Workout ideas

Hey people, I'm trying to do some research about some possible exercise that I might fall in love with. In my (short) life I have done soccer, softball, baseball, karate, swimming, dance (many types), running, walking, ellipsing (and other gym equipment), biking, rock climbing, and one session of both pole and acra.

None of them have stuck. TO BE FAIR, I haven't rock climbed in years and I simply cant afford to go to acra/pole/dance classes right now.

The thing is, I'm trying to find some form of exercise to fall in love with. Seems like thats a key element to losing weight. Which *surprise* is what I'm here for. I'm also interested in archery but can't afford that either atm!

What I know about myself and my exercise habits is a) I am NOT competitive, b) I like to do it alone so I can listen to music and c) I don't like a lot of set up to do it. I want to hop on the bike and go or put on the headphones and go.

Any ideas as to what I might like? Have you had a difficult time finding your "thing?" How do you get around the money issue?


  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Were you bike riding on-road, or trail riding? They're vastly different experiences.

    You mention money is a limiting factor, so activities that otherwise fit your criteria, like kayaking or boxing/MMA may be prohibitive from a start-up perspective.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I bought some groupon's for different things and over time figure out what I liked. Then due to time and my life I started home DVD series that matched up to what I liked. I Finally got consistent and hooked!!!!!

    I did Combat (kicking and punching, I love it) T25, 21 Day Fix, and I'm not in love with P90X3 yet so I'm struggling, but I'll get there. If not I'll go back to another since I Own them, I can do them whenever, after the one time investment each.

    There are some things you can find on-line and the library has stuff to rent. I hope you find your niche!
  • LiftAndBalance
    LiftAndBalance Posts: 960 Member
    I absolutely love Fitnessblender. Just google it, it's a couple of trainers who offer hundreds of free videos on their website and you can search them based on time, body focus, training type, difficulty, calories burned and equipment (including no equipment whatsoever). They also have a facebook page where you can post questions.
    If, like me, you have problems making up your own plan out of the workouts, you can also purchase programmes for four or eight weeks. The eight week programmes cost US$ 9,99 and they also post discount codes on facebook every now and then.

    Good luck finding something you love!
  • peonycarol
    peonycarol Posts: 12 Member
    Yes! is the bomb! If you can`t find something there you won`t find it anywhere! Good luck!
  • RoseH1992
    RoseH1992 Posts: 1
    Options, I've lost 11lbs so far :)
  • worm5996
    worm5996 Posts: 28 Member
    Keep trying until you find that thing that you love. My husband and I joined a gym. $10 each a month so not much. It turns out that we both love the circuit training room. So we do that M, W, F. on T, Th, Sat we started C25k. It is free app for our phones and we run outside. Sunday is our rest day. As someone that had always been thin and never had to exercise, I went through a bunch I hated to find what I liked. I also like Leslie Sansone walking DVD's and Focus T25 for when we can't get to the gym or go running. You can find some of the Leslie Sansone videos for free on YouTube.