Very interesting. Nice read! The differentiation between rounded upper to rounded lower is handy too.
Daughter being a brat.
I really wish I could break rule #9.
Ironically, I have been seriously under-eating the past two weeks. It's funny how much being at my office does affect my regular feeds. Hopefully, I will get back on track next week when all this holiday stuff is finally over.
When someone finally answers a question that has perplexed me I usually tell them "thanks now this won't have to reside in my anxiety closet and keep me up night." They don't get the reference. The greatest comic ever.
I kinda feel someone is idiotic if they don't take a list of exercises with them and record what they do.
I was on an anti-depressant a few years ago and just about everything gave me the gag reflex including fried eggs, spinach, apples, and toothpaste. I'm glad I am over all that now.
I have nothing to add, except this.
Me. Coughing. Allthetime
Although I have a hacking cough and interrupted sleep last night, I hauled my buttocks in and ran through my quad workout today. (Cross-posted from the "How Much Can You Squat Thread.) Squated: 295 x 1 (New PR) This was preceded with: 135 x 12 reps 225 x 4 sets x 8 reps 245 x 6 reps 265 x 4 reps 285 x 2 reps After that I…
Although I have a hacking cough and interrupted sleep last night, I hauled my buttocks in and ran through my quad workout today. Reading this thread before I left motivated me on. 295 x 1 (New PR) This was preceded with: 135 x 12 reps 225 x 4 sets x 8 reps 245 x 6 reps 265 x 4 reps 285 x 2 reps After that I followed up…
Just get yourself a pumpkin carriage. Mines a Ford.
Yes. A magical one. lol
These are magical places indeed. I will now await my pumpkin carriage to deliver me to the feed.
Okay. I'll stay. lol
Lately, I've been drinking Grande Whole Milk Cappuccinos because that 'bucks is the closest thing open to my gym in the morning after I finish. I grasp my mug tightly as I can. Tides me over until I get home for another feed.
Still not a concern. Really, the only thing some people in some parts of the country (down south if I recollect correctly from my college nutrition classes) have to worry about is a lack of iodine in their soil. But not much more than that.
Such a lovely number... makes me want to feed.
If one lives in an industrial nation, one really does not have to worry about getting enough micro-nutrients --- they are fortified in just about everything we eat --- unless you have some kind of medical condition.
That is very nice of you to say JoRocka! But I am still a bad man. :( lol
I'm a bad man, but I thought "glass floors" and "low tops." lol. Okay I will go home now.
** Gold Star **
That does sound delish! I'm going to try that one out tomorrow morning - I'll invoice you.
Depends on what you need if for I suppose. DEXA is the most accurate, and its relatively cheap, but I can't imagine why a person -- who is not facing some morbidity -- would even need the expense. Plain old calipers is probably all you really need. I still can't see why any of those others would be necessary.
^ He scores. He wins. Touchdown!
lmfao. Completely totally wrong. (For future reference, how much?)
DEXA is what all the cool kids are doing nowadays. IMO, if you like what you are seeing in the mirror at whatever bf % who cares what tool you use, as long as you employ it consistently.
Grande Whole Milk Cappuccino
Scalpel is the most accurate way to measure visceral fat, but then one would have to be dead.