

  • Just glad I could highlight the plight of all the squares out there. Those equilateral quadrilaterals have it toughilateral.
  • Why limit myself to two dimensions? Because I find polyhedrons confusing. And no, I'm not an engineer... I absolutely abhor trains. That said, you're not the first person to ask me that.
  • I wouldn't touch any of those aforementioned beers. My advice: get a beer with higher alcohol. A craft beer is worth it no matter what your goals are. If you're just drinking to be there and social, then drink something that tastes good instead of high calorie water. If you're drinking to get drunk, then remember that your…
  • I am in college right now, but I usually drink alone. That doesn't help, but it saves money. Just do cardio, or cut out some of your other calories. Skip on the meat portions and maybe do a protein supplement. I like the Muscle Milk 100 Calories, 15g of protein and... you guessed it, 100 calories. Then again my daily…
  • From mid-may to the beginning of August I'll be in Turkey, Jordan and Israel on archaeological digs and study tours, so that's a lot of time outside, a lot of time in the sun. I hope to eat a lot of local food, drink some local beer and maybe smoke a hookah or two... all while getting some exercise in the sun. I want to…
  • Coffee and a cigarette.
  • I'll start worrying about where rats pee when human men start washing their hands after handling their bits and pieces. I always wash my hands, but there are guys out there who just don't feel like their downstairs danglers are dirty. There is people urine everywhere, mostly thanks to men.
  • I thought for sure THIS post would be about cannibalism.
  • I forgive you.
  • I have a couple, but I don't use them. Odds are I'm being charged and don't know it and am ruining my credit with my responsibility.
  • Hair-pin Chopsticks Weapon Micro-level construction material Firewood for tiny fires An easily accessible source of low-grade rubber, useful for insulation. Kebab skewers Ear cleaner, eraser side Finger splint in the case of a break Spool for string BOOM! What's your credit card information? I'll use a pencil to steal it.
  • I'll marry a Red Lobster special!
  • Today's post: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/82447-drinking-salt-water
  • I'm slightly less concerned with wasting five seconds of people's time, about how long it should take them to realize that there isn't really a fish-man living under the bait shop worrying about his sodium intake.
  • I thought for sure THIS post would be about cannibalism. I just can't call them.
  • FireMonkey, I hadn't really considered a blog because this is throw away writing, not something I'd put into a portfolio, just something I can do as a morning routine. Here is my seldom updated blog... http://perishthereason.blogspot.com
  • Drink more mead you say? Surely then, I shall.
  • I thought for sure that this post was going to be about cannibalism.
  • Thanks, this one seems to be sticking around.
  • It sounds to me like the binging afterward is your real problem. Just drink water after you drink wine, take an aspirin, call a real doctor in the morning.
  • To respond to the post about Guinness... Guinness has 170 Calories and is 4.2% alcohol. Not a good deal, if you apply the math I supplied above. At that ABV you may as well drink Bud Light. Now, you also have to take into consideration that Guinness is a very specific style of beer, a dry Irish stout. And it's harder to…
    in Alcohol Comment by bukozki February 2010
  • I advocate beer. I posted this in a couple other threads, and I've been building on it as necessary...
    in Alcohol Comment by bukozki February 2010
  • Ruby Tuesday has a salad bar, you can measure approximately what you're putting in and you can parse the ingredients out later for your food diary.
    in help Comment by bukozki February 2010
  • Well, if you're already in the military then eat your way to freedom, worry about appearances later. If you're trying to get into the military, try not to get into the military.
    in help Comment by bukozki February 2010
  • You asked for it. 1. Whats your name? My name is Ryan. 2. How old are you? I'm THIS many. I'm holding up 26 fingers, trust me. 3. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? Would I have to go alone? That's the real question. I'm going to Turkey and Israel this summer, so let's cross them off the…
  • That's a good way to go out of business.
  • Which is to say: don't sweat it. One or two meals won't kill you. It's okay to want something that isn't entirely wonderful for your body.
  • I for one am looking forward to my next Chipotle burrito, double meat, sour cream, cheese and guacamole. No shame.
  • I actually disagree with that. Plugging in some cookie cutter formula for calorie consumption is not going to be more accurate than measuring the at rest BRI and then logging activities deviating from that. You should also never respond to a post again, you have exactly 666 posts right now and the devil likes that.
  • If you ignore her, she'll go away. Her kids will starve, but she'll go away.