

  • At the game tonight, it was the best baseball game I have ever witnessed. Bases loaded no outs and the *kitten* find away to get out of the inning with two unreal plays! GO *kitten*!
  • :blushing: Kayleigh thanks for putting me on your list. You would be on my list if I made one too. I think this is just too dangerous a game for us guys to play :laugh:
  • Perfect! Nice work
  • Read this article I think it explains the targeting areas thing pretty well. The long and short of it is unfortunately we can't do exersices to target fat in certain areas. As you continue your fitness journey the fat might come off certain areas quicker than others.…
  • I do the two shirt thing. If I wear a polo shirt I always wear a white tshirt under it and tuck the white tshirt in just in case i reach up so I don't expose the belly. When I was bigger I acutally would wear a white tshirt under my t-shirts. i also used to do the tshirt stretch thing. I think a big one that hasnt been…
  • I my first time when I lost 100lbs (gained a bunch back but thats another story) I was at the gym doing shoulder presses with two 50lb dumbells and it just hit me that I used to carry that around all the time. It just doesn't seem possible.
  • See Video... Let me preface this by saying I am not proud of this video just thought it might make your day watching it.
  • I am 6' 2" tall. I guess I will know when I get there it's just a weird mental block.
  • During tough workouts: "Pain is weakness leaving the body"
  • Nice work, tripple digits! You are definately an inspiration to many people who think there is no way I can do it.
  • I didn't realize how important the collar bone are to you ladies until now. A girl I work with asked us bunch of us if we knew of any workouts that would help her loose weigh around her collar bones. :happy: I will be the first to admit that the outline of collar bones on a woman can be sexy but I told her not to worry I…
  • Congrats slapshot you have obviously put in a lot of hard work. Enjoy the tripple digit victory!
  • So yesterday I made a discovery that most of you probably already know but I thought I would share. I came home from work hungry but wanted to go for a bike ride instead of cooking right away. By the time I came home I wasn't hungry at all in fact I had to make myself eat something. I thought back to my days of playing…
  • Went on a bike ride tonight I usually try to pay attention to the wind so that the first leg of my ride is into the wind and with the wind on the way back. I started out really strong not paying attention. I don't know why it didn't hit me when I was coasting along at 20 mph but it didn't. Until I turned around to head…
  • Agreed it does look odd. I might be able to wear it around the house or doing yard work. I am sure it would draw some looks at the gym.
  • Try six 200 calorie "snacks/Meals" I find that like clockwork when I eat small meals every two hours I am hungry. The way it was explained to me once was eating a small meal is like throwing a couple sticks on a fire. It burns hot and very fast. If you eat a big meal its like throwing a log on the same fire it burns very…
  • So last night I entered in my bicycling for the first time on this site to see how many calories I burned. I was really surprised that for 40 mins of cycling between 10-12mph they estimated I burned 750 calories. It seemed like a lot compared to other exercizes. So I did some research on top calorie burning exercises and…
  • Interesting fitness aid that I saw on "Shark Tank: Last week. If I were a woman and wore a skirt to work I would definately buy one. You can hide this thing under your skirt and burn more calories walking around at work. I just don't think it would look great with a suit or dress pants.…
  • Yeah 1500-1800 is low at my weight I should probably be around 2000 or so. This is kind of an experiment for me I guess. To see what is possible / healthy. Alot of people at my work have been loosing tons of weight on the F.A.S.T diet Which is basically calorie counting exersize and…
  • You may have 13lbs to go but your transformation is amazing and you look great where your at!
  • Right there with you my friend lost about 6 bowling balls the first time. Need to loose 4 of them again and then a couple more for good measure.. Good luck!
  • I think the best way to learn to cook and what goes well together is watching food network, and trial and error of course. :wink:
  • Welcome aboard having support and accountablility is makes weight loss so much easier!
  • First couple days have gone well overall. I have kept my calories in check my goal is 1500-1800 a day both days I have been below 1700. Monday I had a basketball game to go to so I didn't work out and today was a long day at work so didn't make it to the gym. Need to go the rest of the week to hit my goal of going to the…
  • Welcome aboard frugal2! You should definiately enter the BFL contest. Judging by your wight loss goals you would do really well. This is the book I read when I first started explains it all. ...but now you can…