Emilycaldwell420 Member


  • I have all the dvds you listed and love love love them! the no more trouble zones is longer than 30 minutes but a good workout. the other ones are about 30 minutes give or take. I rotate them for variety. I'd say get them all!! Also, i love jackie warner dvds too
  • candy corn!! I know its full of nasty ingredients i probably cant pronounce, but if i have even one, I'll eat the whole bag. I only allow myself to buy two big bags per year around halloween and then I have to wait til next year. Pretty much anything sweet too. One bite usually starts the snowball effect for me. I try to…
  • When I was breastfeeding, I took fenugreek ( you will smell like maple syrup!!) and blessed thistle capsules to increase my supply. I also made sure to feed or pump avery 3 hours or so to make your body think more milk was being consumed and therefore it would make more- supply/ demand thing. Sounds like you are drinking…
  • I did do the drop down menu and did the 5x/week, but it didn't ask how many cals I burn when excersizing. It would mean that I would be netting under 1000 cal/ day on some days that i'm working out.For instance, monday it says to eat 1389 cal. Then I work out and burn 500 cal. My net is 889 cal that day which is like…
  • I do jillians 30 day shred level 1, then do level 2, then do level 3 right in a row. Talk about wanting to die, but thats an hour!!! I warm up in level 1 then skip level 2 and 3 warmups and just go right to the strength. I don't do that every day obviously! I love all jillians videos and they are $9.46 each at my walmart.…
  • I would do lots of squats, lunges, sumo squats with triceps dips, crescent pose with rear triceps press, pushups, t stands (these are all on her dvds). Get jillian michaels ripped in 30 and no more trouble zones dvds. they will kick your butt just like they did mine and she works you hard, including triceps and inner…
  • I have 5 of jillians dvds....no more trouble zones, ripped in 30, banish fat boost metabolism, 6 week 6 pack and 30 day shred. They are all awesome and by that i mean they kick your butt, every single one! I also have some tae bo workout videos and a jackie warner power sculpt. In addition, I like to run. I do her dvds at…
  • Burpees are where you are standing with feet hip width apart. You then bend down and put your hands on the ground right above your toes. Then you jump your feet back so you are in plank, keeping your back flat. Then you jump from plank back to where your feet are right by your hands. Finally, you jump from that "frog…
  • Jillian Michaels' spider pushup planks, her jumping oblique twists, her squats with v-raises and finally her double jump ropes...I groan every time I get to these spots on her videos, but I know they are for my own good! Doesn't mean I like them lol!
  • greek yogurt, no salt almonds, berries, cottage cheese, string cheese, triscuits, eggs, chicken breasts, oatmeal, whole wheat pasta, low sodium tuna, fresh veggies- spinach, broccoli, green beans, carrots, kale, cucumbers, peppers. These are must haves....of course i cook other stuff too, but these are staples. If i have…
  • I'd suggest going to a specialty bra store and getting a professional fitting. My sports bras are AWESOME (the girls dont hardly move!!! and i was used to wearing 3 bras), however the writing has worn off the tags so I cant tell u who made them:( but I paid at least $50 for them but they have lasted me for 2 years cuz i…
  • I am on a very low sodium diet for my inner ear disorder that developed after the birth of my first child. I'm with you...lowering sodium was difficult at first but you can do it! Start with not adding any salt to foods when you make them. Start searching for no salt added veggies (canned), tomato sauce etc and make your…
  • I agree with getting a proper bra fitting. I had NO luck with victorias secret cuz i'm such a weird size, they didnt have a bra that fit me and kept trying to get me into one of their bras. I'm small and petite and i have larger breasts. Luckily i found a specialty bra shop where they measured me and told me i was a 30 E.…
  • I got the 800 calories from the database that says each ounce is 20 calories so 20 x the 40 ounces is 800 calories. My son doesnt eat that much per day, I'm freezing it so i don't have to pump til hes 12 months!