

  • The rule is always moderation and a foot of bread may not be so good for you.
  • You can do body weight exercises to start with at home. Body squats, push ups, sit ups, lunges, pull ups, etc. When you're ready for more invest in a kettlebell. You can also make a homemade medicine ball (old basketball with sand, duct taped). From there you can work your way up to dumbbells, barbells, etc.
  • While I agree that working out should be about overall fitness, not just calories and weight I think you should reconsider using a HRM if you want to see how your heart is doing. I use one to see my recovery times and I love to see how stronger it's gotten over the past few months. The HRM does a great job of telling me if…
  • You can't bulk up overnight. Lift hard, cardio, rest right, repeat Female body builders do body building workouts. You have nothing to worry about. Lift lots of weight, do it often, I PROMISE you won't wake up with popeye arms.
    in fat problem x( Comment by cm40 May 2011
  • avacado is great for you. but rice has a lot of carbs. I would avoid anything with rice and fried
    in Sushi! Comment by cm40 May 2011
  • Your weight can fluctuate several pounds thoughout the day. So if you only weigh once week you're not getting an accurate measurement. I weigh everyday, then average it for the week.
  • If it's before you go to bed for the night (end of day) then I would count it as friday's food. Breakfast after all comes from BREAK-FAST, fast meaning you haven't eaten in a long period. The first meal is breaking that fast.
  • i don't think think the low voltage (amp) battery inside the unit or the rubber casing would have the potential to give you an electrical shock.
  • Here's a few articles and blog posts i thought you may want to read: In 3 parts: Another article:
  • well i think you answered your question. Many people are concerned about weight when they should be concerned with overall fitness. You may weigh less but can you do 50 push ups in a row? Run a 5K in under 30 minutes? Deadlift twice your own body weight? If you want to look like an athlete you have to train like one.…
  • Name: Charlie Moreno where you live: El Paso, TX Time CF'ing: 4 months (since Jan. 20) Nutrition Plan: High protein, low carbs when I can. I call it the "Eating much more reasonable that I used to plan" READY FOR A LONG POST? I applied for my local police department and started running (slowly). I got a Planet Fitness gym…
  • Try Tabatas. As many reps in 20 seconds (quickly). rest for 10 seconds. Do that 8 times or for x 8 rounds (intervals). Total time is 4 minutes. You can do them with burpees, sit ups, pull ups (jumping or assisted), push ups, squats, or running (walk as the rest). But do one at a time (complete 8 intervals of each exercise…
  • in order to see results you'll need to burn fat first if you're overweight. you can workout those abdominal muscles all day long but if you're not burning the fat layer that surrounds the muscles (with cardio and healthy eating) don't expect to see a difference even if you did them everyday for a month.
  • Try crossfit
  • Tabatas (4 min each) for days I don't have much time. Most days usually under 45 min. Crossfit workouts usually last no longer than 35 min.
  • I weigh myself every morning after the bathroom, naked, before breakfast. Then I take the numbers for the week and average them out. I keep those on my Google Calendar I set up just for workouts and fitness journal. So far it's been working for me. I keep track of my calories, workouts (calories burned using HRM), and my…
  • Here's something that's proven: Eat less, move more. Anything below 1500 is too low. As for "a calorie is a calorie", not exactly. You want to have those calories come from the right places. You want to stay away from simple carbs like cookies, pastries, and other sugar based snacks and replace them with complex sugars…
  • i use a foam roller to get the knots out. Or if you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife, get them to use a rolling pin on it. It's heaven.
  • I think 1,200 is too low. Too close to the minimum recommended.
    in Last 10 lbs Comment by cm40 May 2011
  • I do Crossfit workouts (high intensity program with weight lifting, body weight exercises, cardio, etc). I usually go for 3 days on, 1 day off. On rest days I still walk about 2 miles or work on strength (like 50 push ups/ 50 sit ups) I used to do 5 days on, 2 days off. But I couldn't go 2 days without working out. 1 rest…
  • If you think about one cup of water is 8 oz. Two cups of water is 16 oz. 16 oz = 1 lb. So if you drink water, sodas, etc, exercise, go to the bathroom, you can easily fluctuate in weight through out the day. Imagine you only weigh yourself once a week? Is that an accurate measurement? I don't think so, so if you're not…
  • I use a Timex Road Trainer. Got it on Amazon for about $60
  • and to add to my statement above..... .If you're paying attention to what others are doing, you're not working out either. I'll use my phone (Android) before a workout to upload a pic of the WOD (workout of the day) on the whiteboard (it's a crossfit thing) and I upload it to facebook to share with friends. Then I put my…
  • If you can text while working out, you're not really working out.
  • I bought mine on amazon. I prefer something with a chest belt that constantly monitors. I bought the Timex Road Trainer. I love it.
    in Reasonable HRM? Comment by cm40 May 2011
  • What I do is eat my calorie goal, let's say currently I want to eat between 1900-2200 calories a day. That's roughly what a man burns in a day just living. I exercise and burn anywhere from 850 (today) to 1445 (yesterday) calories. But I don't try to eat anymore than my goal. No matter how grueling the workout was. If you…
  • On rest days I still do some low impact exercise, like walking the dogs. If it's early and not to hot I'll take them out for 2 miles, which takes me about 45 minutes and burns about 295 lbs. From there I just make sure to eat low carbs, avoid sugar, and break off the meals into smaller portions during the day. I usually…
    in rest days Comment by cm40 April 2011
  • congrats! i just did my first last saturday in 37:46. Then today I did it in 36:18 and I had an incline. Be sure to watch your heel strikes. Try to land on the ball of your foot and keep your feet under your body when landing. I've been reading and watching videos on the Pose Method of running and I have to say it's an…
  • I wish you the best. But you're talking about 2.5 lbs per week. Which may prove a bit difficult. You may want to consider how much of that will be water weight as well. I think you can lose the weight, but it'll take lots of exercise and a proper diet. Also, keep in mind that weight is not everything. You should focus on…