P90X or T25 or 21 Day Fix


i am looking to start a exercise routine before i go to work. I will be doing this at 5am. I have never done any of them before. I am not sure which one to start with. I am not in the best shape but i do still play sports twice a week.



  • RebeccaP1972
    RebeccaP1972 Posts: 101 Member
    Bump, I'd like to know more about those too
  • MJewell852
    MJewell852 Posts: 15 Member
    p90x is good and will take you 1.5 hours every other day and 1hour the other. I heard p90x3 is also good, higher impact for 30 min workouts. I did p90x and saw result in 45 days before I injured my knee in a non p90x duty. :)
  • tomee638
    tomee638 Posts: 64
    I'm doing P90X now and I did T25 a couple months ago.

    T25 is great if you're pressed on time. It is literally 25 minutes, start to finish. It's pretty intense and with the levels (Alpha, Beta, Gamma) you get increasingly harder workouts every month.

    P90x is great for building muscle. It's the first program I've done where I use alot of resistance weights and the pull ups, Tony loves his pull ups. I've been cutting for about 6mos now so I'm happy to finally start building some muscle.

    21 Day Fix, the containers will really help you with portion control and the workouts are more cardio than muscle building. I'd get that if you really need the help with nutrition and portions.
  • JuneyJo
    JuneyJo Posts: 182 Member
    I've done Focus T25 and LOVE it! Even though I'm a Team Beachbody coach (don't hide, I'm not going to go all salesperson on you!) I'm not a fan of P90X. I have friends who like it a lot, but like seadog said, looooong workouts. P90X3 is the 30 minutes/day version. 21 Day Fix is one I haven't tried yet, but I hear great things about it. I'm checking out a copy that a friend got to see if I want to go this route after PiYo, which I just started today.
  • bcl003
    bcl003 Posts: 331 Member
    Well I am doing 21 day fix and I really like it. My friend is doing T25, but is in better shape than me so it is a pretty good one as well. I have also done numerous Jilian Michaels' DVDs that are really great for starting out with and only 30 minutes so even one of her $10 videos are great and many people on MFP have had excellent results with Ripped in 30 and 30 day Shred just to give you another idea.

    Btw anything you do like this you will only get out of it what you put in it, so if you are using 5lbs weights and getting through the workouts without a lot of effort you always have the option of upping the weights or doing the more advanced moves to get a better result instead of just skimming through it.

    Good luck with whatever you choose to do.
  • GreatSc0tt_
    GreatSc0tt_ Posts: 7 Member
    p90x is good and will take you 1.5 hours every other day and 1hour the other. I heard p90x3 is also good, higher impact for 30 min workouts. I did p90x and saw result in 45 days before I injured my knee in a non p90x duty. :)

    I like the looks of p90x3. I think i might give that shot and if I like that i might go to p90x next
  • ntenaglia
    ntenaglia Posts: 2
    I am currently doing Focus T25, and the advertisement is no joke -- this is a tough workout.

    I guess the best way to answer your question is with another (series of) question(s):
    1. In what shape are you currently in?
    2. Do you like to work out?
    3. Can you follow (and stick to) a workout and diet regimen?

    I asked myself these same 3 questions when I decided to pick T25.
    1. I am in the worst shape of my life. I used to be in very good shape, but now I am easily 40 - 50 pounds above my target weight and have little to no activity in my life (don't go to the gym and don't do any sports activities)
    2. I don't mind working out, as long as I can see results. The hardest part for me is starting the workout. Once I force myself to start, then I love it - it makes me feel good about myself.
    3. Just like with working out, if I know that a strict routine would get me results, I will follow it. I have done some extreme diet+workout programs, and I have done some simple ones. If it works, I will continue to do it.

    So far I am 5 weeks into T25, and I have lost 23 pounds. I have been doing a slightly modified version
    -the first week was diet ONLY with no workout
    -instead of eating the recommended 1600 calories, I am only eating 1200 (MUCH faster results, and I don't have ANY cravings)
    -I allow for 1 cheat day every 2 weeks (this is always a killer for me. Avoid this if you have the willpower)
    -I haven't been a perfect example of keeping up with the daily workouts. The first 2 weeks I followed it to a T, but have slowed down since. I still workout at least 2-3 times a week, but its supposed to be 6 workouts (25 minutes each) in 5 days. I have made a "Mid-Year Resolution" to follow the workouts more precisely.

    So here's my advice, if you are like me (in terrible shape and can get lazy with the workouts) then go with T25. If you are in good shape and like to workout, then go with P90X. If you have trouble with the diet aspect of any workout+diet program, then go with 21 day fix.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    Before we can really answer, what are your goals? Weight loss, muscle gains, just need some cardio...
  • MFarnan93
    MFarnan93 Posts: 1
    I was thinking about doing T25 because I have let myself get out of shape, and I don't currently work out. Do you highly suggest this program?
  • tomee638
    tomee638 Posts: 64
    T25 is a great program to do especially if you're just getting back into fitness. It's only 25 minutes every day and it's some real cardio as well as a person doing modified moves right in the front for you to see if needed.

    I liked it and would suggest it to anyone either just starting or not.
  • JuneyJo
    JuneyJo Posts: 182 Member
    I was thinking about doing T25 because I have let myself get out of shape, and I don't currently work out. Do you highly suggest this program?

    I'd highly recommend it! I was totally out of shape when I started. Every workout has a modified version so if you're not ready for the fully high-impact version, Tanya will be right there to help you. I felt awesome after! I didn't follow a clean eating program, so I didn't shed crazy pounds and inches like some people do (I only lost about 10lbs). But I was stronger and healthier and I could go through a workout without modifications by the end. Once I finish PiYo, now that I *am* eating better, I intend to go through T25 again. It was a lot of fun and a really quick workout!
  • reyessam
    reyessam Posts: 15 Member
    P90X - I tried this program several years ago. It was too intense for my non-athletic body at the time. I also had difficulty fitting in the 1-1.5 hour workouts in my already busy schedule.

    A couple years later...

    P90X3 - I joined a P90X3 challenge group. And I absolutely loved it! 30 minute workouts for 90 Days. The challenge group helped keep me motivated, and I gained strength that I never had before. And I loved that I eventually got to a point where the 30 minutes became my warm up before a run. If you're looking to build on strength, I think this is the program to go for.

    T25 - I actually just purchased this a couple weeks ago. 25 minute work outs for 10 weeks. I like the workouts I've done so far. They start the moves with modified/low-impact... and build up to higher impact versions of the each of the moves. I start a T25 challenge group next month! I'm stoked to go through the 10-week program! If you're looking for a sweat fest, I think this is the program to go for.

    21 Day Fix - I've not done this program... yet. But... if you want to focus on nutrition in conjunction with 30 minute workouts, this is the program to go for. I also know of 21-Day Fix challenge group starting next month.

    I would suggest determining what your goal is (ie focus on calorie burn, nutrition, building muscle, etc.), and let that help you determine which program to go for.

    Hope this helped! =)
  • jghayes8
    jghayes8 Posts: 14
    I cannot speak to p90x 3 but I have done both p90x 1&2 and t25. P90x is a good General fitness program and works all parts of the body but it takes a long time and gets a little boring. T25 is also good for getting you in great shape but pretty much ignores the upper body unless you buy the expensive gamma option. The key is to figure out your goals and pick your program. I like both t25 for the core and cardio and Body Beast to get muscular.
  • GreatSc0tt_
    GreatSc0tt_ Posts: 7 Member
    I guess the best way to answer your question is with another (series of) question(s):
    1. In what shape are you currently in?
    2. Do you like to work out?
    3. Can you follow (and stick to) a workout and diet regimen?

    1. I am currently in terrible shape - but getting better
    2. Yes - I have been running during my lunch hour at work. I do about 5k. I walk every night (beside 2 nights i play basketball) with my wife and 3 month old daughter.
    3. I am the same as you. if i can start it i love it. I am going to start p90x3 Monday morning.

    My main problem right now is my stomach and please excuse me but my man boobs. I am really hoping that p90x3 will help my core.

  • hoyagirl03
    hoyagirl03 Posts: 220 Member
    It sounds like your goals are to tone and tighten up the core. If time is an issue and you already got your nutrition on lock, then I would say that T25, which will eventually incorporate the weights, is a good place to start, although it is quite intense. 21 Day Fix is great in that it focuses on both nutrition and working out from a time perspective (30 minutes each). You will get A LOT of core work done in 21 Day Fix, which is something I really like about the program. It's only 3 weeks, for sure, but you can always do multiple rounds of the work out. Or you can do this, then P90X, then go back to 21 Day fix, if that makes sense.
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    I guess the best way to answer your question is with another (series of) question(s):
    1. In what shape are you currently in?
    2. Do you like to work out?
    3. Can you follow (and stick to) a workout and diet regimen?

    1. I am currently in terrible shape - but getting better
    2. Yes - I have been running during my lunch hour at work. I do about 5k. I walk every night (beside 2 nights i play basketball) with my wife and 3 month old daughter.
    3. I am the same as you. if i can start it i love it. I am going to start p90x3 Monday morning.

    My main problem right now is my stomach and please excuse me but my man boobs. I am really hoping that p90x3 will help my core.


    There are some great reviews on youtube about these programs that compare and contrast the programs and give you alot of helpful info. It really does boil down to what you can be consistent with. if you do not like the workout then chances are you wouldn't complete it. I would really recommend looking at those reviews. They are all great programs!! <3
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    P90X3!!! I got BETTER results with X3 than I did with original P90X, you can modify it, it's a half hour per day, and I LOVE it! I did 2 rounds back to back and I never do back to back rounds of the same program! lol Message me if you have any questions..I know the program in and out!

    And here's the bonus...if you go with the base kit like I did, no crunches are required and I still have a 6-pack!
  • RunnerStephe
    RunnerStephe Posts: 2,195
    I've done Focus T25 and LOVE it! Even though I'm a Team Beachbody coach (don't hide, I'm not going to go all salesperson on you!) I'm not a fan of P90X. I have friends who like it a lot, but like seadog said, looooong workouts. P90X3 is the 30 minutes/day version. 21 Day Fix is one I haven't tried yet, but I hear great things about it. I'm checking out a copy that a friend got to see if I want to go this route after PiYo, which I just started today.

    What are your goals? What do you like to do as far as workouts? I've been a coach for over 2 years. There are programs for everyone. I love P90X, and don't care for T25. I have 21 day fix. Thinking about it next.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    I didn't really care for T25. I am doing X3 now because the yoga & pilates really helped with my sciatic nerve issues but I really don't find it all that challenging. I will say though, I have been an athlete my whole life (soccer, ice hockey, taekwondo, golf, etc...) so I am fairly fit. My favorite program is body beast, but any of the P90X's are solid and so is chalean extreme. Les Mills combat is fun, but it's not too challenging either but good for a cardio program.
  • I have done P90X, some of X2, X3 and T25. I am not doing PiYo which is so good! I didn't think I would like it because it looked too easy in a sense; but, I was wrong. It is challenging in a different way.
  • SeptemberLondon
    SeptemberLondon Posts: 151 Member
    Bump - I'm also choosing between P90x3 and T25. I've been back on track & in the gym for a little over a month now. Cardio is what I seem to get enough of, but I'm struggling with finding the time between cardio workouts to add strength training & muscle toning. For this reason and because of what I've read here, I'm leaning toward P90x3.

    I'll save PiYo for the next cycle - when I need to push beyond what my body has gotten used to.

    Thanks everyone for all the advice & feedback!
  • dnmonk
    dnmonk Posts: 1 Member
    I just stumbled upon this thread. I know its old, but there still might be some people trying to decide about these programs. I did a review comparing P90X3, T25 and 21 Day Fix. These all have shorter workout times and lower the "I don't have time" excuse level. Each program has its strengths and particular focus. I've actually done all three and love them. You can check it out here: http://ifitnessteam.com/?page_id=1618

  • seachelle76
    seachelle76 Posts: 27 Member
    I once started P90x a few years ago and didn't stick with it due to the length of the workouts and not liking some of the workouts. I also got too annoyed with Tony Horton for reasons I can't quite remember. I loved T25 and did Alpha, Beta, and Gamma. I managed to stick with the program as scheduled (didn't do the diet) and lost some inches and about ten pounds without that even being my goal. It's short, varied, I don't find Shaun T annoying, and I liked the modifier options (as I truly do have a left knee issue that's been my bane for a decade now). I found it neither too easy nor too difficult, which was another reason I stuck with it. I thought it was fun. I know nothing about 21 Day Fix.