daz2270 Member


  • Thanks @sijomial after googling it (bad idea) I was slightly perturbed that low heart rate might be something to be concerned about.
  • Personally, I find it easier not to eat a bar of chocolate rather then spending 30 minutes on the treadmill. I do exercise (weights) but more for body composition goals rather than weight loss. Exercise has tons of health benefits, I wouldn't let this person put you off.
  • I use my scales as a rough guide and take a photo each month - if I see more abs I'm losing BF!
  • Whichever works best for you. It's down to personal preference. I like 3 small meals + small snacks in between. Others like fewer bigger meals. Choose whichever suits you best.
  • Gained 14lb between Xmas and New Year, lost 7lb between NY and this morning. Just goes to show a big chunk of that gain was water/glycogen/food.
  • I'm 0.5lb away from hitting my goal but have company xmas party tomorrow, drinks with friends Friday, 50th birthday party on Saturday and 70th birthday meal on Sunday. I've been eating at a deficit all week and will probably only have small/low calorie options for breakfast & lunch over the coming 4 days, plus I will make…
  • After 18 months of cutting 2017 will be the year of the slow bulk with maybe a mini cut for the summer. I would like to add 15 lbs of lean mass.
  • Used to at first. Now I just assume 1 meal won't make or break anything. That said if I'm planning on splurging I will have smaller breakfast and lunch and try to fit some exercise in beforehand to balance it out.
  • There was an error in the last update which will be fixed in the next update http://myfitnesspal.desk.com/customer/en/portal/articles/2651970-updated-info-regarding-discrepancies-in-member-s-ios-calorie-adjustment Although mfp seem to think that apple watch overestimates calories. Will see what happens when next update is…
  • Definitely feel the cold much worse post weight loss. Really, struggle to stay warm. I've also noticed my nose tends to stream whilst out in any cold weather. I will shortly be switching to maintenance/small surplus and am hoping this makes a difference.
  • I'm guessing you are using an iphone/apple watch to track steps and your calories earned has decreased? If so MFP has reduced the number of calories earned in the latest update to "improve accuracy".
  • I spent 2 hours watching the food channel Saturday night! Don't these things "go with the territory" once you get <15% bf? I'm just soooo close to my goal it's tantalizing! I suppose in the scheme of things 2 weeks at maintenance wouldn't make much difference to my long term goals. Thanks for taking the time to post…
  • I tend to take breaks based on social commitments or when I feel mentally I need a break, so last one was 3 weeks long which I had to coincide with my vacation/holiday back in August, but normally a week in duration. On average I'd say it works out maybe once every 12 weeks or so.
  • Thanks for the advice @trigden1991, I've done some reading on calories partitioning. However, I've been dieting for what feels like forever now. I'm feeling more and more lethargic, libido has dropped through the floor and I'm feeling cold all the time. Psychologically and maybe physiologically I think I need to up the…
  • Thank you @psulemon I'd guess bf% is around 13%/14%. I can see upper ab definition and plenty of vascularity. Lower abs not visible (however this may be affected by loose skin?). In terms of cycles I was thinking if I gain 0.5lbs per week I could probably bulk for 25-30 weeks before cutting again - does that sound right?…
  • I have taken a few diet breaks along the way, but I've been cutting for so long now I just want to get it over and done with! I will take your advise and bump cals up by 500. I'm pretty diligent recording calories and weight to I feel confident I'll be able to adjust based on experience. Thanks for the help.
  • @psulemon lost on average 1.5lb per week over last 12 weeks or so. Workout program has been back/chest/biceps x2 per week, legs, shoulders, triceps x 2 per week. Been lifting for last 16 months or so, I think I've managed to preserve LBM to a reasonable extent. My ultimate goal is to gain 20lb of muscle and be around 12%…
  • 250 cals burned for 20k steps today for a 166lb man is not accurate and demotivating. I found the old method of calculating cals to stack up with the actual weight lost each week. Wish they'd just go back to the old way....
  • 11lbs in 3 (alcohol, sodium and carb laden days) is my record. Returned to normal in 5-6 days, but it what a bit of a shock at the time!
  • Focus on the process not some end destination. It's not a race. It's taken me 18 months to lose 60lbs, which is less than 1lb a week on average. I've had some set backs along the way but having a long term view has helped me put such set backs in perspective and not "lose the plot". Be patient and go easy on yourself.
  • I had a similar experience. I gained 15lb in 3 and a half week vacation. Straight back on diet and lost it. It did take me 10 weeks though. Wish it was as easy to lose as it is to put it on!
  • Think it's a bug in the latest update. I've had same problem. Very annoying!
  • For me it's not the alccohol that's the issue but the lack of control around food that accompanies it.
    in Alcohol? Comment by daz2270 October 2016
  • I've done 8lb in 2 days before, which came off after a week or so. 16lbs is impressive!
  • When I first started out I had a mindset that I had to be "perfect" and would beat myself up when I inevitably slipped. I've now worked out that consistently good is better than occasionally perfect.
  • FWIW weighed in this morning 1.8lbs lighter. Whether that's down to no diet soda or some other confounding factors IDK....
  • I eat pretty similar stuff most of the time, but I have cut the soda out completely today. Will see what happens over the next few days......
  • Been weighing myself daily for about a year now, so I think I can mentally handle a few natural fluctuations! Was just curious as to whether anyone else had the same experience.
  • Agreed! I'm not stressed in the slightest about the weight gain - as I know it can only be water/waste. Just as a nutrition nerd I was curious whether this was a "thing".
  • True - although it's unusual in my experience for my weight to go up consistently (unless I've been eating more carbs/sodium than usual). Will abstain for the next few days and see if it corrects itself.