Haven't lost a darn pound

Monsherri Posts: 69
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
I've been at this one week today. Haven't lost a darn pound,in fact I have gained. If it weren't for these encouraging stories, I would have already quit again!! What I have done: 1) Become aware of how many calories I am consuming in a day and the quality of the calories. 2) Exercised every day this week 3) Began to actually believe I can loose weight this time. Because of the support and encouragement of all you good people. Thanks!!


  • hollyknouse
    hollyknouse Posts: 232 Member
    I say CONGRATULATIONS on the things you have done. Sometimes it just takes time for your body to catch up. You can do it. Stick with it and you will see the results I promise! Drink lots of water. That will help for sure. I know you can do it!
  • ybba12490
    ybba12490 Posts: 252
    I lost 8 lbs in the first 2 weeks and the next time I weigh-in is the 23rd. Every time I weigh myself, I haven't lost anything else! I would like some opinions also please :)
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Open up your diary
  • clpolk1
    clpolk1 Posts: 27
    Keep at it.....Probably took awhile to put the wieght on? Gonna take some time to take it off! :) I have been at it 10 weeks, I am toning up but I have not lost a single pound, I feel your frustration...ha ha Dont give up!!
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    I gained 5 pounds in my first week of watching calories and exercising this time. And it wasn't water. It didn't come right off. I had to wait 3 weeks before I was below my initial weigh in. But, it has dropped pretty steadily since then by 1-2 pounds a week - just like it should. I've had a few weeks where I lost nothing, but usually made up for it the next week.

    So, all that to say.......don't give up!! Give your body time to adjust! Think about how much better you feel already....think how much better you'll feel in a month....in 3 months.....by fall.....by Christmas.....
  • A lot of the times when you start working out you wont lose. But keep at it and you will!!
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    Sometimes it takes some convincing to get the body to burn fat. If you're giving up after a week, you are giving up too soon. It's hard to say what might be the culprit behind the gain without more information like how often you workout and what you're eating, how much you're eating, whether you're drinking enough water. All pieces of the puzzle are relevant.
  • Hanna82
    Hanna82 Posts: 138 Member
    Don't get discouraged. It took me almost a month to start losing weight. It takes awhile for your body to get in the swing of things. I started working out and eating right. What I wasn't considering was muscle I was building plus when you work out and you're sore you're retaining lots of water. Also, I always gain weight during that time of the month. There are lots of things to be considered.

    Stick with it. There will always be discouraging moments but in the end there will be results and it will be worth it.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    don't give up! it takes a while to get your body figured out as to what works for YOU to lose weight.
  • sarahbear119
    sarahbear119 Posts: 80 Member
    It took me about 3 weeks to lose anything and it was 9lbs in 3 days. You will lose it.
  • Be careful about the SODIUM you are consuming.. Salt absorbs water and your water weight could be the culprit. Also, your body may be "in shock" or "confused" about the sudden change in diet. Give it another week or two, don't be discouraged! And make sure you are writing down EVERY SINGLE THING you put in your mouth.. Even if it is ONE cracker or ONE chip. The tiny things you are munching on can add up to hundreds of calories at the end of the day.

    Stay focused and don't be discouraged. This isn't a "diet" this is a "lifestyle change". Good luck!
  • sandyw127
    sandyw127 Posts: 131 Member
    dont give up. mabye look at crabs and sugar how many days ur excercising and for how long
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    It's only been one week. This isn't the Biggest Loser, it's real life and it takes time and perseverance. What will you gain if you quit?
  • JLink823
    JLink823 Posts: 13
    It took me about 3 weeks before I started losing. Keep at it!!!! Gauge by how you feel and your clothes fit, not by the scale alone.
  • BandMom2
    BandMom2 Posts: 64
    Just keep working at it! Don't stop.....I gained six pounds the first month I really started working the plan, and exercising four days a week, two days cardio,two day cardio/strength mix. Today I weighed in (at 6weeks working the program) and lost what I gained plus four pounds! It feels great!! =) So very glad I did not stop and had all the encouragement fro MFP....
  • stoty
    stoty Posts: 21 Member
    Keep up the good work!

    In addition to number of pounds lost, you might want to start tracking number of inches lost, as well (especially if you're exercising). Inches won't show on your scale, but when you lose them, they can go a long way toward motivating you to keep going.

    Good luck to you!
  • I've been there. On the bright side, there is a lot of benefit to simply maintaining your weight while adopting a more healthy lifestyle. If you haven't worked out for a long time and are just getting back into it, you body may be maintaining it's weight because you are experiencing muscle gain, which offsets fat loss on a scale.

    Having dealt with weight issues for years, it never seems as simple as the mathematical calculations make it out to me. There are so many complex systems in our bodies that using the scale as our only unit of measure is often deceiving.

    If you feel any better, physically, mentally or spiritually through an improved lifestyle, then you've made excellent progress to be proud of no matter what he scale says. Keep it going for a while, and eventually the scale will give way to your argument. :)
  • bongowillie
    bongowillie Posts: 35 Member
    sometimes the scale is not the best motivator, i lose a pound and gain a pound, but people ask me how much i lost i tell them 1 pound but the belt is down to the 3rd hole and the pants and shirt look big on me. so get a new belt, that you will wear everyday and watch it move in...the pounds will come off
  • JMJohnson1005
    JMJohnson1005 Posts: 209 Member
    Make sure you are eating back your exercise calories. Your body could be holding on to what you do feed it if you are not eating enough. Stick with it and you will see the results!
  • Keep on going, don't quit. The first week or two I didn't loose anything either.

    Then finally I lost 3 pounds in 3 1/2 weeks.

    You can do it, I know you can, and you will loose real soon.

    Just don't quit, give up, or be discouraged.

    Keep reading the success stories!
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