

  • Great work! Our start and end measurements are almost identical...
  • EXCELLENT Work! Those inches off your midsection are awe-inspiring! Keep it up!
  • Good morning everyone! While I didn't post every day on the thread, I've been keeping up with the Shred doing it on an every other day basis. Here are my starting and current measurements. SW: 160 Bust: 37'' Chest (exhale): 30'' Waist: 29'' Belly Button: 34'' Between BB & Hip: 37.5'' Hips : 41'' Thigh: 25.5'' Calf: 16''…
  • Emily, I've noticed that as I am losing weight and TOM approaches, I feel like I am bloated a lot more than usual as well. The sauna doesn't help, exercising doesn't help, increasing water doesn't help and reducing my sodium doesn't help either! I've tracked my bloat days and I attribute it to the following: (1) being more…
  • For many years, my 'freak out' weight was 170. Now, as I've started to lose weight, I made a promise to myself that I would lower my 'freak out' weight to 160... oddly enough, I'm at 157.5 right now. As I continue to go down, I'll lower my freak out weight to be 5 lbs higher than my current weight. Hopefully this will…
  • I wish I had an answer for you, I've been stuck at 160 for 2 weeks myself. Not gaining, not losing. I'm hoping that by exceeding my calorie goal for a few days and adding in another 300ish calories of working out will jump start things again. Best of luck to you!
  • I'm in! I have an important weigh in on Monday for my work's Biggest Loser competition and I'd really love to lose just one extra pound! :blushing: Good luck!
  • OOOOOH... looking forward to Level 2 now! Thanks for the motivation to keep on truckin' Leeslim! L1D3 Complete. Hurting in different places than the first two days, but hurting is a good thing :wink: I've been actively working out for almost a month now (since 1 Feb) and I got a compliment at work today. Only 7 lbs down…
  • <sigh> I'm not sure if it's the extra working out this month, the lost weight or just a particularly bad month, but I feel SO bloated and have extra abdominal discomfort. Part of me chalks it up to listening to my body more and being aware of smaller changes, but GEEZ give it a rest TOM! TOM's coming to visit over the…
  • Oh Karma, I finished the Shred... no worries! You'll never see me stop, I just mentally decided to not do the second one after the first! :glasses:
  • Wow, what an energy boost from the Shred! If I was a coffee drinker, I'd assume it's just about the same high. :drinker: I started out today telling myself that since I missed the Shred yesterday, I would do it twice today. Well, I changed my mind about 15 minutes into the workout. :laugh: Instead, I challenged myself to…
  • Don't feel bad, LessofLeeAnna! I had to skip today too. Namely because we received 6 inches of snow here in central Texas. Basically the world ended and the town was shut down because no one knows what to do when attacked by white stuff. It came at a perfect time because my TOM was bogging me down like no other today! I'll…
  • Good morning! I just completed my first day of the video and WOW, 20 minutes can definitely exhaust you! I decided to go ahead and post my pictures instead of waiting... sorry, I'm so wishy/washy! Good luck to those of you who are beginning this journey today, we're one day closer to our dream bodies!
  • Let's get it started!!! CW: 160 Bust: 37'' Chest (exhale): 30'' Waist: 29'' Belly Button: 34'' Between BB & Hip: 37.5'' Hips : 41'' Thigh: 25.5'' Calf: 16'' Ankle: 10'' Arm (at fattest): 13.5'' I'm going to post my pictures at the end of the 30 days... hoping for a shocking change!
  • Is anyone else going to supplement the 30 Day Shred with additional cardio? I did a dry run of Level 1 this morning with my HRM and noticed a burn of about 200 calories. I've been averaging ~600 calories burned per day through exercise and don't know that I could mentally overcome switching to a 20 minute video. As far as…
  • I am so thrilled that a new group is starting on Monday! I bought JM 30DS this week and was going to start Monday myself... what luck! I've got my weight/measurements ready and will take before pictures this weekend. I bought 5 lb weights to go with the video and hope to drop a few inches by the time this is completed.…
  • Hello fellow tall ladies! I'd like to join as well even though you guys are a few weeks in. I'm 5'8'' and 160 lbs (37/29/40.5) My ultimate goal was to be 135, but after reading your discussions about feeling comfortable maintaining a certain weight, I feel like a more realistic goal for my frame size is 145-150. That being…
  • Hey Ladies! I'd love to join your quest for a bikini body this summer. I've got the entire summer off for the first time in my life and I want to make the most of it! My goal is to be finished by the time June 1st rolls around... I WILL do this! :flowerforyou: SW: 169 CW: 162.5 GW: 135 Created by - Free…