I think I found out what I have been doing wrong?

I just realized something that could change the way I look at eating forever... Here is what I have been doing.... Before I started dieted or counting calories, I probably ate about 2000-2200 calories per day with daily activity. I ate fine but still had a snack of some oreos, or pop tarts, you know, what kids love to eat. But then I started calorie counting because I was becoming unhappy with who I was becoming physically. So I went from 2000-2200 calories per day all the way down to 1000-1400 calories per day with no exercise other than walking around the house and school. I realize my body is getting a little more fat on it, my cheek bones and jaw are joining with the fat on my neck, and my upper body has been getting larger. It has been getting worse for me over the past 4 months.. I'm wondering if this diet thing is really worth doing, or should I try and go back to the 2000 per day but just replace the goodies and pop tarts with fruit and veggies and healthy food habits that I have developed? If I do that, I'm afraid I will make the transition too quickly and my body won't react to it correctly and I will gain weight back. Anyone have any suggestions on what I could do? And if you say go to the gym more, I wil be trying my best to go 3 times a week but the best I may do is 1 time per week.


  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    If you're only eating 1000 calories - 1400 calories, you may be eating too little. If MFP says you should be eating 2000 calories a day to achieve a 1 pound weight loss, then that's your best bet.

    My suggestion would be to go back to eating 2000 calories each day. A calorie is a calorie, "good" or "bad" but try to watch the sodium and be sure to get in your 5 servings of fruits and veggies. Exercise is really needed or you'll likely lose muscle and just look more "jiggly" so try to add some walking into your habits. I wouldn't dream of telling you to hit the gym three days a week because I don't do it myself. However, walking is an easy way to get in some extra exercise and to help burn fat. 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week at a fairly fast walking pace should be more than sufficient.
  • natersmama
    natersmama Posts: 157
    losing weight is about the calorie intake and calories burned. but not eating enough can put ur body into starvation mode. so its going to save and hold on to every calorie. as far as eating the "little kid" snacks, trading them with fruits and veggies is a good idea. they have less calories and are more filling, so you end up naturally eating less without depriving your body. 1000 calories isnt enough to fuel an adult body. i would stay between the 1200-1500 range if your activity level isnt very high. but definitely make it to the gym when you can, or even small things at home when you have the time can add up as well. hope this helps a little. =)
  • rachelhohenbrink
    rachelhohenbrink Posts: 179 Member
    Eating anything below 1200 calories it not only torture but unhealthy. Your body goes into starvation mode and it thinks your never going to feed it again so it saves everything like a drought. I suggest you should lookup what is best for you body by height and weight. Probably atleast 1500-1700 calories a day. You can lose weight but it will also be muslce deterioration if your not exercising. If you don't like to go to the gym have you considered working out at home to a dvd? Jillian Michaels have several that are only 20 minutes long. 20 minutes is nothing in the scheme of a long day. Or maybe go for a walk out or a treadmill. I eat sweets and things that I want as part of my weight loss all the time. Your only human and if they fit into your calorie restrictions then it's fine in moderation. Of course fruits and veggies are the best choice and I do eat a lot of those but I'm never going to give up sweets.

    Good luck!
  • RichGebs
    RichGebs Posts: 345
    Thanks so much I agree. And I will try all this tomorrow. My nutritionist says my BMR is 1785 so I'll eat around there and whatever extra exercise I get, then I'll just be a little under no big deal
  • mattsdad1961
    mattsdad1961 Posts: 65 Member
    not sure what your current state is...but 1000-1400 calories sounds as f you have set your body on a 'starvation mode'. If we don't consume a minimum amouunt of calories, our bodies (being the sophisticated systems they are) reacts by storing every available calorie as fat because something is not 'right'. The sensible thing is to find balance (karate kid). Balance between exercise, eating correctly, drinking enough water and good solid sleep is really all there is to it. Try cutting yourself off from television or electronic devices for a week - you will find all kinds of time to squeeze in some exercise. I park as far from my entance at work as I can and still stay in the lot - so I have to walk some extra steps. I take a 30 minute walk during my lunch hour or at least do 5 minutes of stairs 4 times a day while at work...just a few simple changes has helped me fit fitness into my day.

    I hope this helps a little bit....good luck on your journey!
  • RichGebs
    RichGebs Posts: 345
    Eating anything below 1200 calories it not only torture but unhealthy. Your body goes into starvation mode and it thinks your never going to feed it again so it saves everything like a drought. I suggest you should lookup what is best for you body by height and weight. Probably atleast 1500-1700 calories a day. You can lose weight but it will also be muslce deterioration if your not exercising. If you don't like to go to the gym have you considered working out at home to a dvd? Jillian Michaels have several that are only 20 minutes long. 20 minutes is nothing in the scheme of a long day. Or maybe go for a walk out or a treadmill. I eat sweets and things that I want as part of my weight loss all the time. Your only human and if they fit into your calorie restrictions then it's fine in moderation. Of course fruits and veggies are the best choice and I do eat a lot of those but I'm never going to give up sweets.

    Good luck!

    I do sit-ups and pushups and drink milk most of my days to keep my muscles lean. I also do squat thrusts and lunges sometimes.
  • cm40
    cm40 Posts: 30
    Here's something that's proven: Eat less, move more.
    Anything below 1500 is too low. As for "a calorie is a calorie", not exactly. You want to have those calories come from the right places. You want to stay away from simple carbs like cookies, pastries, and other sugar based snacks and replace them with complex sugars like fruits and vegetables.
    If you're not planning on exercising, then it'll take longer for you to see changes. But remember that ONE POUND equals 3,500 calories. If you reduce your calorie intake to 2,000 per day it'll take you about longer to see a the results depending what your calorie intake was before. You have to add the deficit.

    Remember that weight is only one part of the equation. You can be thin and still out of shape and develop heart disease. "Skinny fat" should not be a goal.