Lucky #13 - CLOSED GROUP



  • autiemommy
    autiemommy Posts: 238
    Happy Monday! Everyone!

    This have been crazy here as well. Its also my tom so ive been quite cranky. I did meet my goals at least. And based on the scales i lost 2 lbs. So i guess thats good but on the same hand its not as things have been super busy that i forget to eat till 3-4 pm. :( gotta work on that.

    So my CBG is not really a burn number but do do 4 90 minute workouts this week. I have been steadily decreasing the time in work outs.

    EG: Finish these bow orders and learn how to take in clothes. :)
  • justnname
    justnname Posts: 162
    Happy Hump Day

    Where have all the good post gone?

    I have the day off today YIPPEE...I got my face waxed.. I'm a girl again.. Snoopy Dance.

    How is everyone else day going?
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    I know w/ me and school & work I'm burried sorry love yall tho
  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    here it is wednesday again. I am an emotional wreck. I saw my father for the first time in many years, he was in the hospital and his condition appeared to be grim. Seeing him has brought a lot of emotions fooding back. The good news is instead of running to food for comfort, I really don't feel like eating.

    I hope all of you continue to do well. Blessings to all of you
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    here it is wednesday again. I am an emotional wreck. I saw my father for the first time in many years, he was in the hospital and his condition appeared to be grim. Seeing him has brought a lot of emotions fooding back. The good news is instead of running to food for comfort, I really don't feel like eating.

    I hope all of you continue to do well. Blessings to all of you

    I know how hard it can be, the urge to eat when emotions take over. My father is chronically ill and we live day by day. It's hard to stay positive at times. Think of the good times and keep your faith in prayer thats all you really can do is hope, and pray he's there tomorrow. Prayers and hugs your way.
  • justnname
    justnname Posts: 162
    here it is wednesday again. I am an emotional wreck. I saw my father for the first time in many years, he was in the hospital and his condition appeared to be grim. Seeing him has brought a lot of emotions fooding back. The good news is instead of running to food for comfort, I really don't feel like eating.

    I hope all of you continue to do well. Blessings to all of you

    You are having a bad emotional month. I am so sorry about your Dad. We are here for you. What is helping me through My dad's ordeal is a lot of positive thinking and focusing what I can control, my eating and exercise.

  • april41981
    april41981 Posts: 20 Member
    Hey #13 Ladies!
    I hope our group isn't dwindling too much!! I noticed that not many people are posting much anymore!
    This is the first week of my exercise class! Monday was good, we had a quick introduction. Last night, Wednesday, I got my first butt kicking and now I am super sore. And yet, I'm super excited what this class is going to do for me!!
    I am keeping you all in my thoughts in prayers.

    Lots of love,
  • mrswilson0511
    mrswilson0511 Posts: 128 Member
    Hey everyone!!!

    I have completly been MIA and not been able to post as much as i would like. :cry: I have noticed like everyone else that we arent posting as much. I totally have a suggestion and please everyone let me know waht you think!!! I know personally i have a hard time being able to post on here 3 times a week. So this is my suggestion, every monday or friday we set a group challenge that all of us are working to each meet. So for example: starting next monday get at least :drinker: 64oz of water a day or getting 5 total servings everyday of combined fruit in veggies, etc. We can either choose to continually build on the previous weeks challenge or just do one challenge every week. Does that make sense??? :huh:
    It similar to the personal goals we are setting for ourselves every week but i love having everyone working for the same weekly goal.

    Also I find having monday's be a weigh in day makes your be more responsible for your choices ocver the weekend but we can totally stick with friday. i just really think that if we choose to do the challenges then the weigh in day needs to be the same day as the start of the challenge.

    Then I really like posting the recipes, so i think we should stick with that on wednesdays still. And then of course you can feel free to continue to post as much as you want but a minimum of a one day check in!

    I really really want everyone of the Lucky #13 to succeed and be able to rely and be accountable to each other. So what do you guys think. If you guys arent into it dont worry my feelings wont be hurt just a suggestion of what Ive seen work.

    love you all!!!
  • Hey Girls:

    First off, this is a little long so please take the time to read it. Secondly, this is typing so please don’t take it the wrong way if I come across too brash. As most of you know, I am usually pretty cheery! :bigsmile:

    I have been thinking the same thing with lack of posting. I have tried to remain active and continue to post. This week has been very crazy at work – we have 2 events this weekend and I have worked at my other job as well.

    I was thinking of revamping some things...

    GOALS: I would like to continue to do Goals at the beginning of the week. I started this group for more of a support system than anything else. We can do it a little differently though. I like the idea of an EG because it keeps me working to get stuff that needs to be done in life. Granted exercise and watching what we eat is important, but life must go on… :sad: I also see people doing their own “challenges” in their CBG such as when you say “I want to get a work out in 3 times this week.” Personally, I don’t care what you do for that as long as it gets you moving. I like setting a calorie goal because that is what works for me. I want you all to succeed in whatever way works best for your lifestyle. :flowerforyou: We are in this together. :heart: So I say, keep the EG and CBG because we are familiar with that but set either one at whatever works for YOU. If you need to drink more water – do that as your EG. If you want to challenge someone, send them a personal message or let us know.

    WRAP-UP: Optional – If you want to do this to stay on track – go for it! No time – don’t worry about it!!

    WEDNESDAY: Optional again - I think it is fun to check in mid-week. I like the pick me up and the recipe sharing is something fun. Do whatever you want this day, vent, share recipes, post quotes, post pictures, tell jokes – I don’t care, I just love hearing from all of you.

    FRIDAY: Weigh In – ***NO MORE WEIGH INS*** We can see when you weigh in on your status and can see the amount of weight lost on your ticker. I think most of us have different weigh in days anyways. I only chose Friday because my cheat day is usually Saturday or Sunday. Weigh in when you want, and we all see it anyways and I always see you all posting encouraging comments! :love:

    To wrap this up, you will only HAVE to post on Sunday or Monday what your goals are and if you have time, do a recap or post other days. Let me know what everyone thinks. If you want, send me a personal message. I just really enjoy reading about all of you and want to keep us intact. Thanks for all the effort so far. It has not gone unnoticed. :heart:
  • IamJustSanie
    IamJustSanie Posts: 93 Member
    I think a lot of us aren't doing a lot of posting because we converse back and forth very often thru our regular page. (At least thats my excuse) I sometimes forget to come here to do my recap.
  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    I like posting here because we are a small, close group. I don't always give you what you are asking for like recipies or even EG. But I like a place to come to check in with all of you. I do like the idea of a challenge because much of the time I lack motivation but enjoy a healthy competition. People are in different places in life. Some have kids that just started a new year, others have job challenges. I think you will see this eb and flow from time to time. It doesn't mean that this group is not successful. I like catching up with what all of you write. I feel like I am getting to know you for it. I wish all of you every success!

    Now let me tell you some great news, I received an acceptable offer on the posh med spa job. Next week I will be going with them to a training seminar. Some details have to be worked out. I am starting out PT which works well for me. I do have one late night that I have to work which never excites me but it is doable. Now what to do with the job I just started....
  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    Hey #13 Ladies!
    I hope our group isn't dwindling too much!! I noticed that not many people are posting much anymore!
    This is the first week of my exercise class! Monday was good, we had a quick introduction. Last night, Wednesday, I got my first butt kicking and now I am super sore. And yet, I'm super excited what this class is going to do for me!!
    I am keeping you all in my thoughts in prayers.

    Lots of love,

    April, your class sounds great. I wish I could do it with you!
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    Unfortunately all I have had time to do it read. From my cell phone :-( My daughter goes back to school this coming week. I am starting a new business venture. I also have to schedule her (my daughter) 34th surgery for some time this fall. I do apologize that I haven't been around but as a solo parent( not single but not living together). Lately I cant find me time. I hope to post soon again. On a good note I am down to 217 :-)
    Love you all

  • autiemommy
    autiemommy Posts: 238
    I have been feeling bad about not posting i tend to forget lately. I apologize yet again. I have been doing my workouts and eating right just forget to post here. I am so sorry ladies. I thought things would get smoother with the kids in school but alas no.

    I do keep up with all of you wonderful ladies on your pages though. Everyone is doing great.

    EG: To log posts when i am supposed to this week. :)
  • autiemommy
    autiemommy Posts: 238
    Arlene- I hope that your daughters surgery goes well. Schools been in for 2 weeks here. I am a single mom so i totally understand what you mean and where you are coming from... Hugs
  • justnname
    justnname Posts: 162
    Happy Monday

    My heart goes out to Kelly! :heart: My thoughts are with you!

    Okay I got 2 weeks of over 5500 CBG to I am going to up it again to 6000. That means so two a days..
    I did my first jumping jacks in EONS on saturday.. I had a lot of jiggling going on.. LMAO

    My EG this week is getting back into the pool.. or finding another outlet besides the gym to get some cardio in..

    @Tiffany Feel better girl
    @Sauchie Good Luck on your new venture and your Daughter Surgery.. 34 WOW! She got to be a strong brave girl!
  • Hi everyone!

    I reached my CBG last week (4253) but still need to do my silly return. I finally found a box so I can ship the stuff out soon. I have had a rough weekend. I didn't feel well and slept for 12 hours. My workout this morning was tough. I plan to go back tonight but Dad just invited me over for supper. I was planning to make a chicken recipe from Gina's Skinny Recipes... It's too hard to say no to him AGAIN, I have turned him down the past 2 times he has called.... I will have to make the chicken tomorrow night instead.

    My goals:
    CBG: 3600
    EG: I need to figure out Greg's birthday gift. I'm stumped. :sad: He wants red velvet cake, that is all he has told me.

    Everyone seems to be having some hard times lately. My thoughts are with you all, no matter what is going on - we are always here. :flowerforyou: Keep pushing through and let me know if I can help...
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    Happy Monday all.

    Down 2 ounces from the weekend not to bad since I was over on carbs.
    @ Tiffany wtg

    Thank you all for the well wishes. Off to pass out!

    Goals this week

    EG: Finish 1023 form
    CB: Bike 60 minutes a day for 5 days!
  • Happy Hump Day Hotties!

    I am feeling pretty good this morning, got up early and made an omelette. I don't usually hit up the gym until after work because yesterday and today are ZUMBA DAYS! I keep falling more and more in love with zumba, it makes me feel fabulous! My week has been pretty good, still taking it one day at a time. :tongue:

    My recipe for the day is below. We made this last night and OMG, it was delish. Greg even liked it, and I made him eat the spinach in it! You can barely taste the spinach to be honest. :wink: It is sooo good though, must make. Ok, ready GO!
  • justnname
    justnname Posts: 162
    Happy Hump Day!

    I have a tough decision.. What time should I close on Friday? I know it is a tough one. LMAO

    This morning I was so bored on the elliptical machine, so i decided to switch things up. I did a mile on the Elliptical, The Arc for half a mile, treadmill for a halfmile, the bike for 2 miles, then back on the ellipitcal for another mile. Almost an hour later I was drenched.

    I attempted cooking last night. Well do you call using the George Foreman Grill Cooking? I Alway over cook the food.. So I figured I will use a timer this time. 4 mins.. I went to check on the chicken before the time went off.. BURNT! LMAO

    I think we have lost Diane and Steph. :sad: :sad:

    hope all is well with everyone. Go get your SWEAT ON!
This discussion has been closed.