Lucky #13 - CLOSED GROUP



  • autiemommy
    autiemommy Posts: 238
    Woo hoo Wednesday im staying true to my EG lol. Things are smoothing out here which is so nice.. Yay and i feel great even though i found out i cant see a pulmonogist in SC cause no one takes my insurance so if it gets bad and i cant breath or my chest makes it hard to breathe i should just go to the ER. But at the drs today i had to weigh in and since my last weigh in i have lost another 2 lbs woo hoo. Im so happy im so close to the one club i can taste it ...

    Speaking of taste im so nervous about trying new recipes in maagzines but i made this today for my kids and they loved it. Its in Prevention

    Skillet Mac & Cheese
    360 calories
    8g sat fat
    540 sodium
    5g fiber not sure on carbs

    2 cups caulifower florets
    1 1/4 cup whole wheat bread crums toasted
    3 tbsp grates parmesan
    2 tsp extra virgin light olive oil
    6 oz whole grain elbow macaroni about 1 1/2 cups
    3 tbsp all purpose flour
    3 cups cold 1% milk i used unsweetened almond milk
    1 1/4 cups shredded chedder
    1/4 cup shredded Gruyere
    2 tsp mustard powder
    3/4 tsp paprika
    1/4 tsp cayenne

    Steam cauliflower until tender. about 5 minutes finely chop.
    Mix bread crums parmesan and oil.
    Cook macaroni per pack instructions drain 3 minutes before done
    Whisk flour into milk in large saucepan Bring to gentle boil over medium heat, whisking simmer until slightly thiskend 2-3 minutes.
    Stir in cheeses, spices and 1/2 tsp salt and pepper to taste ( i only added a dash of salt.
    Whisk until mixture is smooth about 1 -2 minutes add cauliflower and macaroni stir.
    Pour into oiled deep 10 inch ovenproof skiller and top with bread crumb mixture. Bake at 375 until brown and bubbling about 35-40 minutes
  • autiemommy
    Ahhhhhh! Had to come and post i seem to be loosing more weight lately. And my inches are going with it im not complaining. But like i posted before i like that people are noticing but they act like wow ya know i know 70 lbs is alot but they make it seem like i was really really huge. But today my neighbors daughter asked me if im doing drugs. Seriously smdh :( and she said im sorry i see you everyday and you have changed so much in a few days. Im not the only one that thought it and she named off people that did. WOW i was like really. First i would never take illegal drugs or waste my money on those weight loss pills and drops. and thirdly I dont care what people think.

    So but on that note. I am so happyh when i checked my bmi and im no longer obese im just in the over category. :)

    How are all of you lovely #13's doing?
  • justnname
    @ Jennifer Congrads on your weightloss. You are doing great! You get the Drugs question, I get the Surgery question.. They don't seem to believe me when I say Diet and exercise..%$!# Them!!! I am very Jealous that you have reached the over.. I got another 50lb to go until that.. :happy: What a great picture of You and Your Son.

    Well its Friday... I am having an AWFUL TOM!!!!! Didn't get my morning workout in..:sad: I am leaving work early today so I will get in this afternoon..

    I hope everyone has a SAFE and HEALTHY Holiday Weekend! I got my weekly visit to My Grandmother tomorrow.. Hopefully she will be awake.. She turned in 100 in June, she sleeps A LOT! :laugh: :laugh:
  • StephanieDJL
    StephanieDJL Posts: 130 Member
    Hi ladies!

    It's been too long, huge apologies on my part.

    I didn't expect to not have internet on vacation (hence not saying bye) & although I still tried to use the app for the first week, a lack of internet made it difficult to stay on track. Although I did initially lose weight thanks to all the swimming & bike riding, by the second week I'd gone off track with food. After vacation, I was home for 2 days where I was mostly at work & then I spent another internetless week at a festival. Luckily the avoidance of food & the amount of walking meant I ended up losing the weight I'd gained back on holiday.

    I've been back at home since Monday night & with working & catching up with friends I've been finding it difficult getting back into a routine. After the amazing response and encouragement I got after the last time I found myself slipping I know I should have got back on here sooner in order to get the kick up the butt I need but as my weight hasn't decreased in a month I feel like I've let you all down.

    Today's a fresh start, I've logged everything & I'm back to feeling positive about this.

    Well done to everybody for being amazing, I can't wait to get back on form :)
  • autiemommy
    Well my EG goal was to post on the set days and i almost made it lol. Yesterday was a off day as my son was home from school with a sprained ankle and allergic reaction to sand flea bites from the sand box at school. And since he has special needs he has no like feeling for pain.. And its been a challenge to get him to stay off his ankle.. :(

    But plus side i lost 3.2 lbs this week. I am loving the custom workouts i make up lol. Really keeping me on track. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend. And ive already come up with my healthy alternatives.

    And had to mention i made breaded chicken cutlets for my fam last night and instead of breading mine i marinated it in some bruschetta light italian dressing and when i cooked it it was so yummy almost like chicken soup. MMMMMM good..
  • autiemommy
    Have a Superfantastical Sunday!

    I am getting ready to take my kids to go to my aunts they are excited. ♥. I have set my goals for the week.
    CBG: 4000 calories
    EG: To complete these orders and make my first tutorial video. :)

    Also i have tried the photo edit thing can anyone help me figure it out i want to take the pic of me and my son as my before and add my new profile pic as the after and make it big enough to see but i cant get it right..
  • bearsfan2334
    Hi Ladies!

    @Steph: glad to see you back, we all missed you and your Mum!
    @Jen: Sorry, I think all pictures load at the same size. Have you tried to do a before and after pic on It is really easy to use, you just have to set up an account. Sometimes if you search the forums, someone else had the same problem. Also, those people are crazy jealous. Eff them :mad: , you look fabulous and I know you are strong enough to net let anyone drag you down.

    I did pretty well on my goals last week, burned around 4200 cals and spoiled Greg, as if that should come as a surprise! :love: I made the red velvet cake yesterday and I am planning on eating it. It looks delicious but I am not going to be joining Cake Boss anytime soon if you know what I mean!!

    This week:
    CBG: 3700
    EG: Lynda and I joined a Challenge team and we have some brutal workouts (well I think so) coming up so I want to complete them! I also work Wed and Thurs night so this could be a very crazy week for me!! :frown:
  • justnname
    Happy Labor day!

    Had the day off today.. Yea!!! Back to work tomorrow.. I working by myself this week. YUCK!

    I completed my CBG by 40 calories.. PHEW! I am going to stick with the same this week 6000.
    My EG Get my Laundry Room clean out to make room for my New Dryer.. It has been an expensive weekend.. (dryer broke)

    Ever since I seen that Pumpkin Muffin this morning my mouth has been watering.. But I am worth not eating it.. The Memory has to be enough. Soo YUMMY
  • mrswilson0511
    mrswilson0511 Posts: 132 Member
    Hey ladies!!

    This is my last week of working two jobs, as much as i really love it I am ready to have my life back to normal so i can get back into my routine.

    CBG-isnt a number this week but i am doing the biggest loser bootcamp dvd-this weeky my goal is to in preperation of adding level 2 next monday is to due level one twice back to back every other day. I know adding level two will still be hard but im hoping that doing level one twice every other day will help build up my stamina to add the 2nd level.

    EG: starting friday be able to tackle my craft room, as i have been working two jobs my room has gone neglected and stuff just kept getting thrown into it. It is an absolute disaster! i tried yesterday and it was so overwhelming that i had to walk away!
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    Hey gals,

    Busy week this week

    CBG: working out 4 days this week 3500 cals

    EG: Not yawning at work!
  • mrswilson0511
    mrswilson0511 Posts: 132 Member
    Happy Wednesday everyone!!! We are half way through the work week already! I had a great day yesterday got my work out in during my lunch then worked my second job last night. We are in the play offs and were super busy, I was pouring beer and running back n forth between the two stands none stop last night, definitly sweated my butt off lol! We lost last nights game :cry: but we will win tonight (hopefully) and that will put us in the championship round!! :happy: Ive only got 2 more days of working two jobs then back to having my evenings free to be able to get in an extra work out. Tonight will be a blast my bestie's little sister turns 21 and we are taking her out to the bars. :drinker: (<----that will be her tonight)!! Anyways I hope everyone has a fantastic day yesterday and can get a good burn in!!! love you all!!! :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • april41981
    april41981 Posts: 20 Member
    Man! I've missed out on a lot lately!! The only think I hate about message boards is not knowing when someone adds to them. If only this message board would send me an email when one of you posts!!
    Things are good for me, I am working on setting some goals so that I can post on Sunday & Monday. I'm still here, so don't forget me!!! Lots of love!!

  • mrswilson0511
    mrswilson0511 Posts: 132 Member
    So I am a pretty big country fan and just got great seats to see Miranda Lambert and Justin Moore. The concert is Oct 13th, so I have a little over a month. I have decided to challenge myself to lose 8-10 pounds before the concert and hopefully that will put me into my smaller jeans. right now I can wear them but its not attractive at all muffin top would be putting it nicely. LOL :laugh:

    So if i count this morning I am 1.1 pounds towards my goal!
  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Life has been a challenge lately to say the very least. I have had a hard time emothionally and physically. I am happy to report that I am doing better in both areas. I went to the dr on friday and he hooked me up with some good stuff to blow that cough and symptoms out of me. I am feeling so much better.

    I started the new spa job last week. That was a struggle because of how I was feeling. This week will be so much better. I will be working there t-th.

    With the improvements in the weather, I hope to start taking the dog out for our c25K training soon.

    I have fluctuated in weight loss between 35 - 41 pounds lost. I need to keep pushing towards 50 pounds and beyond. I am ready to get motivated again. Thank you all for your continued support. I really aprreciate it
  • justnname
    I am feeling very unmotivated.. The Devil was afraid I was getting burnt out. So recommended not going to the gym his weekend..I didn't go to the gym all weekend. it was weird I plan everything around my workout. I really need a vacation.. Since my Dad became sick, I have had NO TIME Off.. I am really Work Burnt out. Please understand, I have have as much time off as I want.. I just can't take it.. I can bearly take off a day with out the phones call or texts. Take 2 days off my clients come looking for me. I am hoping next month after he comes back from MA and Cancun.. He will be physically able to work a whole day. Fingers Crossed.

    This weekend I decided Lynda needs some fun her life. There is NOTHING to do in Florida in Sept, unless you want to eat drink or go to the beach. I don't like the beach.. I am not a drinker.. Well Food got me into this mess.. I never thought I was worthy of getting pampered.. I now know I am.. but it still awkward getting pampered.. I had my 3rd pedicure this weekend.. and I even went all out and got my toes polished. The first time I did nothing, the 2nd I got clear.. the 3rd I got sunset over cairo.. I got color on my toes. I'm getting use to someone scrubbing my feet.. Each time will get easier right?

    I am about 2500 calories short this week.. I am keeping it status quo of 6000.
    EG.. I just signed up for a 6 week basic cooking class. It starts next month.. I am really proud of myself for actually signing up. I am working on becoming more social.\

    Hope all is well with everyone
  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    Lynda, you are so cute, "each time it will get easier" All it ever took was one time for me. Pretty toes and great hair help me feel better about myself and it makes me glad that I am feminine. Keep getting those toes done, go crazy! lol
  • mrswilson0511
    mrswilson0511 Posts: 132 Member
    Pedicures are my absolute favortie!!!!!!!!
  • april41981
    april41981 Posts: 20 Member
    Hey ladies,
    I stepped on the scale yesterday and lost another 2 lbs this past week. I was super stoked. Today, I am so stressed, I've already eaten all of my calories for the day. :(
    I have my Team Weight Loss class tonight. It's going really well, I am really liking it. Before I go, I'm getting an MRI done on my left knee. It's been bothering me during workouts a lot lately.
    I tried ZUMBA for the first time this last Saturday. LOVED IT!! And so much burn!!
    I would really like to lose 3 more lbs before Sunday. I would be down 25 lbs at that point and I think it would help me move forward. I guess I better get my butt in gear!! I'm doing really well with water consumption, I just need to eat some stuff that is good for me!!!
    So... my goals this week are to keep drinking a minimum of 64 oz. of water per day and to continue with my 3-day a week workouts. My NEW goal would have to be to eat at least 1 serving of vegetables during every meal this week. :)
    I hope you all are having a great start to your week!!!

    Love, April
  • bearsfan2334
    Hey Ladies! Glad to see you are all getting in the swing of things for the week too :bigsmile:

    Last week was crazy, I barely had enough time to think. It was a little too nuts, even for me... I had a rough week with food, exercise and my back. I threw my back out mid-week but had to work 13 or 14 hour days Wednesday and Thursday. Needless to say, I didn't get to the chiro until Friday and he told me to lay off the exercise. We had two weddings this weekend as well. I also ate poorly so I am just having a hard time getting in the right mindset. It's funny how if you don't exercise, you want to eat "bad" food and feel worse. This week is much less crazy, I only work Thursday night. I will be out of town this weekend though.

    CBG: 2500
    EG: I am just trying to stay motivated this week, we already have plans to go to a fundraiser for my nephew at a Pizza joint on Wednesday - good thing Zumba burn is that day!!!
  • autiemommy
    Oh wow i am so sorry that im a lacking MFP buddy. I keep forgetting when i get on to log in my lovely #13 log.

    But i did set a calorie burn goal was 4 45 minute walk/ runs not a number im finding that i get to fixated on a number and it really messes with me...

    And my EG was to find a pulmonologist somewhere in NC SC or GA that would take my insurance. But since my daughter got hurt at school on friday and now my son yesterday all my efforts have been on the school. I understand its a special needs class and things are different and i could handle it when all my daughter got was a black and blue ear i know kids get scrapes and bruises but when that same child made my son bleed and need stitches ( which due to dr concern and known history with stitches he got derma bonded) it becomes a diff story. But the school said due to privacy issues they cant tell me if anything will be done. :( If it waws my child that injured another i would want to at least call the parents and apologoize for my childs actions and see if there was anything i could do. Ugghhh sorry to rant.

    But I AM SO PROUD OF EVERYONES NUMBERS I AM SEEING Yall TOTALLY ROCK!!!:smokin: Yall are some smokin hot mama's...:ohwell: :flowerforyou: