worm5996 Member


  • You need to open up your diary so people can see what you are eating to give advice. But if you are only eating 1200 cals and burning an additional 500-600 at the gym, then you are only netting 600-700 cals and that is not enough calories to survive let alone lose weight.
  • My DD is 4 so a bit older than yours. She is more of a grazer than an eater. She prefers lots of mini meals. And since I stay home with her, she can eat like that. She loves raisins, yogurt, craisins, graham crackers, baked Goldfish, Mickey cheese, grapes (cut in half for a little one), watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple,…
  • How do you get your eggs to not turn grey? I have tried making my own and freezing them but the eggs always get a greyish tint and look unappetizing. My DH and DS won't eat them like that.
  • Keep trying until you find that thing that you love. My husband and I joined a gym. $10 each a month so not much. It turns out that we both love the circuit training room. So we do that M, W, F. on T, Th, Sat we started C25k. It is free app for our phones and we run outside. Sunday is our rest day. As someone that had…
  • I am 5 ft tall. My goal is to be 115-120. I don't want to go under 115 though because I donate blood regularly and don't want to not qualify anymore.
  • The scale is just a number. I have lost only 3 pounds in the last 2 months and yet I am down 2 pant sizes. I watch my calories. The only other thing I really really watch are my carbs and my sodium. But I have high blood pressure and am pre diabetic so I have reasons. My opinion is maybe try focusing on eating your…
  • It is a mental issue that you just have to work past. I cannot eat fish or any kind of seafood. The very idea of it and I start gagging. It is mental. You have to open your mind to the idea of liking them. As for veggies, honestly, you just need to try them. Try them raw, mixed in with other foods, cooked in different…
  • I just looked at your diary. You are diabetic? You need to cut out the sugary sodas. Coke Zero or Diet Coke if you need soda. I do Coke Zero. No calories and no sugar. You also seem to eat a lot of sugary sweets like ice cream and candy bars. They too are loaded with sugar that you should not be eating as a diabetic. You…
  • I don't eat first thing in the morning. I am probably up a good 2-4 hours before I eat anything. I just can't eat right after getting up. But, I also don't like most of your typical breakfast foods. Though I do like eggs, just not every day. So I eat non typical foods for breakfast. Soup usually. I love soup! So eat soup…
  • Is it that she is jealous? Or is it that you feel guilty having that snack in front of her? My DH has almost a thousand more calories a day than me. Quite often he has more calories at the end of the day. I just deal with MY calories and let him deal with his. If you feel guilty or she is getting jealous then how about…
  • Thank you so much for all of the suggestions!
  • I find that when I can cut the meat up before serving/during cooking I use less than when I am just serving pieces of meat. Like chicken, cut up, and roasted with veggies, I can use just two breasts for the four of us instead of using 4 breasts. Less meat, less cost. Look at your sales and plan your meals around those but…
  • I like to mix taco seasoning into mine. It really needs to have some sort of flavor added to it. You could try a little cheese too.
  • A little balsamic vinegar is fantastic on chicken. Eat with a salad.
    in hi all Comment by worm5996 January 2012
  • I try to find recipes that my family will eat with me so I am not making two meals. Skinny Taste recipes have all gone over well. I also "healthify" the foods that we were eating before. Though I have to watch sodium, fat, and cholesterol for my father too.
  • Chicken noodle soup is cheap and easy. Boil a whole chicken. Remove from pot, let cool until you can work with it. Save the broth you just made for the soup. Bring it to a boil then turn it down to a simmer. Add frozen veggies to cook while you pick the chicken. I use garlic (minced), onions, celery, carrots, peas, green…
  • DD has some weight issues. She was around the same weight when she turned one. She is a very healthy eater though. To put on some pounds I have been giving her cheese, yogurt, Goldfish crackers, and cereal for snacks. Cheerios, Honey Kix, and Fruit Loops are her favorite. The great thing about cereal is that it is vitamin…
  • Where are you located? And what do you consider to be cheap? I feed my family of five on about $175 every two weeks. I have no choice but to eat healthy as I have recently been diagnosed with high blood pressure and I am borderline diabetic with a strong family history of both. My family consists of me, DH, DS (15years),…
  • I made this today and it was delish!
  • I think it depends greatly on the child. I have a 15 year old that is high functioning autistic. If told that he could not eat unless he ate what was served and he didn't like it, the child just won't eat. For days. THAT is not healthy. But I refuse to not eat foods that he doesn't like, so we compromise. He can eat…
  • Thank you very much for the advice. I have been keeping my meals between 300-500 but I wasn't really sure.
  • Use a nice balsamic vinegar as a marinade. No calories, no fat!