Callidreamr Member


  • Hi ladies! I'm finishing up week one tomorrow. I'm really enjoying it, even though I'm sore today! I think it's just what I needed to get my act together.
  • Hello ladies. I just completed my 2nd day of week 1 Body Beast yesterday. I'm looking forward to day 3 today. Are any of you following the eating plan? What kind of results did you get?
  • I just got mine in the mail yesterday. I want to start within the next week or two.
  • I've had my Fitbit Flex for a week now. I've discovered that getting 10k steps in when you sit on your behind all day at work is really difficult (I've only done it twice). I love being accountable and challenging myself each day. Right now my focus is to get the 10k steps in and then increasing my goal. I use an urban…
  • I just got my Fitbit Flex from Costco yesterday for $99. It came with 2 black wristbands (small and large) and two extra bands (lime and hot pink) for the same price as the basic Fitbit at other stores. They sold out at one Costcos and I had to get it from another one.
  • I'm in. If I could lose 5lbs by mothers day, I will be so happy. I just got a new scale and realized that my old scale was not accurate. It was an eye opener, even though I shouldn't be so surprised because my pants have all been tight. Good luck everyone!
  • Hi everyone. I'm a native Californian, living in Metro Detroit, Michigan.
  • Hi Everyone. My name is Noelle. I am 46 years old, married for 27 years with 3 grown children. I joined this group to interact with women in my age group and similar fitness goals. My goal is to lose at least 10 pounds in the next few months. I recently started the Happy Hormones, Slim Belly Diet by Jorge Cruise. It's…
  • Congratulations! You look amazing! Your story will inspire so many. Thanks for sharing!
  • I just started to use my Total Gym regularly too. I had a basic older model and recently got the XLS version for a steal (with all the extras). I used this link for a ton of ideas. I also purchased a dvd from Amazon with a Pilates for Total Gym and Total Body workout for…
  • I am 45 and have been using the Firm for the last 8 years. Unfortunately, the last couple of years I haven't been consistent, but I do know they work. I started with the Transfirmer, but I have almost all of the programs (except for the Wave). I just got the Firm Express and I love it!!! I held off for so long because I…
  • Thanks for the feedback! I had a feeling that TF was similar to TJ (which I love)! I think I'm going to have to breakdown and get TF. I've heard of the hybrid with CLX and I'd love to do that. I just want to mix it up so I don't get bored. Good luck on your final 4 weeks!!
  • Hi ladies! My name is Noelle and I am currently on my 3rd week of CLX Burn Phase. I've been tempted to get Turbo Fire for so long, but couldn't justify it because I still haven't completed CLX after starting it a few times. This time I'm committed to see it through. I'm really considering getting Turbo Fire so i can mix up…
  • I don't like push ups, especially the tricep kind! What I do like about pushing myself to do them is the fact that I can feel my strength increase everytime I do them. Keep it up and don't get discouraged!
  • Congratulations! Can't wait to hear about your results!!
  • Good morning everyone! I've been missing in action for a couple of days, so I had to make up my workouts today. I just finished TJ Fat Blasting Cario (in place of burn intervals) and CLX Burn #3. I realized that I enjoy mixing up the cardio intervals and I'm glad I subbed out TJ today. One more day and I'll be done with…
  • Hey girl. I am so glad to see you here! You're gonna do great!
  • Just finished Burn 1 Week 3. I totally pushed myself with the heavier weights. My shoulders are screaming! Have a good night!
  • Checking in with Burn Intervals done. I was dreading doing this workout, but I realized that I really like it. I just love Chalene! She is so motivating and positive. Like she says, just give her 5 minutes to get you in the mood to workout. I'm blown away by Toni, the lady with the 7 kids and the amazing abs...unbelievable!
  • Welcome! Seems like we are all in the same boat. Funny how you can wake up one day, look in the mirror and not recognize the woman looking back at you. We can fix this together!!
  • Hi there. I'm starting week 3 of CLX Burn tomorrow, so you aren't far behind me. I would just say to stick to it and try to lift as heavy as you can. I've noticed my strength increasing already! Good luck!
  • I'm sure not a fan of burpees. Hopefully I'll be able to fly through them soon!! What is CXE Fat Burn Challenge?
  • Just finished CLX Week 2 Burn 3 and Burn it off. Just one more day to play catch up and I start week 3 on Monday. I can really see the difference in my strength. I was able to use heavier weights and really challenge myself. Unfortunately, the heaviest weights I have now are 15lbs, so I am looking for something in between…
  • Welcome and congratulations on your weight loss!
  • Welcome! You did a lot of reorganizing and decluttering a short amount of time! Now that's the way to start a new year. Good luck!
  • Welcome!! Be selfish and take time for you. A happy you benefits everyone you love!
  • Hi Karen and welcome to the group. Since sleep is an important factor in losing weight (so I've heard) I was thinking it would be great to have somewhere to track how many hours of sleep I was getting each night (like we track water). I know there are many nights I don't get more than a few hours sleep and I pay for it…
  • Welcome to the group! I love the myfitnesspal app too. It sucks that watching what you eat is such an important factor in losing weight, especially if you're a foodie like me. The app helps you to stay on track I've been using it off and on, but recently decided to take it more seriously. Good luck!
  • Welcome! Good luck on meeting your goals, just in time for summer :)
  • I try to drink a protein shake to increase my protein intake also. I know it's best to have it right after your workout. I love coffee, so sometimes I add it to my chocolate protein shake with ice. A chocolate shake with half a banana is good too!