

  • Also...running on the treadmill IS NOT the same thing as pounding the pavement. What ever you can do on a treadmill...will be far less when you do it
    in New Runner Comment by clpolk1 April 2011
  • if you are new to running, check out the book, 50/50 by Dean Karnazes. My husband had the same thing happen when he took up running a few months ago. This book will tell you every thing to expect and has lots of tips to be successful. My husband went from barely being able to complete a 5K (3.2 miles) to, almost over…
    in New Runner Comment by clpolk1 April 2011
  • Lots of feed back. I see alot of people posting about the low cal intake. The program says it burns your "stored" fat to make up the missing cal intake. So you body is still getting a good amount of fuel. I was just wondering if anyone had experienced it. I have never been one to "diet", I have a pretty good handle on the…
  • Welcome! Always glad to see new faces! Good luck to you, feel free to add me! !
    in New :) Comment by clpolk1 April 2011
  • Welcome!! This is a great site!!
  • Oh ya!! Hang in there!!
    in AM I...... Comment by clpolk1 April 2011
  • Good Luck..this is a great site!!
  • I think the activity level is more of a snap shot of your normal, whole day, not just what your doing for 1 hour a day. For instance if you are a secratary and you do alot of sitting...then even though your doing P90X, your still not going to have a "low" activity level for the day. . Now if you worked for a parks…
  • This site Rocks!! Lots of support and great food idea's! WELCOME!!
  • This site Rocks!! Lots of support and great food idea's! WELCOME!!
  • Welcome Tomeka!! I am pretty new as well. You going to love it here!!
  • Keep at it.....Probably took awhile to put the wieght on? Gonna take some time to take it off! :) I have been at it 10 weeks, I am toning up but I have not lost a single pound, I feel your frustration...ha ha Dont give up!!
  • If you missed, say Plyometrics or Kenpo and you want to do one in the morning and one in the evening that is probably ok since one is a cardio. BUT... I would NOT recommend doubling up this early in the program if both work outs involve weights. I am in week 10 of P90X classic and when I miss a work out, I just consider…
  • My goals are to just tone up, and if I happen to lose a few pounds in the proccess...that would be But mainly just want to tone up. any advice is welcome, especially from a P90X grad...:)
  • Add me as a friend and I can keep you updated!! :)
  • using weights between 10lbs and 12lbs, (12-15 reps)...Not using the supplements or the drink so I was expecting results to be a little slower but not this When I started I could not do a single pull-up and now I can 10-12, with the chair assist. Feel pretty good about that...
  • Welcome!! I just joined a few weeks ago and I love it!! I am curently in week 10 of P90X. Logging the food is a REAL eye opener!! You can add me as a friend if you would like...:) Welcome, you are going to love it here!! C
    in New to MFP Comment by clpolk1 April 2011
  • Click on "My exercise" on the home screen...on the top of that page click on "my exercise".... Here you can add what ever it was that you did and you can add the calories you burned. Creating your own exercise, does not automaticall populate calories, so you need a device that is counting you calories while you work…
  • hello!! This is Connie, also a new user. I know what you mean, logging your food is a REAL eye opener!! Welcome!! We will keep you motivated!!
  • Well lets hope you stick around!! The food tracker was a real eye opener for me! Welcome!
    in 1ST TIME! Comment by clpolk1 April 2011
  • Well lets hope you stick around!! The food tracker was a real eye opener for me! Welcome!
    in 1ST TIME! Comment by clpolk1 April 2011
  • OMG!! My husband eats the same way! Be strong girl, you can do this!!! My husband is military so he is in good shape but also has the attitude that if I am going to stuff the fridge with low fat this and that. for me..I better equally stuff it with regular food cause he is not eating the low fat crap...LOL Hang in there!!
  • The weight watchers web site has tons of stuff for all meals...:) You do not have to be a member to view it all..
  • This program is well worth the money. I am in week 7 and I am not seeing much results yet but I am being patient. I think it takes woman longer..? This workout is NOT boring and that is what keeps me going! Good Luck