

  • Your probably loosing weight from different areas of your body. For example the last place I loose weight from is my waist. I can look like a matchstick and have huge muffin tops. It's only when I get nearer my ideal weight they start to reduce at all.
    in inches? Comment by Puggled April 2011
  • How about a tape worm on speed. Then you can get the best of both worlds.
  • I've just heard this one - frost bite I think I might consider heroin before hacking limbs off in one of the most painful ways possible.
  • Not that I want to try this, it's purely curiosity. How do you collect pee from pregnant women. Surely Ebay draws the line at fecal matter and urine.
  • I've heard about cabbage soup diets. Surely you must end up with horrific flatulence or is that part of plan? Fill yourself with hot air so your lighter on the scales :laugh:
  • Good luck and keep positive. The starts hard but I think once you're into your groove you'll be on the way to your goal. Take car
  • Congratulations are in offer for that. Well done and I look forward to your posts at the end of June that say you've hit your target ahead of schedule :drinker:
    in Hello Comment by Puggled April 2011
  • http://www.myfitnesspal.com/welcome/contact_us
  • First off I would like to say congratulations for loosing twelve inches in 50 days. That's not even two months. You've done fantastic to do that in such a short time. It's time to give yourself a big old slap on the back. You seem a little down about it so take a minute and just think about what you've done. Twelve inches…
  • Did you click the "add ingredient" button under Ingredients?
  • God or mother nature (which ever one is responsible) so I can slap them up the back of the head for making cake taste good and vegetables boring. What kind of sick twisted person could do such a thing. Mind you Hunter S Thompson is a pretty close second.
  • You're nearly there, you've done so well. Is it wrong to feel jealous? I'll not ask your secret, there never is one. What I will ask if you don't mind is how you deal with cravings? I find that the hardest part and the biggest contributor to my weight loss plan going out the window. My other question (sorry for being a…
  • Good luck!
    in Hello all! Comment by Puggled April 2011
  • It's dead easy. It only seems hard until you get into the swing of things. You'll loose that weight in no time!
  • You the man! That's totally awesome. I look forward to your next instalment in six or so weeks when you've gone even further. Good luck.
  • I suffer from weight fluctuation badly hence I've come on here in an attempt to track my habits. On the whole I can identify them as when I loose the weight I then don't feel the need to continuously eat healthy or exercise. The key I'm hoping this time around is finding what food I like that can keep me on target and…
  • You probably had low blood sugar. I used to get it when I did too much cycling many moons ago. You need to eat a little more to counteract the loss of calories from exercising or give your body a chance.to settle into it new regime. Good luck with your exercising (I'm trying to feel positive and came on looking for…
  • Thanks to the lack of help I have merrily munched my way through some biscuits and now feel guilty. Bugger.
  • AS long as it's not fatty foods you're probably best to or you run the risk of low blood sugar. Whatever you do don't drink alcohol after working out. Apparently it's the worst thing you can do. I dare say eating a full death by cake chocolate is worse but I wouldn't like to argue the point.
  • Bags of sugar. Water is the most common substitute in something sealed and robust like err a bottle or wear more clothes that's what my friend does but they're a tad strange and sweaty so it's probably not the best idea.
  • I would but I don't know how to :sad:
  • You can do it! Be all you can be, be the best of the best of the best. It's hard work this weight loss thing. Personally I can't stand it. I want to be thinner without the hard work. Fortunately I have a friend who is very good with the motivation thing and introduced me to this so I'm trying it out myself for the first…
  • I used to go to Mcdonald's quite a lot with my friends and used get quite annoyed with only having having fatty foods to eat. Then I started having a bottle of water or something healthy from the supermarket before going in. That meant I only needed a coffee while everyone stuffed their face. What I would warn you is the…
    in mcdonalds Comment by Puggled April 2011