Lucky #13 - CLOSED GROUP



  • autiemommy
    autiemommy Posts: 238
    My Friday Check In

    Sadly i did not mean my CBG i got to 2291 but my goal was 3500 so i was negative 1209. Yuck.. And the scale proves it i lost 1 lb. :( But i did however complete my EG i made a adorable baset of bows for my friends newest bundle of joy.

    Along with a 4 tier diaper cake...

    This has been a hard week. Ive been feeling under the weather. But im still pushing. just gotta kick it up and push a lil harder.

    So proud of all of you for your losses...
  • StephanieDJL
    StephanieDJL Posts: 130 Member
    Hi guys!

    Unlike my mum who managed to get up & get busy, I slept in & with the rush of getting on the road, I didn't get chance to get weighed. I don't imagine the results are very good though! I've felt exhausted this week idk whether it's due to being TOM or just a a lack of sleep. I haven't been able to go to any exercise classes as my exercise buddy (SophieMarie_90 on here!) is back at uni & I haven't had the energy or motivation to do anything other than the odd bike session. Huge thanks to all of you who encouraged me to get off my butt & do something.

    Wishing you all a fabulous weekend, it's another long day on the road for me & workingmumof4 tomorrow before we reach our destination in France x
  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    ut oh, I forgot to check in yesterday so here it is. 265.4 which was wonderful to see the scale go down.
    I did better in cardio this week. I worked out 5 days if I am not mistaken.

    NSV: the black capris that I have never been able to wear, the darn things zip up on the side which is a little awkward. I was able to fasten them at the top but not zip. There was a time that I was not able to even get my rear end in them. This is so close. Soon, very soon....
  • mirna_ayala0428
    mirna_ayala0428 Posts: 406 Member
    Hi my lovely #13 ladies. I will be unable to weigh in Friday. Out of the country until 8/14/11. Take care and be good!
  • autiemommy
    autiemommy Posts: 238
    Setting my goals i think im early.

    But here we go:

    CBG- Set to 5000 set it a lil higher since todays workout i burned 1138.
    EG-- Get to the store and get some heavier weights and new running stores. Not a big energy goal but i never go out to the store for just me. And when im out shopping for the kids i forget what i need.

    My quote for the day: :) I may not be there yet but im closer then i was yesterday.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful week.
  • bearsfan2334
    Hey All -

    @Autie: No problem. I made it so people can check in Sunday or Monday - whichever day works best for yourself!! :glasses:

    I just got back from vacation last night. I didn't log much, so honestly - I have no idea how awful it may or may not have been. We drank quite a bit since you pretty much party all day and then head to the concerts. On the upside of things - I was way more prepared with food than I have ever been on vacation. I brought carrots, apples, string cheese, pitas and hummus for snacks. I also had chicken sausage instead of brats.... Vacation was tonssss of fun! We have great friends and all of the acts were great so we really enjoyed ourselves. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Weigh-In: My scale is dumb and hates me. :explode: :angry: It was way off each time, I couldn't come up with one exact weight in the 5 times I tried before I left Friday morning. I tried to post on here but service was pretty poor. My new scale should be in this week so I will post my new weight when it arrives.

    WRAP - UP: CBG: 3958/3500 ----> OVER 458!! I also helped my friend move so the energy goal was completed as well!

    Goals for this week:
    CBG: 3,500
    EG: Go to Zumba twice this week :tongue:

    Thanks to everyone who checked in and is staying on track. You are all wonderful and the accountability of this group is fabulous. I plan on changing the settings for My Diary this week so it can be viewed. I wanted to get past this vacation. Can't wait to hear from you all and get back at it!! :heart: :heart:
  • autiemommy
    autiemommy Posts: 238
    Thanks @Bear.

    Hope that you enjoyed or are enjoying your vacation.

    I agree we have a amazing group of women.:heart:
  • justnname
    justnname Posts: 162
    Happy Monday Lucky #13

    I must confess splurged this weekend between tom and bday shingding it was bound to happen..Today I am back to my Healthy lifestyle.

    I went over my 5000 CBG last week so I am going to up it again.. 5500
    EG get my laundry finished so can sort the clothes that don't fit me

    Mine main goal this week is to hit 70lbs!!!!!

    Big losses this week.. We can do it
  • IamJustSanie
    IamJustSanie Posts: 93 Member
    Good morning Lucky#13

    Aside from getting my house to the point I consider clean I did pretty I went over my CBG and ended my week with 4632. I have to think about my goals for this week. It's getting kind of hard to keep up with my household duties and my gym schedule. I May have to tweek it have some more at home time...ugh its hard work getting rid of this weight. Wish it was this hard to put it on cause I would never have done it....
  • elambabe
    elambabe Posts: 28
    Good morning #13's!

    I am exhausted, but I have finally finished my finals for summer semester. I am so happy to be done. Now I can get on the band wagon.

    CBG: 3 times at gym this week
    EG: I am going to do some cooking and freeze it so that I have healthy stuff easily ready to eat when things get busy again.

    You all are amazing. Thanks for all of your inspiration. I had an old woman walk up to me at the grocery store last night, and tell me that I was very overweight and started insulting me a lot. She was just an old lonely lady wanting to chat. I have always been taught to respect the elderly, but I couldn't even listen or even tell her goodbye. I just found my bf and left the store.

    I cried until my bf made me feel better, but it just got me to thinking about how so many people in this world are out to judge our bodies and make us feel like sh--, but that's what makes our group and MFP different. Even if we are called fat or icky, we can know that there are at least 12 other people like us that know what it's like to have a lot to lose and that are still facing every day with determination and support. Thanks #13!!
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    Happy Monday all, So sorry I've been it and miss. But with my new job, my volunteer work, and making sure I work out.... I barely have MFP time...

    CBG: 1000 cal a day +
    EG Making time to post on mfp

    Didn't lose or gain last week. Which was ok. Between TOM and my 3day party for my daughter I'm excited...
  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    A day late for monday and a day early for wedneday. Yesterday was a tough day. I started my new job. Got news of the death of a member of the congregation. Very sad. On the way home from work someone hit my car and didn't stop. That lead to police report and all of that. I missed an appointment with one of my personal clients which was stinky due to the accident. I feel overwhelmed right now. If you break it down it really isn't bad. I just have to remember that. I also got a call from a company that I am interesed in working for to set up an interview. It never hurts to talk. Ok, I just rambled on.

    This week my goal is to work out for at least 30 min each day monday - friday. MWF - cardio T Th weight training.
    energy goal is just to make it through the week :)

    I wish you all success this week in all that you do. You all are an amazing group of women. So proud of all your accomplishments. You encourage and inspire me on a daily basis. It helps to keep me going.
  • autiemommy
    autiemommy Posts: 238
    NSV Had to share with my lovely #13

    So every month or so i try on this pair of capris that were given to me, that were WAY TO SMALL. I couldnt even get them over my thighs. Well This morning i got into them had to lay down to button them up but they are on wow... I got into a 15. OMG so thrilled. I know sizes run different and this 15 fits and others might not but i have been noticing more and more things. Like when i do my zumba i wear runners capris lol. and i keep having to pull them up and even tied i have this gap from where its tied to the button.. So thrilled had to share with everyone... Dont think ill be wearing this pants out but they fit... WOO HOO
  • bearsfan2334
    First off, thanks to everyone for the encouragement the other day. This has just been a rough week and I am so darn sick of going to doctors!! :mad: I am hoping they can figure out some of what is going on with my body within the next month.

    Congratulations Jenn!!! That is a great NSV. My recipe below is very kid-friendly btw... :love:

    I still have not heard from some of you girls yet this week so make sure to stay on top of things! You will only get what you give... :bigsmile: And let me tell you - I am getting some rocking positive people who inspire me everyday!! :laugh:

    My recipe-- PARMESAN CHICKEN TENDERS WITH MARINARA SAUCE --- nom nom nom :tongue:

    1 spray(s) cooking spray
    1/2 cup(s) seasoned bread crumbs, Italian-style
    3/4 oz reduced fat parmesan cheese, finely grated (about 1/4 cup)
    1 tsp garlic powder
    3 large egg white(s)
    1 pound(s) Chicken, breast, raw, without skin & bone, cut into 24 thin strips
    1 cup(s) marinara sauce, heated (optional)

    Preheat oven to 400°F. Coat a 9 X 13-inch baking pan with cooking spray.

    Combine bread crumbs, cheese and garlic powder in a small, shallow bowl. Whip egg whites until foamy and place in another shallow bowl. Dip chicken first into egg whites and then into bread crumb mixture to coat thoroughly. (Note: You may use boneless, skinless chicken tenders instead of chicken breasts, if desired.)

    Place chicken tenders on prepared pan and bake until crispy, about 25 minutes. Serve chicken with warmed sauce. Yields about 6 chicken tenders and 1/4 cup of sauce per serving.

    >>>>>> These are super easy, we made them the other night and are 7 points plus for weight watchers. We made a double batch because Greg eats much more than I do and I took some for lunch yesterday. With that said, I do not have exact counts for a single batch and do not have time to figure it out today. Sorry! <<<<<<<
  • justnname
    justnname Posts: 162
    Happy Wednesday!

    I hate drs.. I had an appt yesterday the dr was 3 hours behind.. I rescheduled for a morning appt. No Dr is worth a 3 hr wait.

    I can't believe I pulled my calf again..I had a plan.. I was going to the dr (see above) to get a shot of cordisone in my knee, This morning I was going to get back on the stairmaster and treadmill for my cardio before my Devil APPT.(I get pain in my knee when I do High Impact cardio) Now, I have to put a hold on those workouts.. ARGH!.. :explode:

    Onto the Postive stuff..
    Jen that is a great NSV.. So Proud!!!!!

    Kelly I hope the new job is going well and your week gets better..

    For those of us watching our salt intake.. Have you ever tried Mrs Dash Seasoning? They have no sodium.. and are really good..

    They have a great website with recipes.. Here is one that I attempted.. The sauce came out really good, but the chicken wasn't edible..

    Prep Time:5 min
    Cooking Time:6 min - 8 min
    Ready In:13 min
    3 Tbsp. Mrs. Dash® Tomato Basil Seasoning
    4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
    4 oz. can no-sodium tomato sauce
    2 Tbsp. shredded low fat Parmesan cheese
    cooking spray
    1. Heat a large sauté pan to medium. Spray pan with cooking spray and sauté chicken breasts on each side for 2 minutes.
    2. Combine tomato sauce with 2 Tbsp. of water and 2 Tbsp. Mrs. Dash® Tomato Basil Seasoning.
    3. Add tomato mixture to chicken. Sprinkle evenly with remaining Mrs. Dash® Tomato Basil seasoning and Parmesan. Turn heat to simmer and cover. Cook an additional 2 minutes.
    4. Remove from heat. Keep covered. Rest 2 minutes. Plate, spooning pan juices over each breast.
    5. Bake 35 to 40 minutes or until chicken reaches 170°F (77°C).
    Nutrition Facts

    Servings: 4

    Calories 158
    Total Fat 4g
    Trans Fat 0g
    Sodium 111mg
    Potassium 268mg
    Total Carb. 2g
    Protein 27g
  • elambabe
    elambabe Posts: 28
    Good morning everyone. I cooked a lot last night. I made a veggie soup to freeze and also a chili in the crockpot today...which was my goal. I will include my WW chili recipe because it is SOOO easy and pretty healthy too. Sorry I don't have the specific nutr. info since I got it from WW. I lower the sodium by getting reduced sodium beans or rinsing them. It is sooo easy.

    Crockpot 3 Bean Chili

    20 oz ground turkey 99% fat free
    1 cup onions
    28 oz canned diced tomatoes
    16 oz canned tomato sauce
    15 oz canned garbanzo beans
    15.5 oz canned black bleans
    15.5 oz red beans
    2 Tbsp chili powder

    Brown turkey and onion in a medium skillet over medium high heat until cooked through.
    Drain any fat remaining and transfer to crock pot. Add the beans, chickpeas, tomatoes, tomato sauce, and chili powder mixing well. Cook on high 6-8 hours.
    Garnish with onions, cilantro and cheese (not included in points) and enjoy!

    5 points plus per serving...Serves 12. I made this, let it cool completely, and put it in 1 cup containers and froze them. They are perfect to take with your lunches and last in the freezer for a while.
  • elambabe
    elambabe Posts: 28
    My recipe-- PARMESAN CHICKEN TENDERS WITH MARINARA SAUCE --- nom nom nom :tongue:

    Wow Tiff, this looks yummy. I will have to try it tomorrow night.
  • justnname
    justnname Posts: 162
    I am so upset.. I'm trainer going to lose my trainer in Nov.. He just sent me an email that once I hit the 100lb mark that He was going to retire.. I know I'm a tad over emotional today.. But this just sent me over the edge. I know there are other trainers, but I really thought I would have him at least until I reach goal.. I need that push to do more.

    Soo SADDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • autiemommy
    autiemommy Posts: 238
    Hey my lovely #13's. Sorry i missed some check ins. I apologize things are crazy hectic getting the things ready for the kids to start school on Monday. I have two special needs children. And we had therapy evals for school and IEP's etc etc. But i promise starting next week i will get back on track. I hope since i just found out that the bus that should be pickin my kids up will not arrive till 9. When school starts at 7:45.

    I have a recipe i would like to share but i only have a few minutes so i will post is asap. :)

    I have been enjoying looking through all of the posts and seeing wonderful losses and burns.. I am so happy and proud of all of you!! ♥

    My scale was down 1.8 lbs. And i have been thrilled with the comments i am getting from people. Wanting me to start a class lol..

    But one things that urks me lately. People ask me what are you taking? I said what. They think im doing HCG, diet pills prescription meds or something like that. I said no i take a swift kick in the butt every morning LOL. Workout and lifestyle changes because this is not a diet this is a new and improved me.. :)
  • autiemommy
    autiemommy Posts: 238
    New Week New Goals:

    CBG- 5000 calories.. Woo hoo i think i can i think i can.

    EG- Go through the kids rooms and storage and finish creating there new homework "nook"

    Hope everyone has a great week.