april41981 Member


  • Hey ladies, I stepped on the scale yesterday and lost another 2 lbs this past week. I was super stoked. Today, I am so stressed, I've already eaten all of my calories for the day. :( I have my Team Weight Loss class tonight. It's going really well, I am really liking it. Before I go, I'm getting an MRI done on my left…
  • Man! I've missed out on a lot lately!! The only think I hate about message boards is not knowing when someone adds to them. If only this message board would send me an email when one of you posts!! Things are good for me, I am working on setting some goals so that I can post on Sunday & Monday. I'm still here, so don't…
  • Hey #13 Ladies! I hope our group isn't dwindling too much!! I noticed that not many people are posting much anymore! This is the first week of my exercise class! Monday was good, we had a quick introduction. Last night, Wednesday, I got my first butt kicking and now I am super sore. And yet, I'm super excited what this…
  • Hey all! I think life is trying to keep me from losing any more weight. :( My sister is so busy with wedding plans, my other sister is having pregnancy complications and my hubby has almost completely given up on losing weight himself. I'm trying to claw my way out... my class starts Monday, the team weight loss class. It…
  • Hey Everyone!! Sorry, I've been MIA lately. REALLY tough week last week. I was busy and felt like doing nothing at the same time. I apologize that I wasn't a good team member and there to help cheer you all on. You have done it for me and I intend to keep returning the favor!! I am slowly getting back on track... I have…
  • Just a quick check in from me... I weighed in and am down to 364.0!!! I've lost 16 lbs. total. This is super exciting for me because this means that I've met my first mini goal today. I lost 10% of my total weight loss goal. So excited!
  • Hi Everyone!! I will play along and introduce myself as well... I'm April. I'm 30 years old and live in Tempe, AZ with my hubby David (6 years in March) and our absolutely wonderful daughter Evelyn (she will be 3 in October). I work for the United Methodist Church as an administrative assistant to the district…
  • bump for save! thx! :)
  • Hello Ladies! I am always last, but I've figured it mostly because I'm on the US West Coast timezone! You all must be a few hours ahead of me. :) Last week's goals: My CBG was: 900 (3 times on the treadmill for 30 minutes) I only logged fitness for one day last week (oops) that was equal to 390 burned calories. I'm sure…
  • Good morning ladies! I'm starting to think that I may be the last one to reply to everything because I'm at the end of all the time zones. :) I weighed-in this morning and was pleasantly surprised to see that I went from 368.8 to 368.7! LOL! This week was rough, so at least I didn't gain!! I am so proud of everyone for…
  • Hello Ladies!! I am feeling about 90% better today and working my way to being back on track. Being sick always throws me off. Tiffany (bearsfan2334) has been an absolute angel and godsend for me the last two days. She kept me motivated, willing and helped me not to quit. Thank you so much! The poem that autiemommy posted…
  • Hey Everyone! Sorry I'm so late! Weekends are hectic for me. Ya know.. trying to cram in as much as possible!! My CBG is: 900 (3 times on the treadmill for 30 minutes) EG: No soda and 64 oz. of water each day!!
  • Thanks!! That was super helpful!
  • The group sounds great! I'm still trying to figure out how to find our group thread though. I haven't been highly active on the boards, so any help with this would be great. My starting weight on July 5th, was 380 lbs. I have lost 12.5 lbs. to date, so I am currently weighing in at 377.5. I want to lose weight because it's…
  • You've already got mine too! :) - April
  • I want to be apart of the group! :D
  • I have Hashimoto's disease as well as hypothyroid. I've been on medication for over 3 years now. I unfortunately don't have any dieting secrets, but do understand what you are going through in that aspect. I've only started on MFP a little over 2 weeks ago. Because my TSH levels are stable because of medication, my doctor…
  • I get these awesome rice crackers from costco and eat them with 1 wedge of light laughing cow cheese. Yum.
  • I'm new also! I have the same issue! I always start a program with good intentions, but I love to cook and always feel like a diet won't let me eat what I want. I also hope to find a way to learn that eating is not supposed to be an event or a reward, but a way to fuel my body.
    in I'm new Comment by april41981 July 2011