What is your tattoo, meaning and where is it?



  • I have a small running woman on my ankle that I got when I completed my first marathon, each of my kids names on either side of my lower back and my kids first initials on my wrist. I want to get the word "love" on my other wrist, a maple leaf for my Canadian heritage on my ankle and my husband's initial on my hip. Unfortunately, my husband isn't super keen on tattoos in the first place, so I need to work him in slowly in order to get more...
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    At 18, I went and got Live Love Laugh in regular cursive under my right boob, on my ribs, right where your bra sits. At 19 I went and got a purple bow on my left hip. At 19 ( 1-1/2 weeks after my second one) my friend and I decided, what the hell, let's get another one and I got a simple star on my left butt cheek. And at 21 I went and got my favourite one, it reaches from the star on my butt cheek all the way up to my bra line on my left side, it's a star and flower combination.
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    right rear shoulder....dragonfly...got when I turned 30 :)
    right ankle...daisy..got when I turned 18 :)

    Getting a 13.1 tat after I finish my half marathon if Im at my goal weight then too :)
  • monettejb
    monettejb Posts: 19 Member
    at least you got something with meaning! nice tatt
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Not sure how to post a picture, but I have one on my chest that says, "Have to Have Passion" that I got a couple of years ago.
  • shybelle
    shybelle Posts: 254 Member
    My first one is a shooting star. It has a couple of meanings. It represents my Nanny who died the year I got it. She raised me and my sister. It has four little stars behind the big star and they represent my mom, me, sister, and aunt. There is another reason but not gonna discuss it on a public forum.

    The next one I am getting is going to be a honey bee resting on a daisy. A daisy because they are my favorite and a honey bee because I always heard a little story about them. Based on a honey bees anatomy they shouldnt be able to fly..a honey bee flies because it was never told it couldn't. That has been my inspiration for weight loss and when I get 100lbs I will get it!
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    left sleeve ---> floral on top descending into a water motif dragonfly/waterlily
    right sleeve --> water motif on top w/ koi descending into cherry blossoms on bottom - all my kid's names are written into the bark , which you would never see it unless i pointed it out
    right hip --> redsox symbol
    belly ---> more floral which is actually a coverup because i got loaded one night and made a tattoo machine out of an electric pencil sharpener and i thought it would be HILARIOUS at the time to tattoo "sXe" (straightedge) across by stomach.
    lower back --> classic tramp stamp i got when i was 17 (yeah, 20+ years ago)

    No big meaning w/ most of them. I just happen to really like ink and the designs i've picked over the years (except for the drunken night. that was a very bad idea)
    I love your honestly!!!!!! this made me smile
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    I have a dragonfly on my left ankle. I am one of those people who can't stay angry for more than 10 minutes....it's a good trait and also a flaw. So when I decided to get divorced from my husband who I still loved but could not live with I had to adopt a mindset so that I would "stay mad" and remember that I had to put my kids first -- he has addictions and just became "unhealthy" to raise children around. He's not a bad person. Use of the word DRAGON was a visual I needed so I wouldn't be forgiving and let him back into the house only to relaps and keep dragging us down. But even after my divorce my family noticed my personality had a little "edge"...it was just a mindset I had to teach myself and I guess I didn't know when it was safe to let it go. SO... when the divorce was done and finalized... I went and got a dragonfly tattoo on my ankle... because dragonflies are a symbol for change... and I [hope] I changed back into my trusting self with a sweeter disposition :flowerforyou:
  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    I have praying hands on my left leg with my children names meaning to always keep them in prayer.

    Left foot/left arm/left butt cheek butterflies - renewing of the spirit

    right arm heart/butterfly with my name - need to love me before anyone else can
  • Browny43
    Browny43 Posts: 124 Member
    left upper sleever-didn't know how to post the pic but I love my STEELERS so I have the Steelers logo inside a football surrounded by leaves and two flowers. I have two boys so one flower is bigger and purple symbolizing my older son and his birthstone color and the other flower is smaller and turquoise, symbolizing my younger son and his birthstone color.

    in back of neck- S and N for my son's names Sebastian and Nicholas

    on each shoulder - their date of birth in roman numerals
  • nevareg
    nevareg Posts: 260 Member
    I have 5 =one one each hip , one on my foot and one going down my spine, this is my most recent one on my forearm:

    The script says: "Be strong and courageous for the lord your god goes with you he will never leave you nor forsake you"
  • lindak71
    lindak71 Posts: 92 Member
    I don't have any tattoos, but I do want one. My husband's not into them. I was at Ami James' shop in NYC in August when he was there and could've gotten one but chickened out. I've seen a lot of 13.1 and 26.2 tattoos lately, and I think that after doing my half-marathon in October that would be a huge accomplishment and a great way to commemorate the occasion!
  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    No pics, but here's what I have:

    1) "DEATH Before DNF" on my right shoulder, up high. "DNF" stands for Did Not Finish. It's what you get if you're doing a triathlon or marathon or something, and you quit. In short, this is my in your face way of saying, "Never give up, ever." On my father's side, there's everything from cancer (it took my dad) to type 2 diabetes, heart attacks, high blood pressure, lupus, high cholesterol, you name it. On my mother's side, there's alzheimers. She has it, and her father had it. Needless to say, every time I forget something, I gulp in fear that I'm starting down that road... Looking down and seeing "DEATH Before DNF" reminds me to never give up, never give in, never quit, and I will never lose. Ever. No matter what or who comes for me. It also reminds me to get my unhealthy *kitten* in shape NOW.

    2) "140.6 I AM" on my upper back. 140.6 is the mileage for an Ironman Triathlon. Lots of ironman finishers get 140.6 bumper stickers. I made the tattoo look like a bumper sticker. The running joke is, when the alzeimers kicks in and I can't remember what it means, I'll always know I worked at a radio station - 140.6 AM. Zoinks! I bet they played easy listening...
  • I have three tattoos( and really want more!!)

    a Celtic cross on my lower back. in each of the 4 "posts" there is a heart done in celtic knotting for those who have passed away, in the center of the cross there are three shamrocks for luck in health, love and happiness.

    On the top of my right foot I have the Celtic trinity with the eternal circle around it. The trinity represents a connection of some kind. My brother and I are really close and both have the same tattoo.

    On the inside of my left wrist I have the words "Defy Gravity". It is from the musical "wicked" there is a song called "defying gravity" the basic concept of the song is to push yourself further that other people think you can go. My favorite verse from the song is " I'm through excepting limits because someone says they are so. Some things I cannot change, but until I try I will never know"
  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    I have 3 (for right now!)

    First one I got when I was 18, it's two elephants on the middle of my shoulder blades. (No, it's not Dumbo! It's actually very artsy, and if I could ever figure out how to post pictures in these forums, I would! Haha!) It's mostly lines, and a lot of people don't realize that it's actually a tattoo of two elephants. Elephants have always been my favorite animal, I find them to be majestic, wise, and just down right beautiful!

    I dreamt up my second one. It is on my left side (below armpit all the way down to my hip), it's an umbrella with rain drops going down my side. Each rain drop has an aspect of my life in it. I currently have 3 rain drops, first one has a cancer ribbon in it to represent everyone I've lost because of cancer, the second one is the Darwin fish (I have a bio degree, and love evolution), and the third has my cat's eyes in it (RIP Sheba!). At the bottom (more towards my hip) it says "Let it Rain," because quite frankly, you can't enjoy the sun without the rain! When I got married in my dream, I got a rain drop with wedding bells in it, when I had a child I put his/her initials in it. So I can't wait to add on to it!!

    My third is a beautiful sunflower (my first color tattoo!!) on my right hip/side of thigh, it's about 6" in diameter (hurt like a ***** though!! More than my ribs!) Sunflowers are just a beautiful piece of work, and always make me smile!!

    Can't wait to get more!! So addicting!
  • heather7marie
    heather7marie Posts: 506 Member
    I have wanted a tattoo for years. I finally got my first one last Monday: Proverbs 3:5-6 on my wrist. I'm not a super religious person or anything, but that verse has single handedly helped me make it through the past year.

    "Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
    In all your ways submit to Him
    And He will make your paths straight"

    Pic taken a couple hours after I got it:
  • megmay2591
    megmay2591 Posts: 621 Member
    I have 3 (for right now!)

    First one I got when I was 18, it's two elephants on the middle of my shoulder blades. (No, it's not Dumbo! It's actually very artsy, and if I could ever figure out how to post pictures in these forums, I would! Haha!) It's mostly lines, and a lot of people don't realize that it's actually a tattoo of two elephants. Elephants have always been my favorite animal, I find them to be majestic, wise, and just down right beautiful!

    I dreamt up my second one. It is on my left side (below armpit all the way down to my hip), it's an umbrella with rain drops going down my side. Each rain drop has an aspect of my life in it. I currently have 3 rain drops, first one has a cancer ribbon in it to represent everyone I've lost because of cancer, the second one is the Darwin fish (I have a bio degree, and love evolution), and the third has my cat's eyes in it (RIP Sheba!). At the bottom (more towards my hip) it says "Let it Rain," because quite frankly, you can't enjoy the sun without the rain! When I got married in my dream, I got a rain drop with wedding bells in it, when I had a child I put his/her initials in it. So I can't wait to add on to it!!

    My third is a beautiful sunflower (my first color tattoo!!) on my right hip/side of thigh, it's about 6" in diameter (hurt like a ***** though!! More than my ribs!) Sunflowers are just a beautiful piece of work, and always make me smile!!

    Can't wait to get more!! So addicting!

    I love your ideas! I want to see pictures! I also really love elephants and am trying to come up with an idea for an elephant tattoo. I have a daisy on my back :). I'll post pictures in a few minutes!
  • runningfromzombies
    runningfromzombies Posts: 386 Member

    "Do I dare/Disturb the universe?" Two lines from the poem "The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock" by T.S. Eliot. It's been my favorite poem since I was thirteen years old (I'm twenty now). It has a different meaning with every passing year (it's one of those deep literary things), so I know that even when I'm ancient, I'll get something new out of the poem as a whole and these two lines. At the surface, though, the most basic thing is that I always want the answer to that question to be "Yes."
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    I has three... but I shall not tell where they are. ^_~

    I do plan on getting another for my 21st. Haven't decided yet.
  • vegasaims
    vegasaims Posts: 128
    The first one is on my back. It is a pick sweet pea flower. It's my birth flower and the artist used a picture from the sweet peas that grow at my great grandparents' house in Utah.

    The second is on my ankle. It is a glass of "pink champagne" in memory of my grandmother who passed away a year and a half ago. When I was little, she would watch us and always give us Cherry 7Up in champagne glasses and say it was "pink champagne".