long. I wouldn't' say for more than maybe a minute or maybe 2 at the absolute most. If your heart rate slows too much, then your body will cool down and you're essentially starting over. I mean doing it 6, 5 minute increments is better than nothing at all but not stopping would…
  • In your first week especially, if you're working out and eating right, I would expect that you would probably drop 2 - 3 pounds. I randomly notice I look better in a shirt I've worn 50 times before or just feel better or all the sudden notice my stomach looks smaller. Be sure to take before pictures (like even now) so that…
  • I'm sure you know how common emotional eating is and you shouldn't feel bad about it. It's a challenge many have to overcome. Let's talk about you and your goals. How much weight are you looking to lose and what are your long term fitness goals? I'd love to hear more about your plans going forward for changing your life.…
  • How much overweight are you and much are you looking to lose? Are you staying within a suggested caloric range while you've been using MFP or just using it to see how many calories you're actually eating? Feel free to PM me if you'd rather. I'm here!
  • Personally, I find that working out in the morning is the better way to ensure I'm going to get it done and not be lazy about it later. My spouse and kids also eat somewhat normal in comparison to my high protein diet and I cook for everyone. I make my own food usually on the weekends and then maybe one or 2 nights a week…
  • I would agree that 2600 is probably a high amount of calories. Also, what is your macro break down? 60% Carbs/30% Protein/20% Fat? You'll probably have a tough time burning off weight if you're eating that many carbs unless you're doing a pretty intense workout of well over an hour a day. I think once you adjust your…
  • If I were you, I would do what I did and go to this site: To figure your total daily energy expenditure. If you include 1, 3, 5 or however many days you exercise, you can subtract 300 - 500 calories from that number and expect to be losing weight on days when you have a caloric deficit.…
  • Sending you a friend request, I'd love to help motivate you!
  • I can't agree with the above posters more. It's BS.
  • It depends if you want to lose weight or not (which you probably do, why else would you be here? lol). I don't log my exercise at all because it increases my calories and then I don't know exactly how many I have left in my day. If you want to eat back the calories you burned, you can but you won't lose weight. Can I ask…
  • Dry quinoa will turn into more, but if you weight out a 1/4 cup dried and cook only that amount, you would use that number. You will end up with 1/2 up of cooked quinoa or more though. You can't measure out a 1/4 cup of cooked vs a 1/4 cup of dry and expect them to be the same nutritionally. Because the dry are smaller so…
  • Maybe right after a workout, try to work in a protein shake. I do one with greek yogurt, almond milk, protein powder, and some fruit for flavor and quick digesting carbs. It's very filling and holds me for a few hours until I'm ready to eat again. As for the rest of the day, what is your calories set for in a day? Maybe…
  • You need to find a group of people who can keep you motivated and hold you accountable. That has helped the most for me. Also, don't look or even call it a diet. it's not a diet, it's a life changing experience and it needs to be viewed that way if you're hoping to stick with it. Friend request sent, I'd love to hear from…
  • Not sure specifically which program you're working, but I'm just going to take a guess here. For me, I burn probably 50% of the calories I would burn if I were doing some type of cardio. So maybe they just don't count it because it's not enough to make it worth the count?
  • If you're going to do Speed 2.0 and Core Cardio instead of Total Body and an Ab workout, you won't be working your abs as much as you would otherwise. If you can handle the increased activity of the Beta workouts, why not, if you're just talking about a good workout. Either way, if you stick with the normal program and…
  • It's normal now that you're just now intaking a considerable amount of fluids. In a couple days, your body will balance out while drinking more water. Some people say that you'll go to the bathroom less also when your body adjusts to that much water going in and out...although that hasn't happened for me. The more water I…
  • No problem, to each his/her own. Hope you can reach your fitness goals, and stick with'em! That's most important.
  • I've never been able to get consistent accountability from the forums. If you're active on Facebook, I'm in a group there that's helped me since there's so many people in the group. We're now around 500 people so someone's always posting a workout success or a nutrition question or suggestion. We have small groups for…
  • I've never been able to get much accountability from this website. If you're active on Facebook, I'm in a group there that's helped me since there's so many people in the group. We're now around 500 people so someone's always posting a workout success or a nutrition question or suggestion. We have small groups for…
  • If you're active on Facebook, I'm in a group there that's helped me since there's so many people in the group. We're now around 500 people so someone's always posting a workout success or a nutrition question or suggestion. We have small groups for accountability (based on what workout program you are doing) and live team…
  • Hey thanks for bumping it up to the top again! I'm in a support group through Facebook that has really helped keep me motivated. It has several hundred people working out various programs (working out at home, going to a gym, running marathons, etc) so there's always someone posting something. We don't require that you…
  • It's your protein/carb/fat allowance for a day as shown in your Diary on MFP. I can fit the calories, I can't fit the 18g of fat per 2T...or atleast I choose not to. That's almost half of my daily allowance on one portion. It's ridiculous.
  • I'm no doctor, but it's protein. It's for anyone who wants/needs more. There are also alot of places that say you should only go 1g protein/pound of body weight but there are countless people who do considerably more than that (including myself). I am also not an athlete. If you need more protein, it's a great way to get…
  • Too much fat in peanut butter, I try to almost entirely steer clear of it. That's great that you can eat it if your macros can afford it. Mine can't. ;(
  • There are a bunch of exercise videos on YouTube for various body parts that are accessible for free: As far as your lack of…
  • Starting weight would be your current weight. Kind of like a "Today is the first day of the rest of your life" kind of thing? Sent a friend req. You can do this!
  • I do, I even log the creatine I'm taking even though it's not even listed anywhere on the nutrition. For the vitamin, it will show on your smart phone's nutrition page with some higher vitamin counts. As for the creatine, I don't know, I guess I'm OCD. If you want to do it, just add like any other food. Either search for…
  • Hey, I'm in a support group through Facebook with several hundred people working out various programs (working out at home, going to a gym, running marathons, etc). We don't require that you purchase any products from us to be added and we don't try to sell you stuff once you're in. We just focus on helping our teams get…
  • First of all, low carb diets don't work. The fact that you were at 40 is amazing then you went to 20! I don't even know how you have enough energy to wake up and walk around all day. Second, 1100 calories is ridiculously too low for anyone to eat. If you're male, you shouldn't go below 1800 and if you're female not below…
  • T25 is a great program to do especially if you're just getting back into fitness. It's only 25 minutes every day and it's some real cardio as well as a person doing modified moves right in the front for you to see if needed. I liked it and would suggest it to anyone either just starting or not.