Juniper3411 Member


  • Me me LOL! I have broken my left foot (fifth metatarsal but no surgery) and broke my right ankle in three places and dislocation with surger (2 plates/10 screws). Don't count exercise out! Do I run? Hell no, I look like I'm galloping :) But elliptical, biking (especially recumbent if you go to a gym) are fairly easy on the…
  • On the subject of the DMV I was soooo excited that I was going to be skinny for my renewal picture...then guess what...PREGGO with baby number two LOL! So was another fat picture heehee! Maybe next time (which isn't for another year and a half at least unfortunately). And definitely takes work,…
  • Found it! Spa Town Roller girls is a leauge in your area :) Of course I'm not 100% sure how far away from where you live exactly but it is in North Yorkshire :) I couldn't help but look it up!
  • I second the team sports! Roller Derby. It is awesome. And there are leagues all over the place all over the world :)
  • Haha on the sports bras! I did a zumba class last night with the WRONG bra because it was the only one that was clean. I thought I was going to hit myself in the face with them!!! Wiith all this talk of 30 day shred I'm getting kind of tempted to try it myself!!!! We'll see :)
  • Monday - AM usually try to hit the gym and do about 30 to 45 minutes on the elliptical or similar machine and then 15 minutes of lifting. PM - 2 hours of roller derby practice Tuesday - Depending on how tired I am from derby, AM go to the gym and 30 minutes elliptical and about 20 minutes swimming. PM 2 hours of roller…
  • I'm abut 5'4 1/2 ish and typically my happy weight seems to be 135. I look good, feel good and it is easily maintainable for me. Lowest I ever got was 128 for like two days LOL! I honestly didn't like the way the top half of my body looked at that weight, REALLY super bony and my face was too skinny. I could still have…
  • Week 2 Weekly Goal: 3500 Day 1 : 458 calories burned (65 minutes - 15 minutes elliptical/stair climber, 45 minutes strength training) Day 2: 496 calories burned (35 minutes elliptical, 20 minutes swimming) Day 3: 855 calories burned (110 minutes - two roller derby bouts - outside in the crazy heat!) Day 4: 0 calories…
  • I haven't bought anything specifically in anticipation of losing weight, but I most certainly have half a closet that I currently CAN"T wear! It sucks when you only have two pairs of pants that you like :( A lot of extra laundry! There is one dress that was tight even when I was at my smallest, AND it was super expensive…
  • Where can I go to find good videos/tutorials on how to use some of the equipment in the free weight room (power cage, squat rack etc.) I'm finding that I am a little nervous to try and figure it out on my own, and the one personal training session I got to hopefully show me this stuff she didn't :( I really want to lift…
  • I miss dance :( I loved Horton modern classes they kicked my BUTT
  • Week 2 Weekly Goal: 3500 Day 1 : 458 calories burned (65 minutes - 15 minutes elliptical/stair climber, 45 minutes strength training) Day 2: 496 calories burned (35 minutes elliptical, 20 minutes swimming) Day 3: 855 calories burned (110 minutes - two roller derby bouts - outside in the crazy heat!) Day 4: 0 calories…
  • Also some people can't use the treadmill because of bad knees/joints/etc. and the elliptical is a great alternative option...
  • Week 2 Weekly Goal: 3500 Day 1 : 458 calories burned (65 minutes - 15 minutes elliptical/stair climber, 45 minutes strength training) Day 2: 496 calories burned (35 minutes elliptical, 20 minutes swimming) Day 3: 855 calories burned (110 minutes - two roller derby bouts - outside in the crazy heat!) Day 4: 0 calories…
  • Week 2 Weekly Goal: 3500 Day 1 : 458 calories burned (65 minutes - 15 minutes elliptical/stair climber, 45 minutes strength training) Day 2: 496 calories burned (35 minutes elliptical, 20 minutes swimming) Day 3: 855 calories burned (110 minutes - two roller derby bouts - outside in the crazy heat!) Day 4: 0 calories…
  • Week 2 Weekly Goal: 3500 Day 1 : 458 calories burned (65 minutes - 15 minutes elliptical/stair climber, 45 minutes strength training) Day 2: 496 calories burned (35 minutes elliptical, 20 minutes swimming) Day 3: 855 calories burned (110 minutes - two roller derby bouts - outside in the crazy heat!) Day 4: calories burned…
  • Week 2 Weekly Goal: 3500 Day 1 : 458 calories burned (65 minutes - 15 minutes elliptical/stair climber, 45 minutes strength training) Day 2: 496 calories burned (35 minutes elliptical, 20 minutes swimming) Day 3: calories burned () Day 4: calories burned () Day 5: calories burned () Day 6: calories burned () Day 7:…
  • I have somewhere between 15 to 20 to lose as well :) Feel free to friend me!
  • I have a 2 1/2 y/o boy and a 7 yo girl, but my husband is a stay at home dad, so I've been going to the gym in the mornings before work since the kids aren't up yet anyway. I rarely get more then 10 minutes with them in the morning before working out (sometimes not even that, my youngest likes to sleep in!) so it isn't…
  • Just keep at it! You're doing great! It's a long journey for sure, but be proud of how far you've come already and the health benefits that you have obviously already seen.
  • Awesome job!!!!!! I went through a very similar tranformation after my first baby (and then again after my second LOL). 16 to a 4/6. I've gone up a little (to an 8) and am trying to get back down now! Friend me if you'd like :)
  • I have often wondered about this as well! I just had a potluck at my house last night and trying to break it all down was veeerrry difficult. But yes, I'll just assume that it was an over day, logged what I could, I'm sure that I forgot a few things but it does help to have some idea of what I ate. It's so much easier when…
  • Week 2 Weekly Goal: 3500 Day 1 : 458 calories burned (65 minutes - 15 minutes elliptical/stair climber, 45 minutes strength training) Day 2: calories burned () Day 3: calories burned () Day 4: calories burned () Day 5: calories burned () Day 6: calories burned () Day 7: calories burned () Total: 458 Left to go: 3042 Worked…
  • Sorry for the late post on this, was going to do it last night but forgot. Day 1 - 371 calories (elliptical and weights) Day 2 - 530 (elliptical) Day 3 - 491 (elliptical and weights) Day 4 - 58 calories (walking) Day 5 - 677 calories (elliptical/weights am and swimming pm) Day 6 - 1185 calories (elliptical/swimming am and…
  • I love these threads! Congrats to everyone! have before pics at some of my heaviest weights and pics of me at goal weight...and then pics of me now which is somewhere in the middle. But two pregnancies will do that do you unfortunately! When I get to my goal weight again maybe I'll post some before and after pics :)
  • OMG I am working soooo hard on this! It's so darn difficult sometimes!
  • I just got my bf% and it was 33 :( I'm 154 pounds 5'5. I was really kind of shocked becasue even though I need to lose weight, I didn't think I looked that horrible...and any pics you see of a woman who is in the 33% range looks way worse then I do... It's so confusing!
  • Just started morning workouts again and yes it is HARD. I used to be a competitive figure skater and sometimes my practices started at 5:45 am (and with travel time and gearing up I usually had to be out of the house by 4:45, so up even earlier than that). As others have mentioned, set everything up the night before…
  • I've always known about this, which is why I stay faaaar away from a scale after a hard workout where I'm super sore :) Even when you know what it is, it is still a bummer! I just started going to the gym (on top of my 2X a week roller derby practices) and just finally had a "whoosh" yesterday where I finally dropped some…
  • Did you drink at the wedding reception? If you did, it is likely water weight from a combination of alcohol consumption and being sore. And being a woman, water weight can be very very annoying. I have that problem all the time :(