Jillian's Burn Fat, Boost Metabolism

I've only done it once, and headed to Walmart soon to invest. How often do you do this workout, and what results have you noticed?


  • mazza33
    mazza33 Posts: 123 Member
    Lol I have just tried this for the first time tonight and pulled a calf muscle....OUCH!!!

    I suggest doing more leg stretches than she does.

    I will try again when I recover.

    Good Luck! x
  • leeannm0304
    My workout buddy and myself are now on level 3. Typically i have heard your supposed to do this every day for 30days however! I do it wtih my friend for 3x a week along with 2 other days a week of Cardio.

    I am feeling the burn and noticing the tone more and more.. The levels we switch when WE feel comfortable and not before hand.

    Good luck!
  • sweetchick06
    sweetchick06 Posts: 30 Member
    I had this DVD and did it once a long time ago, but then I broke it. :( I do love her No More Trouble Zones; the two were made to go hand in hand. NMTZ kicks my BUTT each and every time. When that DVD comes back into rotation I literally groan when it's time to start.

    I've seen great results as well as nice toning and trimming from all of Jillian's DVDs. I have them all and am currently working on Ripped in 30 for the first time. Just completely Week 1 day 6 so no results on this as of yet.
  • Emilycaldwell420
    Emilycaldwell420 Posts: 17 Member
    I have 5 of jillians dvds....no more trouble zones, ripped in 30, banish fat boost metabolism, 6 week 6 pack and 30 day shred. They are all awesome and by that i mean they kick your butt, every single one! I also have some tae bo workout videos and a jackie warner power sculpt. In addition, I like to run. I do her dvds at least 3x week, then I run about 2x week or do a tae bo or jackie warner...i basically mix it up so my body doesnt get used to doing a certain routine all the time. As far as results, i haven't done measurements or anything, but lately friends have said that "you are looking great, what are you doing?"! cuz I just had my second child 8 months ago and was back to prepregnancy weight 2 months ago. And my hubby told me last week that my butt was "tight as a teenagers (yeah!) " and my stomach looked "reeaaallly goood"!!! It made my day knowing that he could see a difference! I have also noticed major definition in my arms. So, as jillian would say.."your heart will be gargling in your throat and you think you may die" but its definitely worth it!!! You can do it!!
  • aprylc20
    aprylc20 Posts: 18 Member
    I do that one on my on demand. Its the best! My on demand cuts it off at 20 min :( so i switch over to another biggest loser video. They are both and give me the cardio i am loooking for! I have noticed my body getting use to the exercises done and i am sweating up a storm afterwards!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    It's hard that's for sure. The first time I did it I barely made it through the whole thing. I have been doing JM's 30 day slimdown which incorporates BFBM along with her other DVDs and I am finding that my stamina is much better now and that I don't want to die by the end of it anymore, lol. It's something you can do every day since it's only cardio but I think it's best to mix things up just so you don't get bored.
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    This is my fave of her workouts! I shaved 4 inches off my waist in 30 days, it was awesome! I then did the same challenge as idauria which mixes BFBM in with no more trouble zones and the 30 day shred and got really good inch loss on my hips and saddle bags. I no do both BFBM and NMTZ at least once a week as I think they are really good workouts, but in very different ways! 30 DS is very hard but I don't personally think the warm-up is enough to help prevent injury.