Lucky #13 - CLOSED GROUP



  • mandycasey
    mandycasey Posts: 274 Member
    Hi sorry for being late again. I had a pretty good week lost 2 pounds - 1 more till 60 :happy: I beat my cals burnt target this week but next few weeks are going to be tough, as my kids are home now and my zumba class has finished 4 few weeks, still hoping to get out walking with my kids and i'll eat as healthy as i can.
    Target 4 this week 1200 cals burnt
    And spend more time with my kids.
  • mandycasey
    mandycasey Posts: 274 Member
    Hi sorry for being late again. I had a pretty good week lost 2 pounds - 1 more till 60 :happy: I beat my cals burnt target this week but next few weeks are going to be tough, as my kids are home now and my zumba class has finished 4 few weeks, still hoping to get out walking with my kids and i'll eat as healthy as i can.
    Target 4 this week 1200 cals burnt
    And spend more time with my kids.
  • mandycasey
    mandycasey Posts: 274 Member
    Hi sorry for being late again. I had a pretty good week lost 2 pounds - 1 more till 60 :happy: I beat my cals burnt target this week but next few weeks are going to be tough, as my kids are home now and my zumba class has finished 4 few weeks, still hoping to get out walking with my kids and i'll eat as healthy as i can.
    Target 4 this week 1200 cals burnt
    And spend more time with my kids.

    Mandy xx
  • mandycasey
    mandycasey Posts: 274 Member
    Hi sorry for being late again. I had a pretty good week lost 2 pounds - 1 more till 60 :happy: I beat my cals burnt target this week but next few weeks are going to be tough, as my kids are home now and my zumba class has finished 4 few weeks, still hoping to get out walking with my kids and i'll eat as healthy as i can.
    Target 4 this week 1200 cals burnt
    And spend more time with my kids.

    Mandy xx
  • april41981
    april41981 Posts: 20 Member
    Hello Ladies!
    I am always last, but I've figured it mostly because I'm on the US West Coast timezone! You all must be a few hours ahead of me. :)

    Last week's goals:
    My CBG was: 900 (3 times on the treadmill for 30 minutes)
    I only logged fitness for one day last week (oops) that was equal to 390 burned calories. I'm sure that I did more burned calories than just that 390, but since I forgot to log them, I will say that I missed my goal last week.
    My EG was: No soda and 64 oz. of water each day!!
    I think that I had 1 soda all week, but not zero, so I missed that goal. I did meet my 64 oz. of water though! YAY!!

    This week's goals:
    My CBG is: 900 or 3 times on the treadmill for 30 minutes. I will also make it a goal to be better at journaling any of my workouts/activities.
    My EG is: Eat breakfast everyday and again 64oz. of water each day.

    Thank you ladies for being such an amazing source of support and inspiration. You all are awesome!!
  • mrswilson0511
    mrswilson0511 Posts: 128 Member
    hey everyone! this will be a short quick post and I have been MIA over the last few days will fill you all in later! I will go back through and read everyones posts! I lost a pound this week! Be back in a bit to really comment! =)
  • StephanieDJL
    StephanieDJL Posts: 130 Member
    Hi lovelies!

    I'm so happy for everybody, we're all doing so well! I finally reached my 10% weight loss goal at Weight Watchers this week so that was great! (even if I'm not following the pro points plan LOL)

    Just a quick post from me too as I'm off to bed!

    Last weeks goals:
    CBG: 3000 - I burned 6995, so goal reached!
    EG: Take pictures for my proper blog - done & done!

    This weeks goals:
    CBG: 4000
    EG: Sort out all my washing & pack before Thursday so I'm ready for my holiday.

    Here's to an amazing week! xx
  • mrswilson0511
    mrswilson0511 Posts: 128 Member
    See i was in such a hurry the original point of me posting was to tell you guys that I lost a pound!! LOL
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    CBG: 9,000 calories
    EG: Spend more time outside
  • elambabe
    elambabe Posts: 28
    See i was in such a hurry the original point of me posting was to tell you guys that I lost a pound!! LOL

    Wow, congrats!
  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    Hi lovelies!

    I'm so happy for everybody, we're all doing so well! I finally reached my 10% weight loss goal at Weight Watchers this week so that was great! (even if I'm not following the pro points plan LOL)

    Just a quick post from me too as I'm off to bed!

    Last weeks goals:
    CBG: 3000 - I burned 6995, so goal reached!
    EG: Take pictures for my proper blog - done & done!

    This weeks goals:
    CBG: 4000
    EG: Sort out all my washing & pack before Thursday so I'm ready for my holiday.

    Here's to an amazing week! xx

    Congratulations on meeting that 10% goal, I know how huge that is and how happy I was when I finally met it. Way to go!
  • elambabe
    elambabe Posts: 28
    :happy: Hey everyone, I just want to say that I am glad to be a part of this group. Go 13#!! I am sure that there will be plenty of time to get to know one another since we are in it to lose 100 pounds, but I just want to introduce myself a little and hope that you all do the same since I would love to know more about you.

    My name is Jessica. I am from Utah. I am in my senior year of college and will graduate in the spring. :drinker: I work for the air force as a civilian, and I have a boyfriend, but I am not married. I am 25, and have made my health last in my long list of priorities. Honestly, my wake up call was when I saw how fat my feet look right now. They definitely look like "fat people feet" and it is what is driving me to change because it feels real now. Weird, I know.
  • Oooooo - I like this game Jessica. I want to play too! I think you should post a picture so I can put a face to your name.

    Hi everyone!! *waves* I'm Tiffany and I'm from Wisconsin. Well, I live in Iowa like 7 minutes from WI but I still say WI because let's face it - it is a better state! :tongue: I am in love with my Mr. Greg and he is absolutely wonderful. We are not married (someday) but we do have our own place. I am 24. I currently work for a nonprofit in the Community Relations department. I get to help plan and go to a lot of special events and fundraisers. I also manage the website, brochures, advertisements and all graphics - hence why I am on a computer all day! I love, love, love the Chicago Bears. I even traveled with a few players to Mexico a few years ago. I like to coupon and love to craft. I am also an avid shopper. :embarassed:

    Hrmmm - I'd have to say my wake up call has always been there. I have tried to do things countless times but have had a hard time "making things stick." I think a big thing for me was when I joined weight watchers. I weighed in at 293 lbs. None of my friends believed me. I worked in retail and love fashion so I am pretty decent at "camoflauging" my weight often. I need to post a full body picture but as I'm sure all of you are familiar - I do not have many of those. I carry most of my weight in my stomach, arms and boobs. Over the years, other areas have suffered, but for the most part - that's where it's at!

    As some of you know - I have a double whammy when it comes to weight loss. :angry: I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and hashimoto's thyroiditis. Pretty much - I am insulin resisitant, have cysts on my ovaries and have an underactive thyroid. I have a really hard time losing weight. I am planning to see a nutritionist soon but I still have some more tests this month and am hoping to get on some meds for my thyroid.

    I am so happy to have started this group. I think it will make the experience that much more worthwhile but I really think it holds me accountable more than anything. Too often, I have fallen off the band wagon and no one is there to pick me back up. They just say - "Cmon Tiffany - want to go out tonight?" I am done with that path. I need to lose this weight. I am ready.

    Sorry this is so long - if you are still reading, thanks! Also - if you are still reading... Please know that I do read each and everyone's post. Even if I don't say it in here, I prefer personal messages but I am thinking of you all and sincerely appreciate all the support. We have big things in the works! Once we get a little more established - we can throw in some challenges. Much Love :heart: :heart:
  • justnname
    justnname Posts: 162
    I’ll play

    My name is Lynda, I am from Massachusetts, but have been living in Florida for 21 years. I am about to have my 21st anniversary of being 21. Don’t hate me, but I am an Insurance Agent. I am single. This is my 3rd time losing this weight. I would get close to goal then self sabotage and gain it all back.

    I am a HUGE Football Fan. :heart: :heart: :heart: :love::love::love: the New England Patriots, hence my photo of Pat the Patriot. I am also a crafter and make jewelry.

    My wake up call, was walking up at 40 years old, realizing I was existing but not living. Both my Aunt and Cousin have had bypass surgery, so went looking into it. After my 3rd visit of what I could and couldn't do I realized surgery wasn’t for me. What I really need was Therapy. Therapy really helped get rid of all the negative thoughts that brought on the sabotage. I really believe in Therapy, so If I get too preachy just tell me to shut up. I won’t take offense. LOL

    Last Nov a woman in my office building introduced me to her gym and her trainer aka the devil. Please note she does triathlons for fun. I know CRAZY!!!!!! When I first started I just went to the gym when I had the appointment now I go to the gym 6x a week.Who would of thunk.. Not me.. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    If there is anything else you would lke to know just ask :happy:

    Hope all is well with everyone. Look forward to get to know you all

    @Tiff WI and a Bears Fan?Did WI run you out off town to Iowa? LMAO
  • mirna_ayala0428
    mirna_ayala0428 Posts: 406 Member
    Hi my name is Mirna. I'm a divorced mom to a wonderful 7 yr old named Tien. I've gotten several wake up calls but I choose to ignore them. What started me on this journey was when my sister asked me to be in her wedding. Now, I've stuck with it for 8 months, even though I have had my ups and downs.

    My plan is to continue with this journey until I reached my goal. I do want to be healthier and in better shape by my 40th birthday, which will be in January 2013.
  • mirna_ayala0428
    mirna_ayala0428 Posts: 406 Member
    “The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when he discovers that someone else believes in him and is willing to trust him.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Thanks to your support and words of wisdom, I have overcome my demons/sadness. I'm proud of myself this week so far, I have tried to eat better, have definitely drank my water and exercised. Exercise wise I think I will not only reach my goal this week but surpass it. The beauty of it all is that I couldn't have done it with you all by my side cheering and supporting me.

    So thank you for being my pick up for the week!!!:happy: :heart:

    Lighter heart, lighter body!
  • elambabe
    elambabe Posts: 28
    I am about to have my 21st anniversary of being 21.

    I love this! Haha. :laugh: If I ever need insurance, I will know who to call now.
  • autiemommy
    autiemommy Posts: 238
    I never did my intro. My name is Jennifer and i am 30 a single mom of 3 wonderfully crazy kids. Two of my children are autistic and happen to have genetic disorders. My wake up call was when i got kicked off a ride at six flags because i couldnt fit in the buckle. I live in SC now but im a transplant from NY..

    I started getting bigger and bigger ironically at 9 when i had a brain tumor removed that was stunting my height weight and all over growth. By 16 i weighed 339 lbs. I also had a problem with my thyroid and kept ballooning up to 400. I eventually got sick of it and just stopped the medicine myself. Not too smart i know. But the weight slowly came off. I got down to 280 and got pregnant with my first son. And it seemed every time i lost weight i got pregnant.

    I really hit my despise level of my weight when carrying my son who at the time couldnt walk sit up or stand. I decided that was it so last september i went and got workout dvds, scales, weights everything and then in January i found MFP i started and its really shown me how bad i was to my body thinking oh one cookie isnt going to hurt this coca cola is ok.

    I finally feel better about myself i know i still have a weighs to go but i can run around in the yard, play carry the kids and not break a sweat or have to sit down cause i cant breathe.

    So after all that this is my wednesday check in: Been a hard week so far!!! I havent been on MFP as much as i want. But first all of you are doing AMAZING!!! I love coming back here and reading the posts... Go #13!! I feel so blessed to have been able to join this group and have such amazing women. And a big shout out to bearsfan thank you so much for checking on me. It truly means alot!! ♥ :)

    Im sharing a recipe i found it on Spark People: I need something my kids would eat and they loved this.

    Its called Salsa Turkey Burgers
    1lb. ground turkey (99% fat free)
    1/3 cup seasoned bread crumbs ( i used a lil less)
    4 tbsp chunky salsa (use medium or hot for extra kick)

    Combine all ingredients till well mixed
    Add salt or pepper to taste.
    Divide into 4 patties.. ( I divided into 6 i like smaller )
    LIghtly spray frying pain with cooking spray and cook over medium heat until cooked thoroughly ( about 10 minutes) clipping once about half through.

    ( i also dried out the patties this is just something i do to remove more grease i had my gallbladder out and me and grease dont mix.)

    Calories 161.8
    Total Fat 1.5 g
    Cholestrol 70.1g
    Sodium 276.4 mg
    Carbs 7.6g
    Dietary Fiber 0.5
    Protein 29.4 g
  • HIIIIIIIIII :bigsmile:

    Man - I still can NOT believe the amount of energy and happiness I have been experiencing. It's a little ridiculous. I want to walk up to some random on the street and be like "Yo - put a little pep in your step!!" :tongue:

    I like the whole get to know you thing. I hope more of you let us in on your life. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    My recipe for the week is Apple Turkey Burgers. nom nom nom :love:

    1 lb lean ground turkey
    1 Granny Smith apple, peeled, cored and grated
    1/2 tsp ground coriander
    1/2 tsp salt 1/4 tsp pepper
    1 can (8 oz) jellied cranberry sauce
    1/2 tsp dry mustard
    1/8 tsp ground cinnamon
    1/8 tsp freshly grated nutmeg
    4 hamburger buns, split

    Preheat grill for direct-heat cooking.In medium-size bowl combine turkey, apple, coriander, salt and pepper. Mix gently. Evenly divide and shape turkey mixture into 4 burgers, approximately 3-1/2 inches in diameter.Grill turkey burgers 5 to 6 minutes per side or until 165ºF is reached on food thermometer and turkey is no longer pink in center.In small bowl, combine cranberry sauce, mustard, cinnamon and nutmeg. To serve, place burger on bottom half of bun, spoon sauce over burgers and top with other half of bun.

    I wish they had more Smiley's - I really like using them :smooched:
  • IamJustSanie
    IamJustSanie Posts: 93 Member
    I'm next!

    My name is Cassandra but all my friends call me Sanie. I am a newly married as of March 31st and a mother of 3. I work for The Delaware County Housing Authority (Section8) as a caseworker. I also have my Real Estate License (havent been doing much with that) My wake up call was looking at my wedding pictures. I was a WHALE!! A pretty whale, but still a WHALE! My husband and I separated 2 years ago and he lost about 50 pounds, soon as we get back together here came the weight..(Comfort weight) We are both working at getting back to a healthy size. I have always been skinny and busty, WTH happened?? Now I am a whopping size 22. I want to be at least a 12-14. I don't want to be "skinny" I just want to be healthy and sexy. You guys have helped me stay on track and I LOVE you guys for it! I love MFP!
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