help and suggestions

I have been on for over 2 weeks now, i am staying within my 1200 calories, also checking the carbs, sugars, fat as to not to go over that either... i go on my treadmill 4-5 days a week, i suffer from asthma so i push it to as much as i can, i always cook at home and don't generally eat processed food... i feel lighter, my friends say i look like i lost some weight, but the scale says otherwise .. i like to eat fruit and veggies, I have a question i eat a grapefruit for breakfast, it takes up alot of sugar and carbs... are these carbs and sugars considered "not bad" ?? Im confused, are carbs, sugars what they are no mater what form you eat them in?? I am getting frustrated but i do like following this plan, any help thanks


  • worm5996
    worm5996 Posts: 28 Member
    The scale is just a number. I have lost only 3 pounds in the last 2 months and yet I am down 2 pant sizes. I watch my calories. The only other thing I really really watch are my carbs and my sodium. But I have high blood pressure and am pre diabetic so I have reasons. My opinion is maybe try focusing on eating your calories and bit less on all the other stuff unless you notice one way off.

    My opinion on carbs is that they are not all the same. Carbs from real food like fruit is most definitely different than carbs from say white bread.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I have been on for over 2 weeks now, i am staying within my 1200 calories, also checking the carbs, sugars, fat as to not to go over that either... i go on my treadmill 4-5 days a week, i suffer from asthma so i push it to as much as i can, i always cook at home and don't generally eat processed food... i feel lighter, my friends say i look like i lost some weight, but the scale says otherwise .. i like to eat fruit and veggies, I have a question i eat a grapefruit for breakfast, it takes up alot of sugar and carbs... are these carbs and sugars considered "not bad" ?? Im confused, are carbs, sugars what they are no mater what form you eat them in?? I am getting frustrated but i do like following this plan, any help thanks

    Unless you have medical issues .....carbs are not that important. Low carb is not required for weight loss. Processed foods may be less nourishing and less filling, but again not important for weight loss.

    Losing weight is calorie deficit.....period. Your body uses calories all day long....heart, lungs, kidneys, etc......this number is your BMR. Then add activity.....sedentary is used for people with office jobs....this adds calories too. Then there are people who exercise....this adds more calories. This top number is TDEE .... or maintenance.

    All you need to do to lose weight is eat less than maintenance. The problem is #1 figuring out how much you are eating. Do you weigh your food? and #2 figuring out how much you are burning. BMR is an estimate. Activity level is a range. Exercise calories are difficult to measure.

    Use on-line calculators to figure out what your range should be. 1200 is just MFP's lowest DEFAULT minimum.....nothing to do with your height, weight, or age.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I have been on for over 2 weeks now, i am staying within my 1200 calories, also checking the carbs, sugars, fat as to not to go over that either... i go on my treadmill 4-5 days a week, i suffer from asthma so i push it to as much as i can, i always cook at home and don't generally eat processed food... i feel lighter, my friends say i look like i lost some weight, but the scale says otherwise .. i like to eat fruit and veggies, I have a question i eat a grapefruit for breakfast, it takes up alot of sugar and carbs... are these carbs and sugars considered "not bad" ?? Im confused, are carbs, sugars what they are no mater what form you eat them in?? I am getting frustrated but i do like following this plan, any help thanks

    The scale sometimes lies. Hormones, sodium, and sore muscles are all reasons for water retention. When you get closer to goal taking measurements can be invaluable.

    Weight loss will not be linear. You could go a few weeks with no loss....and then lose 2 pounds the next weigh-in.

    You don't mention strength (or resistance) training. To keep muscle mass while dieting it's good to incorporate that. Also, eat enough protein & enough calories to maintain muscle while losing fat. As we get older (I'm 53) we lose muscle that we aren't using enough.

    Since you are a newbie.....a couple of really good threads