PCOS and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

Hello All:

I am new to this site and was wondering if anyone is familiar with either of these diagnoses. I have found a few topics with PCOS that have really helped answer a lot of questions. These posts have also made me realize certain things about my body - ex: weight goes to my tummy region...

I was diagnosed with both PCOS and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis almost 2 years ago. This past year, I have gained 25 lbs so it has definitely become more of an issue. I currently weigh 293 lbs (I think) and am aiming for a goal weight of 180 lbs.

I have tried a lot of different weight loss programs - Weight Watchers, Calorie King, Spark People, Livestrong, etc. I chose MFP because it is Free and I am able to have it with me at all times on my phone.

The reason I post this is because I am looking for a support system (as are a lot of other people it seems) and am wondering who is out there. If anyone has both diagnoses and can offer any kind of advice for weight loss, I would really apprecaite it.

Here's to a new life with different habits :wink:


  • jilliebk
    jilliebk Posts: 252 Member
    Hi there,
    I myself have PCOS, and I gotten the book, and follow the diets and the weight came off, r u on BCP?
  • bearsfan2334
    bearsfan2334 Posts: 137
    I think my last post made it sound a little like I only want advice if you have both diagnoses. EITHER/OR is just fine with me, any advice is fabulous!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    The Keys to weight loss is Consistancy, Eating Clean Healthy foods and working out hard

    Alsodo not eat processed or artificaly sweetened foods. No Pop diet or Regular. No diet foods.

    Knowledge is Power..... So know what you are putting into your body and Know that when you Put Junk and Garbage into it you will not loose weight or be healthy.

    When you Fuel your body with healthy nutritious foods in your body it will and mind will be at its best
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    It is so simple Yet People Make it so hard
  • mummyfin
    mummyfin Posts: 29 Member
    i dont have both but i have got PCOS. i find it hard to loose weight but am getting to where i want to be slowly but surely with MFP being a big help.
    add me if you would like and think it would help. i'm a big believe in encouraging people when it comes to weight loss :)
  • Mommyof3loves
    I don't know much about either of those. However welcome to MFP, this site has helped me be more conscious of the foods I put into my mouth and makes me want to exercise everyday no matter how little I still do something each day. So welcome and good luck on your journey :-)
  • april41981
    april41981 Posts: 20 Member
    I have Hashimoto's disease as well as hypothyroid. I've been on medication for over 3 years now. I unfortunately don't have any dieting secrets, but do understand what you are going through in that aspect. I've only started on MFP a little over 2 weeks ago. Because my TSH levels are stable because of medication, my doctor says the rest is up to me.
    I hope that some others can give you advice on PCOS. If you'd like to become friends, I'd be happy to send some support your way! Good luck in all you do!
  • bearsfan2334
    bearsfan2334 Posts: 137
    Hi there,
    I myself have PCOS, and I gotten the book, and follow the diets and the weight came off, r u on BCP?

    What book? Currently, I am not on BCP. I was on seasonique but it made me very sick.

    I am in the middle of quite a few doctor appointments right now. I have an appointment with the Endrocrinologist the end of August to see if I need TSH for my thyroid. After that, I plan to see a nutritionist but not much sense to make an appointment until I know if I need TSH or not... Still starting to eat healthy with or without the nutritionist, hence me being here!! :)
  • MissMichellemybelle
    MissMichellemybelle Posts: 70 Member
    Hi bearsfan!

    I also have Hashimoto's. My whole family does actually (well, most of the women anyways). Does it run in your family? I was diagnosed early (10 yrs old), because my Mom had it. I didn't start synthroid until I was 16, only then was I noticing symptoms (my hair started to fall out).

    As far as I know, weight loss for us is best done gradually and healthily. My endo. told me not to do anything "diet-esque" because our thyroid will just slow down even more. But healthy eating and exercise will work, albeit maybe a little more slowly and more difficult than we would like.

    It's tough not to get down about it. I feel sometimes that I work so hard on exercising to see very little results. But I think that can be said for alot of people who are trying to be more healthy.

    But, a HUGE motivator for me is something I found out several months ago. Jillian Michaels has hashimotos, and she lost all that weight and is amazing. So, its not impossible! Even with our lazy thyroids we can lose weight too!
  • evesacks
    evesacks Posts: 94 Member
    I have both....and I am now at GW of 120lbs (I am 5 foot 4) was 173lbs in Sept. I now cheat at weekends but I didn't when I was trying to loose. Probably ate some of my exercise calories but not all.

    Was diagnosed with both in 2002 when I came off the contraceptive pill. No periods, and exhausted. The hashimoto's wasn't a surprise as my mum and grandma have too. My sister as since been diagnosed since.

    I have found that the best way to loose weight is low/moderate carb and totally avoiding white carbs - I recommend Colette Harris's "PCOS diet book". I am actually doing my own version of dukan just now (no protein only days).

    If you add me as a friend you can see my food diary.

    I do exercise every day, either 30 day shred or gym.
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    Hi, while I don't have those diagnosis, my endocrinologist watches very carefully for Hashimoto. I was diagnosed in March w/ hypothyroidism while in the ER for having broken my leg. :cry: My levels were 252, the specialist that they brought in to my room that night (admitted as had to have surgery next day), said he could not believe I was able to even get myself off the couch.

    Lead me to realize that my weight gain was not ALL my fault though I did not have the best habits. Meds and right food choices have helped me to be able to not gained back all the weight I had started to lose these last few months while recouping.

    I'm trying to gain all the knowledge I can.
  • abbysmommy1
    abbysmommy1 Posts: 48 Member

    I joined MFP about 2 weeks ago for many of the same reasons you mentioned. I have PCOS too and would like extra support as well. Logging my food choices immediately has been a huge help for me, and the support net that MFP offers is invaluable to me. I'll add you, and maybe we can come up with somethign that works great together :)
  • ziggy67
    ziggy67 Posts: 351
    What is the difference between having Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and hypothyrodism? I am hypothyroid and take levothyroxine. I also had a blood test that confirmed I have thyroid peroxidase antibodies....is that the same as Hashimoto's? I am just curious as my Doctor is not very informative and this word does not crop up in his vocabulary.
  • MissMichellemybelle
    MissMichellemybelle Posts: 70 Member
    Hey ziggy,

    I'm no MD, but my family is fairly well versed in hashimoto's (we all have it)

    Hypothyroidism is where you have, for one reason or another, a lazy thyroid that is not making enough TSH.

    Hashimoto's is an autoimmune disorder, where our immune system attacks our thyroid, causing lowered productivity, which leads to hypothyroidism. The way to test for hashimotos is thyroid peroxidase antibody assays. If you have the antibodies, it is showing that you're immune system recognizes your thyroid as foreign.

    To the best of my knowledge... TP antibodies+ hypothyroidism= Hashimoto's or Graves. So not really sure why you're doctor thinks you don't have Hashimotos. But again, there is probably a lot of medical knowledge I dont have that your doctor does.

    The treatment is not any different. I too take Synthroid (levothyroxine).
  • wikkedpinkk
    I have PCOS as well and find it a bit more challenging to lose weight. If you've been found to be insulin resistant, an endocrinologist might prescribe you Metformin which is an anti-diabetic drug which can aid in weight loss combined with a low glycemic diet. I used to take it, but since I've been on my diet I haven't had a need for it. :) Feel free to add me if you'd like. I'm always here for support and I know what a pain in the *kitten* PCOS is.
  • ziggy67
    ziggy67 Posts: 351
    Thank you for the explanation Mlaning.....I always suspected I had hashimoto's although I have not been openly diagnosed with it. My Doctor tends to use the word Myodeama (not sure of spelling!) when he writes on my blood test request forms for TSH.
  • bearsfan2334
    bearsfan2334 Posts: 137
    Thank You so much! Everyone who commented is wonderful and I am looking forward to getting to know you all better.
  • charm_quark
    charm_quark Posts: 316 Member
    Well, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto 2 years ago and I'm on T4 since then. Last month, after 6 months of quiting smoking and after 6 kg I cannot loose, I had my blood tests again because I also had some problems with my period. The TSH hormone, was pretty high, although I take the pill every day, so the endo increased the mg that I take. He also told me that my weight gain doesn't have any connection to my Hashimoto thyroiditis...but...
    Today, while reading for it I found a lot of medical sites where I read that high TSH levels and Hashimoto are some reasons of gaining weight.... I don't know what to do anymore.
    I cannot explain why 2 months of good diet and everyday exercise didn't have any results.
    I stopped for a month the gym and I gain 4 kg!!! I just hope that my new pill will help me....
  • cornymama
    This may be a dumb question... What is PCOS? I do have Hashimotos and I have struggled with my weight the past several years. What diets or supplements seem to be the key to success with Hashimotos?
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    Its poly cyctic ovary syndrom...not exactly sure what it is but i think it makes you not be able to concieve a child >??