Exercises for a less bubbly butt?

Ok, that probably sounds extremely odd. LOL

This is probably the OPPOSITE of what most girls want to know. I have a very round, muscular bubble butt. Problem is... My wedding is in 20some days away and my wedding dress is starting to get TOO tight in the butt!!! It literally sits on top of my bottom!! It is getting loose everywhere else because I am losing inches in my bust and waist.

I have been doing A LOT of squats and things that are emphasizing my rear... BAD IDEA!!!! My dress has been taken out as much as possible to fit my bottom. So I need to work on making my butt smaller. lol Is there ANYTHING that I can do?


  • mirapaigew
    mirapaigew Posts: 107
    Ugh. So many typos. Ignore. lol
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    Stop doing so many squats. Or try to use less weight and more reps.
  • mirapaigew
    mirapaigew Posts: 107
    Another reason why squats are evil. lol
  • mirapaigew
    mirapaigew Posts: 107
    Going to try more pilates & yoga.
  • cmstaley1
    cmstaley1 Posts: 32
    Read this article I think it explains the targeting areas thing pretty well. The long and short of it is unfortunately we can't do exersices to target fat in certain areas. As you continue your fitness journey the fat might come off certain areas quicker than others.

    My advice is keep doing what your doing I understand your up against a hard date and want to get that dress to fit now. Just keep working hard maybe up your cardio but I would not dicontinue doing squats and leg lifts.

    Read the exerpt from the link below.

    Since your lower body has the biggest muscles in your body, by exercising the thighs, hamstrings, calves, lower back and glutes (rump), you can actually kick-start your metabolism and burn more calories with the following quick, but challenging leg workouts. You will find that leg workouts also have a cardiovascular element to them. Once again, this is because these muscles require so much more blood, so the heart will beat more to supply new blood to the lower body.

    Hope that helps you will be fine just keep working hard.