mcewan07 Member


  • Name: Eileen hoare Location: greenock, scotland SW: 164 GWS'12: 140 1IL: I love my arms 1IH: I hate my beely and bum. Challenge status: So far, I have done nothing :S, been sat waiting on car mot to be done.
  • Tom over a week late, bloated slightly (taking aqua ban) down to 160.0
  • im sorry for not posting on wednesday - i got really down about my dress fitting, and didnt want to have much to do with weight etc. On wednesday 15th i was 160.9 lbs today 160.5 lbs i am so bloated, have been for about a week, and my TOM is about a week late, just wish it would come soon.Its getting me down as it means…
  • and again - now 158.7lbs, that will be my last loss, as i just had dinner. but i am happy at that. role on next week
  • Edit : as predicted i am now at 72.2kg today. - 159.17 lbs. Unsure wither it will change now though as the worst seems to be over.Also TOM is due in a few days, and i already feel bloated :S. roll on next week after the bloating and sickness is away.
  • 1st june - 160 lbs 8th june - 159.6 lbs Goal weight - 155lbs Although that doesnt seem a big loss, untill yeterday i had benn up at 160.9 , but i have been on the toilet all morning, and probably will be on it even more trhough out the day - so my weight might go down by even more. Dont like being ill like this
  • hi all, so i go for my dress fitting within the next week or so :S,still unsure wither i should keep on my diet afterwards, guess we will just have to wait and see. 1st june - 160 lbs Goal weight - 155lbs I know this is a small loss but i dont want to drastically lose weight, incase my wedding dress falls off me by the…
  • im up at 160lbs today :S so upset by that , although i know if i have a good week today i would go back down withi the next day or two.
  • i cant wait for this month - although for this month and next month they will be more of a maintenance perios, as i will not be able to lose weight till after my wedding now. I will post all my information tomorrow
  • i put on this week - my first week since trying to lose weight that i put on :S. 22nd - 158.73 lbs 29th - 159.17 lbs. im not happy with myself.Although i dont think it was so much putting on weight as such, probably just a bit to much fluid. In saying that i was hoping to be less - now the critical question is - do i stop…
  • I am not sure y scales are working properly, they seem to have me all over the place :S, but they are the scales i have been using since the start of the month so i will continue to use them till the end (also i dont have money till next week to buy new ones - lol) My goal weight 151lbs (total lose needed 12lbs) May 1st:…
  • Hi pix, im sure you will get their - ill keep you on track - just dont moan about it - lol :wink:
  • My goal weight 151lbs (total lose needed 12lbs) May 1st: 163 lbs May 8th: 161.8 lbs May 15th: 161.0 lbs May 22th: May 29th: June 1st Wasn't sure what to put down today as i was 161.0 yesterday but 161.5 today. I know i havent put on weight and its all the water i had to drink yesterday ( i have a sore throught so can only…
  • My goal weight 151lbs (total lose needed 12lbs) May 1st: 163lbs May 8th: 161.8lbs May 15th: May 22th: May 29th: June 1st I am surprised i lost anything.For the first 5 days i didn't lose anything, then on friday saturday and today i have overate, having an indian,popcorn, chinese etc. I really was dreading going on the…
  • My goal weight 151lbs (total lose needed 12lbs) May 1st: 163lbs May 8th: May 15th: May 22th: May 29th: June 1st
  • ok my final weight this morning was 11 stone 9 lbs. 163 lbs, so i missed my goal by one
  • cant wait for this months to start - as you all know from last months i never quite reached my goal(i know i have a day left but i will not lose 2lbs in a day), so i need alot of motivation this month, as come the first week in june i will be going for my final dress fitting, and i will not be able to lose weight till…
  • i keep thinking about my wedding dress fitting in june and the fact i need the weight of by then, i could probably lose alot more than i am doing if i went to the gym, or cut back on takeaways (13 this month alone :S) but i have managed to lose half a stone in the past 4 and a bit weeks. Brush yourself off, and set a mini…
  • sorry i never managed to get my weight put in on time my scales broke :S, dont know what was up with them, continuously came up with Error. This morning they seem to be working fine. and i am down to 11st 10 mcewan07_____ 170_ 1st 168_ 8th 167_ 15th 166 -- 22nd 164 -- 29th 162 - target weight I dont think i will lose the…
  • I think i stayed the same yesterday, i forgot to weigh myself :S. This morning im down a lb, but i think that is more due to eating only 1000 cals yesterday (not that i was looking to eat less, just was to busy to think)so im still at 11.12 (166lbs) * seems quite a few of us have our tom at the same time, as i am on as…
  • i am 5 foot 5 and am hoping to be in the 10 stone something bracket (about 147 lbs) by my wedding in august .Then i am hoping to continue down to my total goal weight of 9 stone 10 (136 lbs) I do not think ill reach my target weight by my wedding but i am hoping to get as close to possibble to it.
  • I weigh myself frequently, sometimes several times a day. This is not recommended i know, i just think it is funny some of the results i see in myself. For example after a meal out (although my days total has not went over the 2000 mark) my weight that night goes up 4lbs, the next morning i am down to only 2lbs heaver and…
  • Goal Weight for May 1st: 161 April 1st (starting weight): 170 April 8th: 168 April 15th: 167 April 22nd: April 29th: May 1st after all my paniking that i was going to still be in the 12 stone range, i was at 11. 13 this morning :D Still to have my shower, so i might sneak in at 11.12 later on ;) lol
  • ok just out of the shower and it has done it again, im back at 12 exactly. I think from now on i will weigh myself midday after a shower, as i seem to be at the lowest weight then , for some unknown reason
  • I havent lost anything so far and with one day to go, im a 1lb up :S. I just seem to have a barrier that i cant pass when it comes to whole lbs :S. I had been hoping to lose a couple as last week 2 days before the weigh in i had been down at 11.12. Well their is little i can do with only one day, i seem to retain fluid…
  • April 1st (starting weight): 170 April 8th: 168 April 15th: April 22nd: April 29th: May 1st: I had managed to get down to 166 on wednesday, but i went out on wed night.I did watch what i ate, but as i tried to make up for it and walked over 6 miles yesterday my knee went , (it does this a few times a year.) So i am also…
  • ok on thursday - walked 6.5 miles (to make up for last week) friday - took the dogs a walk for 2 hours, not sure how many miles, but certainly over a mile. With all the walking done on thursday my knee went :S, and has also increased my weight, i had been 11.12 and was so happy to see the 11's again, but my knee is…
  • Thurs - walked 1.8 miles fri - walked 1.8 miles sat - walked 2 miles sun - fell and hurt myself :( mon - still sore from yesterday. tues - only did about half a mile. wed- walked about 2 miles? - was shopping with my gran all day Well this week hasn't been to good, as my kids left milk on the floor from their breakfast and…
  • I want to be back to what i was before i had my kids, but the thing that is giving me my kick at the moment is that i am gtting married on the 1st august this year. I am hoping i will have lost about a stone or so by then, and then the fact that i look better will hopefully help me on my way to losing more and getting to…
  • Thanks to the past two night i have had take outs my weight is back up :(.I need to lose as much as possible before 6th june, as that is my final dress fitting before my august 1st wedding. hoping to get to 11 and a half stone by may. So starting weight 1st april 170lbs.