Jillian Michaels' help please!

I'm doing 30 Day Shred but would like to do another of her DVDs alongside it. Preferably one that has fairly short work outs like 30DS as I have 3 young children and have to fit in my working out round nap time!

Which are your favourites? Which would you recommend? I've seen:
6 week 6 pack
No more trouble zones
killer buns and thighs
ripped in 30

My particular 'trouble zone' is my belly as my youngest child is only 12 weeks old!


  • Emilycaldwell420
    Emilycaldwell420 Posts: 17 Member
    I have all the dvds you listed and love love love them! the no more trouble zones is longer than 30 minutes but a good workout. the other ones are about 30 minutes give or take. I rotate them for variety. I'd say get them all!! Also, i love jackie warner dvds too