

  • SageGoddess320
    SageGoddess320 Posts: 2,589 Member
    Good morning fellow shredders! Well, I'm on day 13 of Level One and still think I'm going to be here for a while. When I started I was pretty out of shape (and still am).........but today I'm wearing my size 5's to work! I hadn't been able to zip them for.....I don't even know how long. For those of you that are on day 1, you may feel REALLY sore tomorrow (I know I was the day after my first workout). When I tried to get out of bed my calves felt like they were just going to give out and my chest (well I guess it was more like the little bulge under my arm pit) was killing me. Just stick with it, and you will be VERY happy with your results. Can't wait to hear what everyone thinks of the shred:smile:
  • kels0724
    kels0724 Posts: 136
    Hello everyone!!! I am on day 5 today of the shred! I love it so far (even though I missed 2 days this weekend :/) But with this group, I am hoping to make it to 30 nonstop!

    Good luck today everyone and stick with it! You can do this!!! ;)
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    I'm a tad bit ahead of you ladies but, this is my girl Karma's group & I am all down for supporting her and this group!!!

    Today is my Day 17 Level 2. I will be doing some upper body strength training as well. Have a Great day everyone!!!!
  • cmurphy04722
    I woke up late today but still completed day 5 of level 1. Feeling pretty good about it :-) Yesterday my boyfriend patted my butt and commented that he thinks it's getting firmer hehe. Not sure if that's true, but it was nice to say!
  • bizaggie07
    Good morning! I just completed my first day of the video and WOW, 20 minutes can definitely exhaust you!

    I decided to go ahead and post my pictures instead of waiting... sorry, I'm so wishy/washy!

    Good luck to those of you who are beginning this journey today, we're one day closer to our dream bodies!

  • Ashia1317
    Ok! I wanna join! I started this work out awhile ago but never really kept with it. My plan is to do it 2 - 3 AMs a week. I'm starting on Level 1 for now for atleast the first two weeks and see how I do.

    Here's my stats so far:

    CW: 144*

    Bust: 36"
    Arms: 11"
    Waist: 34.25"
    Hips: 40"
    Thighs: 20" (L) / 20.75" (R)

    *I will continue to post my measurements, but for the scales sake, we're not friends at the moment. LOL. I wiill weigh myself in a few weeks. (I gave it up for Lent)

    Good luck everyone!
  • callie365
    I'll be back later with my measurements and when my work out is done!

    Woo- hoo were on our way!!!!
  • jessifreehugs
    jessifreehugs Posts: 81 Member
    K I'm way excited that there is a group starting today. I bought the Shred video this weekend with the intention of starting today. What a coincidence! lol So here is my weight and measurements:

    Weight: 244
    Bust: 47.5
    Waist: 49.5
    Hips: 55
    Left Leg: 27.25
    Right Leg: 27
    Left Arm: 15
    Right Arm: 15

    (Notice all the .5's. This is because of my refusal to round up lol)
    Good luck everyone!!
  • Jerzeebabie04
    Okay gang here it goes! Get ready to see some nasty pics of me! lol Hopefully they will change a bit when these 30 days pass.... Not sure if I did the measurements completely accurately, I usually have someone else do them for me, usually an instructor at the gym or my weight loss Dr. But I did them myself today so hope they are accurate....

    CW: 211.3 (didn't lose anything this week :( but I usually weigh in on Thursdays)
    R Arm: 15.5"
    L Arm: 15.5"
    Chest: 44.5
    Waist: 46.5
    Abs: 43"
    Neck: 14"
    R Leg: 23.5"
    L Leg: 23"


    I will post again a little later after completing the workout
  • karen366
    karen366 Posts: 141
    Starting weight 178
    r arm 11.5
    l arm 12
    chest 42
    waist 36
    hips 43
    l thigh 21
    r thigh 21
  • littlesuzieq
    I'll have to post up the rest of my measurements when I get home. I took them but forgot to bring them with to post. I sure hope the workout gets easier - Jillian kicked my butt this morning! That's a good thing I guess... :ohwell:

    CW: 182.4
  • Schula03
    Schula03 Posts: 171 Member
    I am not sure how to do my pictures but I will work on it. (they are in my profile pics already)

    Measurements for start:
    Bicep 15
    Neck: 14
    Waist: 43
    Hip: 47
    Leg: 27
    Calf: 17
    My husband was super loose with the measurements sooo I had better see good results. LOL
  • LessofLeeAnna
    I started day 1 today and ohmygosh!!! I kept telling myself, this will get easier. . . .umm. . ok. . . My problems "areas" on the dvd was the jumping jacks. Yep something so easy got the best of me(& it's part of the warmup, yikes!). I'm weighing in at 268 w/ osteoarthritis knees so it was painful. It was also difficult to go down onto the floor quick enough & get back up in time.I had to modify the squats due to my knees. The bike crunches were a challenge, heck the whole dvd was challenge! Prior to today, I was doing wii My Fitness Coach & recumbent bike. Love MFC.
    I do have a Shred Q: how do I record it on my exercise diary? Looked it up in the database but no results. I know I burned a "few" calories <~>. I hope someone has some insight before the end of today (Mon) so I cn record it. thanks!!
    I know I'll be checking in here often for encouragement & for us to share sob stories, oops I meant success stories!!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Heya, i still don't have a measuring tape but I did day 1 this morning..bright and early (4:30). I definitely worked up a sweat, those side to side lunges were killer! I got 5 lb weights at Walmart.

    I'm glad to say that all the crunches I've been doing at the gym have worked, I found the abs portions very easy. Not the cardio though!

    CW: 150
  • littlesuzieq
    I put mine in as Circuit Training for 20 minutes.
  • LessofLeeAnna
    thanks Lilsuzie! will go do that now!

    I bo't my dvd for $9 @ walmart. I was using 8# on My Fitness Coach & other strength ex. but went to 5# for Shred since this is higher reps. I heard/read somewhere that higher reps/lower weights were ideal for what I needed. I know I couldn't pull it off with the 8#ers on Shred!
  • karen366
    karen366 Posts: 141
    Just everyone just doing the shred? Or are you going to add some extra work out time into your day? I am thinking of doing the video 4-5 times a day..and at least 2-3 days adding an extra 20 minutes of something else..
  • Schula03
    Schula03 Posts: 171 Member
    Just everyone just doing the shred? Or are you going to add some extra work out time into your day? I am thinking of doing the video 4-5 times a day..and at least 2-3 days adding an extra 20 minutes of something else..

    I am adding this too my regular workout of 5-6 days of cardio.
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    I'm a tad bit ahead of you ladies but, this is my girl Karma's group & I am all down for supporting her and this group!!!

    Today is my Day 17 Level 2. I will be doing some upper body strength training as well. Have a Great day everyone!!!!


    You are such a sweetheart! Truly, you were my motivation in getting this done! Thank you so much, chica!
  • karen366
    karen366 Posts: 141
    So I finished day 3 level one...I am noticing a difference in thing...make sure you have a very good supportive bra on...I obviously didn't today..and the jumping jacks and jump roping were uncomfortable..