13 Women, 100+ to lose



  • april41981
    april41981 Posts: 20 Member
    You've already got mine too! :) - April
  • justnname
    justnname Posts: 162
    Hey Everyone, my name is Lynda
  • StephanieDJL
    StephanieDJL Posts: 130 Member
    Hi lovelies, I'm Steph. I've added you all in the hopes of getting to know you better! :)
  • autiemommy
    autiemommy Posts: 238
    Oh darn i missed it :(
  • IamJustSanie
    IamJustSanie Posts: 93 Member
    I am Cassandra AKA Sanie
  • mrswilson0511
    mrswilson0511 Posts: 132 Member
    I am Lindsay! Hey everyone!!!!
  • bearsfan2334
    bearsfan2334 Posts: 137
    Hey Girls - this first message may be a little long so please allow ample time to read:

    So after much thinking, I came up with some plans for the group.

    Plans :bigsmile:
    I lead a busy life as I'm sure most of you do as well. Check in days will be Sunday or Monday, Wednesday and Friday. These days, please respond to posts to remain accountable. If this is too much to ask, let me know. I do not think this is an overload of days but enough to stay on track.
    *Note: These days will be central time (American, I see we have some people from England!) so please figure it out for yourself accordingly*

    Schedule of days:
    Sunday or Monday: GOAL SETTING and WRAP UP (from previous week)
    You will set goals for calories burned for the week and an "energy goal." I chose 2 goals to keep it simple. I chose calories burned because let's face it, in order to burn off some of these extra lbs, exercise MUST factor in. Energy goal: In order not to get too sucked in to only worrying about weight, establish a goal for more productivity. It can be as simple as - plan my grocery list, take the stairs to work, take lil’ Johnny to the movies & resist popcorn. I am referring to it as an "Energy Goal" because I feel that when I eat right and work out, I have more energy enabling me to accomplish more. Also, we can wrap it up from the previous week in this post.

    You can use this day to do any or even all of the topics. I chose recipes because I didn't just gain weight by looking at food. :embarassed: I gained the weight because I cooked poorly with unhealthy items. :frown: You can share your new favorite meal or a low calorie find in the grocery store that is new. We can also use this day as a pick me up with quotes, NSVs (Non Scale Victories) or anything random/funny.

    Friday: WEIGH-IN
    That's it. :bigsmile: Record how much you lost. I will keep a spreadsheet. I chose Friday because personally, I always loose my focus on weekends. I think this will help to stay on track.

    This is not to say that you cannot post between days. I just wanted to have a more "set schedule" because I am a planner. This is a little late notice so "official start" will be next Friday, July 29 for the first week. We can use this week to get to know each other a little better and to become accustomed to "checking in." Our group thread will read "Lucky#13 - CLOSED GROUP." I will start a new thread each Sunday morning. I may need help some weeks if I am out of town so I was wondering if ONE other person will volunteer to start it if I am not around to avoid confusion.

    Something fun I thought we could do on our status updates if you are giving a shout out to the group is to end with #13 - kind of like a hash (yes, twitter talk)... "I can not wait for results. I know with my support system all things are possible! #13"

    Also: I will need starting weights for the spreadsheet to track overall weight loss. If you do not feel comfortable, just send it to my inbox and it will be between me and you. :flowerforyou:

    Let me know if you are still on board for this journey. Reply to the following question so everyone knows you are being accountable. Why do you want to lose weight??
  • IamJustSanie
    IamJustSanie Posts: 93 Member
    I want and need to lose weight for my overall health, beauty and mental state of mind. I am sick of being the big girl in the back! I am sick of being tired all the time! I am sick of my mom say oh God your getting fat!
  • mirna_ayala0428
    mirna_ayala0428 Posts: 406 Member
    Right this minute: 208:ohwell:
  • mrswilson0511
    mrswilson0511 Posts: 132 Member
    The plan sounds great! My only suggestion is to just do the same thread everyweek. So start the Lucky #13 and have that be the same thread the whole time, I have been part of group that tried to do a different thread everyweek and it got hard if you wanted to go back and read something like a inspirational story recipe or what not to find what week the thread was under. And that way if you are out of town we dont have to worry about starting a new thread we can just continue from where we are. That is just my suggestion and knowledge of being in groups.

    I have another suggestion so since our weighs in dont start till next friday i think we should have a mini goal untl friday comes. Please let me know what you guys think, So i think we should do a water goal. Water is such an important part in losing weight so I challenge all of you this week so today-thursday to make sure you are getting at least your 64oz of water everyday!!

    Oh yah my starting weight for today is 275. Lets do this group! #13!
  • mrswilson0511
    mrswilson0511 Posts: 132 Member
    I want to lose this weight to be able to go shopping with my friends and normal stores, to fit into the few clothes I couldnt part with when they didnt fit. But my number one reason to get this weight off is so me and my amazing husband can start a family very soon. I am very ready for a baby and I need to get healthy before that can happen and stay healthy.
  • IamJustSanie
    IamJustSanie Posts: 93 Member
    I want and need to lose weight for my overall health, beauty and mental state of mind. I am sick of being the big girl in the back! I am sick of being tired all the time! I am sick of my mom say oh God your getting fat!

    Oh and my starting weight is 264.1 (as of yesterday) down 3.9 since joining MFP YeY Me!
  • elambabe
    elambabe Posts: 28
    Good morning everyone! I think that it all sounds great. Fridays are a great day to weigh in. My current weight is 245. I want to lose weight because I worry for my health if I don't. I was calculating one day where I would be if every year was like this year for my weight gain. I realized that if I change nothing, I will be over 400 lbs. by the time I am 40. It's time to start the changes now while I am young so that I can avoid years of my life being lost. I also want more freedom and options. Fat limits you and I want to be unlimited.

  • bearsfan2334
    bearsfan2334 Posts: 137
    The plan sounds great! My only suggestion is to just do the same thread everyweek. So start the Lucky #13 and have that be the same thread the whole time, I have been part of group that tried to do a different thread everyweek and it got hard if you wanted to go back and read something like a inspirational story recipe or what not to find what week the thread was under. And that way if you are out of town we dont have to worry about starting a new thread we can just continue from where we are. That is just my suggestion and knowledge of being in groups.

    I have another suggestion so since our weighs in dont start till next friday i think we should have a mini goal untl friday comes. Please let me know what you guys think, So i think we should do a water goal. Water is such an important part in losing weight so I challenge all of you this week so today-thursday to make sure you are getting at least your 64oz of water everyday!!

    Oh yah my starting weight for today is 275. Lets do this group! #13!

    This is a great idea Lindsay! I am all for that. I will get it going on Sunday, I am hoping to hear from everyone by then... Oh and for those of you wondering - my starting weight was 293, lost 6 lbs so now I am at 287.
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    My weights currently 221.6
  • justnname
    justnname Posts: 162
    Good Afternoon Group#13

    I want a life. I wanted to stop hiding behind the fat. I wasted the last 10 years of my life.. I will not waste anymore time! I want to be happy with myself to let someone into my :heart:

    My starting weight is 251. No weightloss for me this week.. :cry: No worries though

    As for water.. I drink on the average of 90 ounces a day. If it's a Devil day (trainer) it more.

    Looking forward to gettting to know ya ladies.
  • elambabe
    elambabe Posts: 28
    If it's a Devil day (trainer) it more.

    Just have to say that I :heart: this. Haha.
  • bearsfan2334
    bearsfan2334 Posts: 137
    I just have to tell you all, I keep refreshing this and it makes me very happy to see all the comments.

    <<<<<<<<<<< DORK:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I want to lose weight because I have been overweight for as far back as I can remember. I have PCOS as well as hashimoto's thyroiditis. Pretty much, my hormones are off balance and I have an underactive thyroid. Two wonderful things working AGAINST me :angry: I have been telling myself for a long time I need to do something about it but I am ready now. I have a fabulous boyfriend and we hope to be married someday. I want to be able to go into any bridal store and look at whatever freaking dress I want, not only those in the plus size section. I also want to be more healthy and empower myself. I hope you all will be with me through this journey. :glasses:
  • april41981
    april41981 Posts: 20 Member
    The group sounds great! I'm still trying to figure out how to find our group thread though. I haven't been highly active on the boards, so any help with this would be great.

    My starting weight on July 5th, was 380 lbs. I have lost 12.5 lbs. to date, so I am currently weighing in at 377.5.

    I want to lose weight because it's the right thing to do. I have been fat as long as I can remember. I was the tall, fat girl that all the boys were afraid of. I've tried so many things, but the weight just kept on packing on.
    In January 2008, I found out that I have Hashimoto's Disease (non-functioning thyroid) and that most of my weight could probably be attributed to that. They took me off birth control to test m medications and 2 months later, I found out I was pregnant. :) Fast forward almost 3 years and I have a beautiful 2.75 year old ;) who needs her momma to be an example for her.
    I finally got motivated to lose weight this time because my sister is getting married on Thanksgiving weekend, about 4 months from now. She would like me to sing during their ceremony. I've been in 2 weddings already and was the fattest bridesmaid at both. I want to enjoy this wedding and surprise all the family and friends that attend with a "new me" or at least the beginning of the new me. :)
  • workingmumof4
    Hi my name is Dianne

    I want to loose weight for lots of reasons but I suppose the main thing is to be able to do more things with my children. I used to be so happy and got invited everywhere, I am now the one that always turns down invitations to go anywhere. Clothes shopping is a constant dread.

    Since starting my diet 11 weeks ago and joining MFP I have lost 33lb. I currently weigh 266lbs as of this morning (Friday 22 July)

    Living in England may make me respond to posts a little late but I will try and keep up.

    Dianne x #13