Lucky #13 - CLOSED GROUP



  • IamJustSanie
    IamJustSanie Posts: 93 Member
    Good morning ladies... Had a horrible weekend and was thrown completely off. I did get 70% of my house together. Most of the laundry is done. My gooals for this week is to complete everything I didn't last week. ANd I have to work on drinking my water when I am home.
  • justnname
    justnname Posts: 162
    Happy Monday

    What a busy Weekend.. Didn't hit my 70 :sad: I will just have to hit this week.. Didn't hit the 5500 CBG:sad: thats because I took Thursday off. I woke up on Thursday feeling the effects of Wednesday training session.. OUCH!!!!! I was really close though.

    So I am going to keep the 5500 CBG
    EG I need to pick up some new work pants that fit.. I am tired of walking around in pants that fall off.. Never thought I would say that again..

    I hope everyone had a great weekend..
  • Wrap Up: I reached my CBG (3680/3500) and went to Zumba twice (EG) so I was very proud of myself!! :bigsmile:

    This week is going to be pretty crazy, I am starting back at an old job part time - just 1 or 2 nights a week - and my sister is out of town so I am helping watch her boys. I also have a work meeting Wednesday. Unfortunately with working Tuesday and Wednesday nights, I will not be able to go to Zumba this week!! :sad: I am kind of upset but I will just have to get my butt moving other ways. With that said, my CBG will be a little lower this week.

    CBG: 3000
    EG: Return some clothes that do not fit (I think these were the clothes where I really had my *fat* moment of knowing I needed to do something. I ordered all larger sizes. Although must of my clothes are pretty snug, the size up is a little big but just thinking of having to do it made me come to a sick realization of needing to do something NOW)

    I hope everyone has a great week, please check in as often as you can... I love hearing from all of you!!
  • mrswilson0511
    mrswilson0511 Posts: 128 Member
    hey everyone!

    i just want to send the biggest apology to everyone in the group! I had a serious funk this last week and just completly let my group down. I did read everyones post I just wasnt in the mood to respond or to add anything. I think working to jobs and doing my crafting and couponing in waht little free time I had just finally took its toll on me. But this last weekend I had a 3 day weekend from both jobs and went camping with my best friend and some other people. I think it was what I needed. I feel so much better after being away from everything. I work both jobs mon-fri this week then have my husbands family renunion about an hour and half from where i live that will be a good test of how good i can be mainly since all of the us women usually drink bottles (yes bottles) of wine.

    I truly hope everyone is doing great and that this is an amazing week! I am starting a 6 week biggest loser bootcamp dvd today. (yah go me!) so my goals this week revolve around that.

    CBG- i dont have a number this week but to do at least the level one of bootcamp everyday this week
    EG: friday night after Im done with both jobs to make my delicious mac salad, mexican dip and to try these awesome low fat chocolate chip cookies. I will post the recipe wednesday.

    love you all!!! we will kick some butt this week!!! #13
  • justnname
    justnname Posts: 162
    Happy No excuse Tuesday!!!

    Okay.. Saw the Dr this morning, the nurse asked why I was there.. I asked her which side she wanted to start with.. LMAO!!! She looked at me funny when I listing my injuries.. Got shot up in my knee.. Stair master here I come..

    Got to the Gym at 5:30 this morning.. 4 people commented that I was early today.. What do think that means?

    Everyone Get their Sweat on this today..
  • @ Lynda: That means you are a regular! :love:

    Unfortunately, I can not make it to the gym today... I slept in because I work both jobs and I had to come in early since I have a doctor's appointment so my day is 7:30am - 9:30pm kind of day! :tongue: *squeeze in doctor appointment* I DID go to the gym twice yesterday though - didn't burn much though since I lifted in the morning...

    My exercise will be standing on a cement floor being a delightful sales associate :bigsmile: I haven't worked retail since January so I am hoping my heels are not burning tomorrow morning!!
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    Had a bad weekend :-( back on track. Hope you gals are doin great
  • april41981
    april41981 Posts: 20 Member
    Hey Everyone!!
    Sorry, I've been MIA lately. REALLY tough week last week. I was busy and felt like doing nothing at the same time.
    I apologize that I wasn't a good team member and there to help cheer you all on. You have done it for me and I intend to keep returning the favor!!
    I am slowly getting back on track... I have been eating out a lot the last 4 days and had a major binge. I didn't track any of it cause I knew I would hate myself. Tonight, I'm heading to the gym for 1 more trial run of my team weight loss class before it becomes a regular routine. I have to commit to 3 nights a week (MWF) for the next 3 months starting on the 22nd of August. I'm SOO scared about the time commitment and how my daughter will handle it. But hubby insists that he will handle it and that I need to go. :heart: Hubby is a very special guy and I am blessed. :smooched:
    I hope that throughout the next 3 months I will still have you all by my side, cheering me on. You all have been a great source of strength and hope. Thank you!!

    - April
  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    Hey Everyone!!
    Sorry, I've been MIA lately. REALLY tough week last week. I was busy and felt like doing nothing at the same time.
    I apologize that I wasn't a good team member and there to help cheer you all on. You have done it for me and I intend to keep returning the favor!!
    I am slowly getting back on track... I have been eating out a lot the last 4 days and had a major binge. I didn't track any of it cause I knew I would hate myself. Tonight, I'm heading to the gym for 1 more trial run of my team weight loss class before it becomes a regular routine. I have to commit to 3 nights a week (MWF) for the next 3 months starting on the 22nd of August. I'm SOO scared about the time commitment and how my daughter will handle it. But hubby insists that he will handle it and that I need to go. :heart: Hubby is a very special guy and I am blessed. :smooched:
    I hope that throughout the next 3 months I will still have you all by my side, cheering me on. You all have been a great source of strength and hope. Thank you!!

    - April
  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    Rats, I never know how to do that right, I was going to respond to April and assure her that we will be here over the next 3 months and beyond to cheer her on. Love you April and the rest of the group!
  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    So here it is wednesday and in reality I have GAINED weight! I have not claimed it or posted it because I hope to get a grip and get it off again soon. I have over indulged myself in my moody funk that I have been in and have shown no will power the last few days (week) Today, I did get to the grocery store and that should help get me back on track. The last week and a half has been very hectic and I am still not sure which direction to go in. This week I have only excercised one time. That is so not like me. I don't get too crazy in the gym like some of you (I wish I had your energy and determination) but I normally do something 4-5 days a week. Tomorrow is another day and I have all ready set my alarm to get up early and get moving. So if I have a goal this week it is to stop sabotaging behavior.
  • autiemommy
    autiemommy Posts: 238
    A day late!!!

    I am so sorry that i have been so disconnected this last 2 weeks things are crazy. Kids started school and then the pain just set in worse. So i have been running to drs and such. I have been keeping up with everyones posts. And you all are amazing with these workouts and weight losses. Im jealous lol....

    1 1/2 lb extra lean (95%) ground beef 1 1/2 cup (6 oz) shredded nonfat Cheddar cheese, divided 1/2 cup salsa, divided 8 cup salad greens 1 cup chopped tomato 1 1/2 cup black beans (if canned, rinse and drain) 40 baked tortilla chips (optional) 2 lb ground beef (80% fat-free lean) 1 1/2 cup tomato sauce 1 1/2 oz dry taco seasoning mix 21 1/3 oz canned pinto beans 1 large head iceberg lettuce, shredded 1 1/3 cup chopped tomatoes 2 3/4 cup shredded Cheddar cheese 8 medium-sized deep-fried corn tortilla bowls 1 cup sour cream 1 cup salsa Directions:
    Brown the beef in large non-stick skillet; remove from heat. Stir in 1 cup shredded cheese and 1/4 cup salsa; mix until blended. Spoon onto serving platter.

    In a large bowl, toss together salad greens, tomatoes, black beans, remaining cheese, and salsa. Spoon salad over meat mixture, top with tortilla chips and serve.

    CALORIES 178 cals
    Fat 2.8 g
    Saturated Fat 0.8 g
    Cholesterol 22 mg
    Sodium 487 mg
    Carbohydrates 21.2 g
    Fiber 4.4 g
    Total Sugars 2.5 g
    Protein 17.6 g
    Calcium 260.0 mg
  • justnname
    justnname Posts: 162
    Happy Thursday.. May today be better than yesterday. Very Stressed this week.. One more day left.. Woo Hoo..

    I am extremely happy that I have DO NOT have lunges butt this morning.. Doing the snoopy dance for that..

    Hope everyone gets Thier Sweat on today..

    Yep I am stealing another recipe from Mrs Dash. If anyone wants to make it for me.. Just tell me what time to show up

    Plum Sause Chicken

    Prep Time:10 min
    Cooking Time:35 min - 40 min
    Ready In:50 min

    1 Tbsp. (15mL) Mrs. Dash® Extra Spicy Seasoning Blend
    6 (4 Oz.) (115g) boneless skinless chicken breast halves
    2/3 cup (160mL) oriental plum sauce
    1 Tbsp. (15mL) lite soy sauce

    1. Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C).Place chicken in a nonstick baking pan.
    2. Combine plum sauce, Mrs. Dash® Extra Spicy Seasoning Blend and soy sauce in small bowl. Pour mixture evenly over chicken, turning pieces until well coated.
    3. Bake uncovered 35 to 40 minutes, or until chicken reaches 170°F (77°C).
    Nutrition Facts

    Servings: 6

    Calories 188
    Total Fat 2g
    Trans Fat 0g
    Sodium 343mg
    Potassium 381mg
    Total Carb. 15g
    Protein 27g

    Not a significant source of calories from fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, dietary fibers, sugars, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and iron.
  • mrswilson0511
    mrswilson0511 Posts: 128 Member
    I thought everyone could use a sweet treat! I havent made these yet but her website never lets me down. It is amazing I make stuff from it all the time! Im hoping to make these sunday.

    Skinny Low-fat Chocolate Chip Cookies
    Gina's Weight Watcher Recipes
    Servings: 12 • Size: 2 cookies • Old Points: 4 pts • Points+: 5 pts
    Calories: 170.7 • Fat: 5.0 g • Protein: 1.4 g • Carb: 34.5 g • Fiber: 1.4 g • Sugar: 25.4 g
    Sodium: 113.1 mg


    1/2 cup granulated sugar
    1/2 cup brown sugar
    2 tbsp butter, melted
    1 egg white
    2 tbsp apple sauce
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    1/2 cup whole wheat pastry flour
    1/2 cup all purpose flour
    1/4 tsp baking soda
    1/8 tsn salt
    1/2 cup mini chocolate chips


    Preheat oven to 350°. Line two cookie sheets with non-stick silicone baking liners such as Silpats (I highly recommend for best results) or lightly spray cookie sheets with cooking spray.

    In a large bowl, combine the flour, baking soda and salt and stir to blend. In another bowl, whisk the sugars, butter, egg white, applesauce and vanilla together until light and fluffy.

    Whisk the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients in two additions until the batter is very well blended. If the batter looks more “crumbly” than smooth, add just a drop of water at a time (ONLY if needed) until it smooths out.

    Fold in chocolate chips.

    Drop by level spoonfuls about 1 inch apart onto baking sheets.

    Bake 8 - 10 minutes. Remove from the oven, and let them stand 5 minutes before removing the cookies from the pans to cool on wire racks
  • justnname
    justnname Posts: 162
    TGIF Lucky #13

    I was hoping to lose 4lb this week, but I didnt Just the 2 to bring me to 70lb.. I am very happy with my progress, I am just waiting for my mind to catch up.. I head still thinks I am over 300lb. Half way to my goal.. :happy:

    I knees/calf are feeling good so I went back to my interval training.. Man, I can do the Elliptical no problem 5 mins on the stairmaster just takes everything out of ya.

    @ Tiffany Where are you girl?

    @ April. I have about 7 pair of slacks Mostly, INC and Lane Bryant brand, 5 pairs of 3x sweats pants, 6 pairs of shorts. They are yours if you want.. Just pay for the postage. Size 24

    If April not interested, if any one else wants them just let me know or I will just give them to good will.

    @ Kelly I hope you get the Job.. If you were closer, I would go to you.. My estitition went into a executive suite last year because it was getting so tough.

    I am missing Diane and Steph the last few weeks.. I hope they are enjoying their Vacation..

    Everyone have a Healthy and active Weekend. Go get your SWEAT ON!..
  • april41981
    april41981 Posts: 20 Member
    Hey all!
    I think life is trying to keep me from losing any more weight. :(
    My sister is so busy with wedding plans, my other sister is having pregnancy complications and my hubby has almost completely given up on losing weight himself. I'm trying to claw my way out... my class starts Monday, the team weight loss class. It meets MWF and I'm panicking about the time away from my family with everything that is going on. I'm so overwhelmed. I haven't been online lately at all - MFP, Facebook, email - nothing! I've been trying to keep up with my diary tracking. I haven't been doing great, but would still write it down in my journal, I just haven't been hitting the "completed diary" button.
    I'm sorry to be ranting, but I know you all will understand. Keep on doing what you are doing, you all inspire me so much!!


    P.S. Lynda, as long as your pants aren't petite length, I am defintely interested!! I'm a tall , but I'm sure I work with average lengths too. Any idea how much the postage would be? I'm in AZ. Thanks so much!!
  • mirna_ayala0428
    mirna_ayala0428 Posts: 406 Member
    Good morning my lovely Lucky #13 ladies.

    I was gone on 1 week vacation and unfortunately, continued with my vacation last week (eating wise). I am trying to refocus this week. My one month goal is to get to Onederland by the middle of October and this week's goal is to eat better, drink plenty of water and get at least 30 mins of cardio per day.

    I hope you have been doing great, if not, this is our chance to refocus and achieve our goals.

    Who's with me?????:happy: :wink: :drinker: :blushing:
  • @Mirna - I'm with you :drinker: << - water of course. I don't even think I could look at beer after yesterday...

    Hello Ladies-

    As some of you know, I had a rough week last week. I weighed in this morning and gained .2 lbs. It could be worse, I also have my period so that has a little something to do with it. I never used to get it, but I have like clockwork the last 2 months (exactly 30 days apart) so something is working right!

    I didn't even come close to reaching my CBG last week, had a little over 1,000 cals burned and my EG is still sitting there (return the clothes)... :grumble:

    New Week. Fresh Start. Happier Me.

    CBG: 3500
    EG: Return my clothes and work out on Saturday (I have to work all day - we have a benefit so it will take some energy to get out of bed early before headed out)
  • justnname
    justnname Posts: 162
    Happy Monday!

    Today is a new day.. I met my CBG bearly, I am loving my new Workout Music even though it old music.. I was listen to so much classic rock I forgot I like pop music too.

    Yesterday was such a bad day.. I so emotional ate.. Ate back all the calories that I burnt. :sad:
    I can't let other people effect my eating!!

    I think everyone is back from Vacation except Mandy.. I hope you all had a great trips.. I need a vacation.. Wish could take one

    @Tiffany you can't look at another beer until tonights preseason game.. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Enjoy your Days!!!!!
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    Happy Monday! My office is 100% back in business... So I will be on more... Anyone got low carb side ideas???

    EG: Keep my desk clean
    CBG: 90 minutes a day of working out 30/60 I must bike 60 minutes a day this week
This discussion has been closed.