13 Women, 100+ to lose



  • justnname
    justnname Posts: 162
    The group sounds great! I'm still trying to figure out how to find our group thread though. I haven't been highly active on the boards, so any help with this would be great.

    when you go to the message boards hit "My Topics" :wink:
  • april41981
    april41981 Posts: 20 Member
    The group sounds great! I'm still trying to figure out how to find our group thread though. I haven't been highly active on the boards, so any help with this would be great.

    when you go to the message boards hit "My Topics" :wink:

    Thanks!! That was super helpful!
  • StephanieDJL
    StephanieDJL Posts: 130 Member
    I want a life. I wanted to stop hiding behind the fat. I wasted the last 10 years of my life.. I will not waste anymore time! I want to be happy with myself to let someone into my :heart:
    This is definitely part of my reason to lose weight, I just want to be happy with myself. I'm so sick of recoiling in horror every time I look in the mirror & I'm sick of being the fat friend. I get verbally harassed on a weekly, if not daily, basis & I'd like to be able to stand out for all the right reasons.

    My other main reason is clothes, I adore clothes. Shopping is my favourite hobby! Being able to wear what I want & shop wherever I want will be a dream come true.

    I love all of the ideas so far. I can't wait to get to know you all better & see what happens with the weigh in. Good luck, lovelies! x
  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    LIke some of you I am new to the group thing. As of today my current weight is 270.4. My name is Kelly :) I can certainly use the extra motivation and a challenge. Good luck to all of you
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    Hello all my name is Arlene I am a 34 year old from Northeastern PA. I found MFP last October and since August of 2010 I lave lost 98 pounds. I started dieting at about 320. Mind you I am only 5'1 so that's a lot of extra weight to lose. I look forward to talking with you all.

  • bearsfan2334
    bearsfan2334 Posts: 137
    New topic is up.... Lucky #13 - CLOSED GROUP :wink:
  • mirna_ayala0428
    mirna_ayala0428 Posts: 406 Member
    My name is Mirna. I'm 38 yrs old and I have a wonderful, smart and funny 7 yr old son named Tien.

    Why I want to lose weight? As long as I can remember I have always been on the chunky and fat side. I think the last time I was slim was around 7 or 8 yrs old. In 2006 I was diagnosed as a diabetic and while I have tried to lose weight I have not stuck with it.

    I'm more than ever to get into a healthy weight range and be able to do things that mentally and physically I'm unable to do.
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