Please share!

curlysue06 Posts: 98 Member
I'm looking for healthy recipe sites, blogs or cookbooks... I would like to know what you all are using! It would be such a HUGE help! Thanks for the support!


  • jillrules169
    jillrules169 Posts: 56 Member
    same here. im looking for healthy recipes too. the only site
    ive found so far is where i can pick how many calories i
    want in my dinner. the only thing holding me back is cooking, which im not really
    great at, lol, but im gonna try my best. :)
  • alannahbelanger
    alannahbelanger Posts: 24 Member
    I follow this blog on tumblr :
    She posts all kinds of healthy recipes, and a lot are not the usual stuff you would see so it's less boring :)
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I just throw sh|+ together! lol No, but I usually use the Betty Crocker app for iPhone or and tweak it with healthier ingredients if it's not "healthy" per sé. Also like Rachael Ray's recipes.
  • DanaLynnMN
    DanaLynnMN Posts: 192 Member
    Right now, these are my "go tos"


    2) Better Homes & Gardens Slow Cooker Favorites made Healthy

    3) Search the Recipe message boards on MFP!!
  • batalina
    batalina Posts: 209 Member
    i love , even if you're not a vegetarian, they've got a lot of great healthy recipes!
  • lindak71
    lindak71 Posts: 92 Member
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    Hi Curly....

    One site that I love, while I'm not a member of Weight Watchers this is a great site for low calorie, low fat, etc.:

    Here's another - Lisa Lillien now has a show on Food Network - it's great!! :

    This site has several magazine publication recipes:

    Hope this helps.... best thing to do is google "healthy eating", "healthy recipes", stuff like that.
  • theba2il
    theba2il Posts: 548 Member
  • curlysue06
    curlysue06 Posts: 98 Member
    Thank you all!! This helps out greatly!!
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    I really like Ellie Krieger's The Food You Crave. She is a nutritionist and makes some really awesome stuff. You can also find most if not all of her recipes on The Food Network Website.
  • curlysue06
    curlysue06 Posts: 98 Member
    Thanks! I have visited all that you've recommended. HUGE help! Keep truckin' MFpals!
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member - good vegan recipes - desserts without added sugar - breakdown of cost by ingredient and pictures while cooking
  • curlysue06
    curlysue06 Posts: 98 Member
    Thanks Cali!