what are your plans for getting off Christmas weight?



  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    Ironically, I have been seriously under-eating the past two weeks. It's funny how much being at my office does affect my regular feeds. Hopefully, I will get back on track next week when all this holiday stuff is finally over.
  • kcd1961
    kcd1961 Posts: 126 Member
    My goal was maintenance and I gained 0.1kg - so I consider that goal achieved. Now back to proper tracking, home cooking, known entities.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,943 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    none, but I am trying to gain weight right now…

    my suggestion - just go back to eating in a deficit and the weight will come off. And are you sure it is really six pounds and not water retention? Six pound gain would mean you consumed 21000 calories over maintenance for the month, or 677 calories over maintenance per day?

    I am guessing half is just water weight/bloat…
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Probably water retention. Eat at a deficit and it will drop back off. Aside from the gym, you don't need to do any of that other stuff.

    Echo feedback above.

    Calorie deficit and you will get results.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    yep, calorie deficit is the answer. I just don't know what happened, I got so greedy with food. Forgive myself and move on. I know if I eat too much, spend too much money I am in trouble. Geez, here I go again,dust myself off and start again. Thanks for the support, could not make it without ya. Happy New Year and lets have a good thin 2015!
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    Naked jumping jacks
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    I needed to get the sugar (refined ) and the mental obsession out of my mid. I have been drinking yogurt, fruit coconut oil smoothies 3 times a day since the 26th. I had gained about 7lbs as well. I am doing well, and will resume notmal healthy eating Friday. I have been drinking smoothies and oatmeal , however NOT long term NOT a fad, just a mental reset. I have been consuming 1500 calories, just mostly smoothies. I plan on trying to drink more water. OH and measure things. now that I have wighed some nut butter for my oats, I know was probably eating 4-6 servings of PB thinking it was one. 2 tbs is a SMALL portion when weighed...lol, not like my guesstimate spoons!!
  • sshintaku
    sshintaku Posts: 228 Member
    What helps me is drinking a LOT of water and tea, in addition to everything else you mentioned. Also maybe a couple hot yoga sessions to sweat out some of the crap.
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    I'm eating a 200 calorie deficit this week, and then I'll go back to maintenance calories next week. I consistently ate 500 calories a day over my maintenance for a week straight... But I'm not too worried.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,592 Member
    drink a tonne of water
    go back to regular workouts
    go back to staying around goal calories
  • karyabc
    karyabc Posts: 830 Member
    B) i just got rid of every single NYE/ Christmas leftover from my kitchen, i was like hell noo im not gonna keep this in the house for the whole week and maybe more + even if i don't eat it them im no good at trowing away food, so i've just pack everything and gave it away, after that I'll just just keep doing everything the same
  • MildredBarhopper
    MildredBarhopper Posts: 99 Member
    I'm eating a 200 calorie deficit this week, and then I'll go back to maintenance calories next week. I consistently ate 500 calories a day over my maintenance for a week straight... But I'm not too worried.

    That's not bad at all....I didn't count last week but...I'm pretty sure I ate close to 2500 over maintenance every day. hahaha. terrible. I do it every year though so I know I have no problem getting back to normal and won't stay off the wagon.
  • wnlbutterfly
    wnlbutterfly Posts: 35 Member
    I lost weight over the holidays (and my birthday) but that is because I was dx with diabetes Dec 16th, so things had to change asap!

    Just get back on plan (whatever plan it is you follow) and it will come back off pretty quick.
  • PearlAng
    PearlAng Posts: 681 Member
    Not sure about what may/may not be water, but I gained about a pound and a half (?) so I just plan to get back to eating normal, satisfying meals, having a treat or two a day and continuing to work out hard. The gym's hours for the past week or so hasn't fit my schedule quite as I like, so I was left to run outdoors/do workouts in the house. So I've still been active, just not as much as I'd like.
  • ellisboyd1
    ellisboyd1 Posts: 67 Member
    I don't worry about Christmas. I was fat because I ate badly every day, not just at Christmas. Same with birthdays.
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,197 MFP Moderator
    I managed to hit almost the top of my maintenance range. I just started training for a half marathon though, so I am not planning on doing anything different than normal. Lots of water, lots of nutritious foods, staying within my calorie range. It'll come off. Although I HAVE gotten rid of most of my overly-sugary snacky foods. :) I think that's great advice, OP.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,287 Member
    I'm planning on cutting calories more and exercising extra until the holiday weight is gone..then go back to my normal deficit and exercise routine after that. I want this holiday weight off NOW! ha.
  • pocketrocket42
    pocketrocket42 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm doing about a 300 calorie deficit until I get my holiday weight off. Then I'm going back to my habits of not keeping tempting foods around and trying to eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible. I also want to set up my bike on rollers so I can get some exercise. I like to bike and walk but the weather for that is terrible right now, so rollers it is.