lindak71 Member


  • I don't have any tattoos, but I do want one. My husband's not into them. I was at Ami James' shop in NYC in August when he was there and could've gotten one but chickened out. I've seen a lot of 13.1 and 26.2 tattoos lately, and I think that after doing my half-marathon in October that would be a huge accomplishment and a…
  • This works. It's all about taking in less calories than you expend. Eat less, move more. Like Oprah said, if there was a magic pill, she'd have it. No luck, just hard work! What part of NY are you from? I'm on LI.
  • August 17, 2009...It was 2 months until my 20th high school reunion. What made me think I'd lose a lot of my weight in that short a period of time, I don't know. But, the real reason? My health. I had some high blood pressure readings and hematuria (microscopic blood in the urine) and I went through a battery of tests. I…
  • The best feeling of all! It's nice to see the scale move downward, but shopping for smaller sizes is where you can really SEE the difference. You don't walk around with your weight or your clothing size written across your forehead, but it's a much better indication of how small you're getting! Like when you watch the…
  • You can just eat smaller portions, do your work-out and allot for the calories before you eat a bite of anything for the day. That way you know what you have to work with for breakfast and lunch. If you know you're going to have 2 of your favorite things, then eating light the other 2 meals will be that much easier. I see…
  • I did C25K and I loved it! I had started walking/running on my own at the track. I would walk 1/2 a lap then jog 1/2 a lap. By the time I found the program I picked it up around week 5. I did it based on distance, not time because I wanted to make sure I could run an entire 5k by the time the program was over. I ran my…
  • I couldn't read the entire thing, but I can't believe she is happy. There is a difference between happy and content. She's content to live that way, being a burden on her loved ones. I know how I felt at only 80 pounds overweight, with the slightest palpitation making me think I was having a heart attack. You are not…
  • I don't have asthma, so I don't really know what you're dealing with, but the plan I used to start running is the Couch to 5k program. You can find it through Facebook or go to and it will be on there. It starts you off really slowly. I love running now! I've done four 5ks so far. I have another coming…
  • Stick with the program and you'll get there! It's a very little thing- sitting on your loved one's lap- but it's something I've done without because of my size. I am D-O-N-E DONE with missing out on things in life! I wouldn't go parasailing on my honeymoon almost 16 years ago because of my size and two years ago, before I…
  • Unfortunately I have always weighed more than my very thin 6' tall husband, but now I don't!!
  • Maybe one day I'll actually allow him to pick me up!!
  • Since April 1st I've lost 29.6 pounds with MFP, 77 pounds total since 8/17/09. I went from a 22/24W to a size 8 pants!!!!!!!!!!
  • I bet a lot of people break up their workouts. I don't usually workout more than an hour at a time, but some days I will do a half hour DVD in the morning, take a walk with the little kids I babysit in the afternoon and possibly go to the gym while my son's at his karate class at night. that could add up to almost 2 hours…
  • Is this on 10/22? I didn't see when it was in the article, but my girlfriend mentioned a zombie run to me recently. It does look like fun, but I'm from Long Island and I won't be taking a trip there for this any time soon!
  • It is the best feeling when you can shop in ANY store! I'm not limited to what is offered in the plus size stores anymore! I started at my highest weight ever in a 22W jeans, 22-24W tops. In the last 2 weeks I went to Kohl's and Fashion Bug and I am in a size 8! I have NEVER been a size 8! I follow a blog and she highly…
    in NSV Comment by lindak71 July 2011
  • Amazing transformation! You look great and most importantly I'm sure you feel SPECTACULAR! You can see it in your face! Job well done!
  • The bigger you are the more calories you require to get through a day. As you lose weight your calorie requirement decreases. I'm down to 1340 as my base, with only a 410 calorie/day deficit. So in order to lose that one pound per week I have to make sure I leave 90 calories uneaten (I exercise every day so it's not…
    in New shorty Comment by lindak71 July 2011
  • I thought that myself when I joined the gym, but I hope what they are thinking is "That person is trying to improve themselves." My gym has the cardio machines to the left immediately when you walk in, the circuit to the right of them and then all the way in the back is the free-weights section. I think most of the lifters…
  • Have you been to the doctor for a really thorough physical? You should make sure there are no underlying issues.
  • I usually break my workout into fractions! So, if I'm doing 45 minutes on the arc trainer, every 5 minutes is a ninth, every 15 is a third... I break my mileage down when I'm running on the treadmill, and when I'm doing intervals and I'm running at a very uncomfortable speed, I even have to break down each minute! So, if…
  • I find it very motivating. Sometimes you're stuck and you think "I can't keep doing this" and then you see how far you'll be in 5 weeks when you hit "complete this entry" and it makes the hard work and dedication worth it. I unfortunately do not know how to turn it off. Sorry!
  • I'll be at the gym at 9am! I know what you mean about losing yourself on the internet. If people stopped spending so much time on the computer and watching tv they wouldn't believe all the free time they have to exercise! Have a great day yourself! It's my nephew's graduation party later today, so I have to workout extra…
  • I found this information on the internet. Apparently our hips prepare for birth before labor, so this happens to all of us regardless of how the baby is born. Increase in Hormones- Your body is running high with hormones such as progesterone and relaxin which have a loosening effect on your muscles, joints, and ligaments.…
  • Unfortunately, if we give birth vaginally, our pelvis opens up to allow for safe passage of the baby, and our hips widen. No amount of leg lifts or donkey kicks will change that. At least we have a very valid excuse for that!
  • Your heart rate was definitely too high to be in the fat-burning zone. It's usually anywhere from 60-70% of your maximum heart rate, right? However, weight-loss is truly about more calories going out than coming in, which running, especially as hard as you did, will help that. Just be careful! I run because I feel amazing…
  • I LOVE C25K! I started out walking at the track on my own, adding small spurts of jogging, maybe a 1/2 lap at a time. I kept adding to the runing portions and by the time I found C25K I started at week 4 or 5. I went by distance, not time. I wanted to know that I could run a full 3 miles when I did a 5K, not just 30…
  • I LOVE panzanella salad. It has peppers (I use whichever is on sale, red or green), cukes, tomatoes, red onion and a vinaigrette with homemade croutons. It's The Barefoot Contessa Ina garten's recipe from the Food Network. I've added pasta to it and grilled chicken... It's delicious. You can modify it, make the croutons in…
  • I see you're a Yankee fan? I am actually doing the Damon Runyon 5K For Cancer Research at Yankee Stadium on 8/7! I can not wait! I started running about a year and a half ago, mostly walking with little spurts of running. Kept adding distance and now I'm a runner. If you're thinking about running I highly recommend the…
  • Congratulations on your success! Do you have any before pictures? Seeing everyone's success stories is such an inspiration! It is simple math, right? Less calories in than calories out... MFP makes it uncomplicated and fun! Wish I would have found it 2 years ago when I started my journey. I recommend it to everyone now-…