Healthy snacks and lunch ideas for Toddlers

Ladybug1250 Posts: 366 Member
Hi All,

So its a constant struggle for me to make healthy lunches for my 3 year old. I try to stay away from the convenience foods like chef Boyardee and other pre packaged foods cause of all the additives and chemicals, but it's difficult for me as a working mother to prepare everything homemade, especially when I'm rushing in the morning to get her lunch together.

Does anyone have any suggestions for healthy snacks or pre packaged foods that aren't bad for you?


  • pinkvici
    pinkvici Posts: 140 Member
    I'm guessing you're not in the UK, so I don't know about pre-packaged foods where you are!

    I am in the UK, and if I'm buying pre-packaged foods, I tend to go for the Annabel Karmel range from my little one, or Organix.

    If I'm looking for snacks, she usually has sliced fruit/veg - usually grapes/strawberries, pear/apple, slices of sweet red pepper, mini corn etc. I also give her mini rice cakes (and add toppings), dried fruits, mini crackers, malt loaf, bananas etc.

    My daughter doesn't like sandwiches so for lunches I have to get creative! She always had home cooked food as a baby so now will barely eat anything processed! That's great, but can be awkward when on the go!!!
  • mamahannick
    mamahannick Posts: 322 Member
    I have an almost 16-month-old and have never once given her Chef Boyardee or anything like that. :)

    For breakfast she loves scrambled eggs with a bit of cheese & salsa, banana, oatmeal (I add half the amount of water called for to be able to give her "globs" to pick up--she loves it!), any kind of fruit.

    Lunch she typically eats leftovers from dinner because she refuses to eat sandwiches, but I have pre-made and frozen mini meatloaves, rice/bean/cheese patty-type things in muffin shape, homemade veggie pizza (easy to make on an English muffin half), she does eat hot dogs occasionally, today she is having some pulled pork from the night before last, I always give her a fruit & veggie (honestly I just get no-salt-added canned veggies--she loves green beans, carrots, and peas that way...fruit she loves pineapple, peaches, pears, applesauce). Sometimes I give her plain deli meat or seasoned chicken breast cut into pieces with some cheese. Overall I aim to give her a protein, fruit, and veggie with lunch.

    Snacks: raisins (she would live on raisins if I let her lol), string cheese, whole grain Goldfish crackers, graham crackers, yogurt (she would also live on this if I let her), whole milk or watered down apple juice in her sippy cup.

    I spend some time on the weekends prepping any food that needs to be prepped, like the chicken breasts I cook in the crockpot with seasonings so they're tender enough. I work full time during the week, so I also need the convenience of being able to put together a lunch quickly. I suggest getting some small containers to put these things in. It takes me 5 minutes max to put together her lunch in the mornings. :)

    Sorry to ramble! I'm always in search of new ideas for toddler lunches, and I love sharing what I've found works for her. :)
  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    What are some of her favorite dinner foods? Try making up some of the more freezer friendly ones in bulk and freeze them in individual portions. We do this with black beans, chicken and dumplings, ham and bean soup and chili for the kids. Every once in a while, double favorite dinner recipes and freeze them. You don't really add any time to your day by doing this.

    Other ideas:

    cube up a block of cheese and keep it handy - it's a quick and easy way to add some protein and fat to their day (and they need both)

    my 3 year old loves guacamole - I see nothing wrong with chips and guacamole for lunch with maybe some cheese cubes or grilled chicken cubes for protein

    canned beans - I think they are decent for canned convenience foods - try black beans or pinto beans or even refried beans - my kids like the Old El Paso brand refried beans with green chiles

    I don't think the Campbell's or Progresso canned soups are bad and are great if you are in a pinch and don't have a bunch of time - we have a couple of kid's sized Thermos brand containers that are perfect for keeping soup or beans hot

    Triscuits (kids seem to prefer the rosemary garlic or the roasted garlic flavored ones), cream cheese to spread on them, cheese, cubed chicken or turkey (or lunchmeat slices), apple slices or grapes or berries

    homemade lunchables - Ritz crackers, sliced cheese, lunch meat, add some fruit and veggies

    hard boiled egg (or egg whites if don't like the yolk) + fruits and/or veggies

    mixed berries + yogurt + half sandwich
  • worm5996
    worm5996 Posts: 28 Member
    My DD is 4 so a bit older than yours. She is more of a grazer than an eater. She prefers lots of mini meals. And since I stay home with her, she can eat like that.

    She loves raisins, yogurt, craisins, graham crackers, baked Goldfish, Mickey cheese, grapes (cut in half for a little one), watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple, strawberries, peas, carrots, celery, Animal cookies, Kix, Cheerios. Lunches are sometimes a sandwich but it has to be on a hamburger bun. She won't eat regular bread unless it is toast. I make mini pancakes and freeze them for quick breakfast. I make mini pizza and freeze them too. I prefer homemade foods to processed ones so I know what is in it. I am sure she eats more than this but I just can't think of it right off the top of my head.
  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    I am also a working mom of a 3 year old. I always have cooked chicken, veggies, seasonal fruit, yogurt and pasta. I make both of our lunches the night before. This way mornings are less hectic. My son is more of a grazer eater too so I plan and pack small meals and snacks so he can eat healthy all day. Left overs from dinner also make great lunches to go. Good luck with your lil one :)
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    I have a one year old.

    He loves raw sweet tomatoes, cucumbers, crushed peanuts, fruit, yogurt, cheddar or mozzarella cheese, and plain cheerios. He also loves bacon and roasted meats.

    We've always made him eat with us at dinner. He eats what we eat for the most part unless it's something he can't chew.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Are you looking for real foods for meals? Or just snacks? It should be no problem finding food for meals, 3 y/o's can eat almost anything. If you just need some quick easy snacks then cheese sticks are good. Bananas are also a great snack. And there is nothing wrong with some bread, chips, or crackers for kids as snacks either. Just read the labels and avoid ones with lots of preservatives.
  • kuderstadt
    kuderstadt Posts: 134 Member
    I have 4 kiddo's, they are 8, just turned 7, 4, and 2… I don't feed them anything different than I feed myself.

    So really, any healthy snack or lunch you feed yourself, just make enough to feed your toddler too.

    I personally wouldn't eat chef boyardee so I would never feed it to my kids.

    My 2yo just finished up a snack… a banana. I just has some melon. Makes a good mid-morning snack.
  • erelyl
    erelyl Posts: 48 Member
    I'm a single mom of a 4 yr old, so kiddo is often with me when i do the shopping. One day he just HAD to have some canned pasta in sauce stuff because it had ninja turtles on it. Bought it, and gave it to him the next day for lunch and he wouldn't touch the stuff! He's too used to eating real food i guess :) Sandwiches cut into fun shapes with cookie cutters are a big hit, cheese strings or babybels, fruit, cut up veggies and dip (he will only eat hummus as a dip, no ranch for my dude). He loves quesadillas, tortilla rollups with chicken and cheese or ham and cheese. Leftovers from dinner, quick homemade mac and cheese... he's been eating real food since he was a baby and while he sometimes asks "what that? oh i don't like that" usually after a few tries he will happily eat whatever is put in front of him. If your little one is a picky eater keep offering the new or unwanted stuff along side old favorites and they may even surprise you!
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Fruit, veggies with dip, cheese, crackers, edamame, kashi bars, almonds, pasta, roll-ups (lunch meat and cheese rolled up, or lunchmeat wrapped around a veggie), mini meatloaves, mini quiche, salads, homemade chicken nuggets, baked french fries, quesadillas, tacos, pierogies, egg rolls. Pretty much anything their size or that they can dip seems to be a hit in our house.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Hi All,

    So its a constant struggle for me to make healthy lunches for my 3 year old. I try to stay away from the convenience foods like chef Boyardee and other pre packaged foods cause of all the additives and chemicals, but it's difficult for me as a working mother to prepare everything homemade, especially when I'm rushing in the morning to get her lunch together.

    Does anyone have any suggestions for healthy snacks or pre packaged foods that aren't bad for you?

    I saw this on FB the other day. I don't have a kid, but I thought this was the cutest idea ever! Don't necessarily have to make a full meal, but you can provide her a variety of options that fit in a cute ice cube tray.
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    *edited for spelling errors and to say I am a working mom also, and understand the struggle!

    Let me just start off by saying how excited I am to finally see this on the forums! I've been dying to post healthy snack ideas for toddlers! I have a 14 month old daughter, and I am a bit more conservative than most when it comes to feeding her. I find that cubed cheese (I cut it up really small for her tiny mouth) is a big hit, and greek yogurt with some chopped strawberries are another staple.

    She has oatmeal every single morning, and I take advantage of that by sneaking in flax seeds and chia! I use better oats, great all natural company, tons of different flavors. They have perfect little individual packages, where you can choose from things like apples and cinnamon or chai tea. I typically go with the organic bare oats and add in some almond milk and chopped blueberries. SHE LOVES IT! Every single morning. It is messy, but well worth it. Here is the link to their website. I buy mine from Hyvee, but I believe you can get them at Walmart or Price Chopper. I find that oatmeal in the morning really starts the day off well and gives her plenty of energy and keeps away that awful mid morning burnout.

    I have some go to on the go lunch snacks if I don't have time to make a meal or if we are out and about and she is hangry. (hungry/angry). Happytot makes these great organic gluten free granola bars in about four or five different flavors. Personally, my little one loves the Apple and Kale crisp! Here is the link to these, I usually have to order these directly, they are a hot item at the Hyvee in my area!

    Another great snack are these rice cakes called Toddler MumMum. Completely organic and very few ingredients. My little one prefers the strawberry flavor, and could eat 20 at a time if I let her. Really nice little company, I believe you can get them at Hyvee, Whole Foods, Target, and Price Chopper. Here's a link these also:

    All of those were typically quick on the go snacks. As far as lunches go, I try and do a protein, veggie, and grain all at a time. My

    For proteins I do:

    Applegate Naturals turkey or pepperoni
    Jennio o ground turkey cooked in a skillet with some spices
    Egg muffins (super easy, mix eggs/spices/shot of milk/veggies throw in muffin tins and back for 30 mins)
    Mini turkey meatloafs I premake for the week and heat as needed
    Johnsonville turkey sausage sliced up and heated
    Shredded/cubed cheese
    Peanut butter on some whole wheat crackers
    Boiled eggs sliced
    Greek yogurt (any kind of yogurt really, I just check to make sure there isn't a ton of sugar added)
    cottage cheese
    shredded roast pork

    Veggies/fruits (I've been lucky, my daughter loves vegetables)

    Peas cooked with some feta cheese
    Steamed broccoli dipped in walden farms sweet onion dressing
    Any type of beans, I usually just buy some canned organic black or pinto beans, rinse and heat.
    Avocado or Wholly Quacamole organic mini packs, she LOVES avocado in all forms
    Roasted tomatoes, cauliflower, broccoli
    Sliced peaches
    Sliced strawberries drizzled with honey

    Whole grains (I have never given my little one white bread or overly processed grains, and now she only likes whole wheat varieties.)

    whole wheat pasta and a little tomato sauce
    kashi go lean crunch cereal
    brown rice cakes with a little pb
    Ezekiel bread with cottage cheese
    whole wheat tortilla with cheese and sliced turkey inside
    whole wheat hamburger buns
    van's protein whole wheat waffles with some sugar free syrup

    Now, there are many times I am just too busy to make a full out meal. That is when I opt for my secret weapon, organic spaghetti rings and organic ravioli. I can read and understand everything on the list, and she LOVES this stuff! You can buy them at whole foods or Hyvee.

    Also, here is a link to some super cute meal ideas!