

  • I need a challenge. I'm in. :)
  • Jamie - 50 hours - 2 hrs =48 hours left Jessica - 30 hours Jackie - 30 hours - 2 hrs = 28 hours left Serena - 40 hours - 1hrs =39 hours left Alicia - 30 hours - 23 minutes= 29 hours 37 minutes left Ginny - 30 hours - minus 40 minutes = 29 hours 20 min left Olive - 30 hours Taylor-40 hours Jillian- 30 hours - 2 hrs = 28…
  • April 2nd Jamie - 50 hours - 2 hrs =48 hours left Jessica - 30 hours Jackie - 30 hours - 2 hrs = 28 hours left Serena - 40 hours - 1hrs =39 hours left Alicia - 30 hours Ginny - 30 hours - minus 40 minutes = 29 hours 20 min left Olive - 30 hours Taylor-40 hours Jillian- 30 hours - 2 hrs = 28 hours left Norzip - 40 hours - 1…
  • Jamie - 40 hour Jessica - 30 hours Jackie - 40 hours Serena - 40 hours Alicia - 30 hours Ginny - 30 hours Olive - 30 hours Taylor-40 hours Jillian- 30 hours Becky 30 hours Libby 30 hours Mandy 30 hours Milica- 40 hours Hilary - 30 hours Tracy - 30 hour Michelle - 30 hours Alexis - 30 hours Kasi 40 hours Susan 30 hours…
  • A person should never be ashamed of how they look, especially if they have literally worked their butt off to look good. If someone wants to put up a picture that shows some skin I say let them.
  • I am going to do 30.
  • @ april, You have a beautiful smile
  • I am right there with you. I did well for a couple of days, then the weekend hit. I didn't log Sunday, and now Monday is at an end and I know that I went over my calories again. Plus I feel so drained that I just don't want to exercise. So tomorrow will be a better day. I know that if you have already lost some weight, you…
  • Thank you for the link. I am going to order some and see how my family likes it. I think that it will really help my husband and I lose weight and fill the void from having to cut out pasta from my diet.
  • If I remember what I read in my nutrition class right, fiber will help to flush out some of the cholesterol. But a nutritionist would be the best way to learn what your husband should be eating.
  • I have wondered about this too. I drink a lot of iced tea lately because I can't have regular soda anymore. Tea accounts for the majority of my fluid consumption.
  • Chocolate. I love chocolate, but I am fighting diabetes as well as weight. I have to be careful about how many I eat because of calories and carbs, but I found that I like Sugar Free Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and a friend of mine usually has other sugar free chocolate that is ok. I used to drink a lot of regular soda and…
  • I have never used a cleanse, so I am wondering, why would you put yourself through one? Your body is designed to move things along naturally. If you drink enough water and take in enough fiber, then you shouldn't have a problem. The only time I think that you should even consider it is if your doctor has said that it is…
  • This thread has really made me laugh. Thank you. On a serious note though, I would think that it would burn the same number of calories. If you are unsure, maybe getting a pedometer or a heart rate monitor would be helpful. I am going to get one next week because I am not very good at tracking my calories burned.
  • thank you, I was wondering that myself. My husband and I tried that, I am going to go back to it in a couple of weeks. Right now, my husband and I are doing yoga.
  • The point of eating back the exercise calories is to prevent your body from going into starvation mode. If that happens, then your body will store everything it can, and this will actually keep you from losing.
  • My goal is to lose 12 lbs by the end of January. I have to do this in an effort to lower my blood glucose level and prevent a diagnosis of diabetes. I have already lost 4 lbs in the last couple of weeks, and now that I am more conscious of what I am eating, I think that this will be an attainable goal. And I really want to…
  • First a song has to have a good beat, then it must have good lyrics. I clean to music so it has to be something that is going to get me going, but that I can sing along with as well.
  • I think that I am going to try this recipe. Thank you for sharing it.
  • I agree that yogurt isn't enough to get you through the morning, let alone a 10 hour shift. You need a balanced meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as a couple of snacks to keep your energy level up.
  • I only have 2 friends on here, so I can use more. I need friends to keep me going and to cheer me on when I don't think that I can keep going. :)