Almost passed out yesterday! Wondering why, help!

elise115byjune Posts: 10
edited September 2024 in Food and Nutrition
So this really could apply to any category but I'm thinking it might be food. Yesterday I had 1350 calories, ran on the elliptical for 30 minutes and went for a 30 minute walk with my dog. I ate dinner around 6:00 pm and at 9:00 pm I did some sit ups. When I got up from the sit ups after lying on the floor resting for a bit, my head was spinning and I was seriously dizzy for about 20 seconds. Then for the rest of the night I felt faint and light headed. I ended up eating an apple to see if it would help and it did a bit. What do you guys think? Am I not eating enough??


  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    I have been told when getting up from a sitting or lying down position and you feel dizzy that you are anemic. I would suggest if this becomes a regular pattern that you see your physician and have your blood counts checked to see if you need to boost your iron intake.
  • Puggled
    Puggled Posts: 26
    You probably had low blood sugar. I used to get it when I did too much cycling many moons ago. You need to eat a little more to counteract the loss of calories from exercising or give your body a settle into it new regime.

    Good luck with your exercising (I'm trying to feel positive and came on looking for motivation for a a long walk and.still haven't found it)
  • clem7444
    clem7444 Posts: 64 Member
    Have you ever suffered from low blood pressure before? Were you dehydrated? It could have been low blood sugar (hence the need for food), but it could also be low blood pressure, which can be affected by hydration. I don't know if there is any way to know for sure though, sorry. Personally, I'm 6'2" and sometimes I just get light headed because it takes so long for blood to reach my brain that if I stand up too quickly, I get dizzy. When I asked my Dr. about it, he said it was nothing to be too concerned about because of my height.

    Sorry I'm not more help.
  • You might not be eating enough given how much you are exercising. I've had this happen to me when eating low calories. If it keeps happening, add another 100 calories per day and see if it helps.

    Hope you're feeling better!
  • I get that too and I know mine personally is because of low iron. I have been taking a multivitamin and it's been helping. If I don't take it for a week I start getting lightheaded when I stand up too fast or overwork myself.

    Hope you get it figured out! =]
  • When you say you had 1350 - does that include all the extra you earned through the exercise? Sounds to me like you had low blood sugar - as if that was the case then an apple would help.

    Make sure you eat the extra calories that you have earned as otherwise your body may go into starvation mode and you will stop loosing weight.

    I know everyone wants results but not eating enough wont be the answer. Make sure you have the recommended number of calories each day. If you need to up in a bit and have an apple after you exercise so be it! It isnt easy but it will all come off - and better to have it come of slowly and it stay off right!

    Good luck!
  • gunny34
    gunny34 Posts: 68
    Get up slowly. Your body needs to adjust to the position change.
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    while it could be low blood sugar or anemia it could also just be postural hypotension (low blood pressure due to change in position/posture) get up slowly and see if that helps and, as suggested by others - it's not a bad idea to see your health care provider - make sure to write down your symptoms so that you don't forget about them at your next appointment
  • it happens to me all the time when I dont have enough to eat, no need to get too worried about it, just make sure you are getting more to eat and drinking plenty of water when you workout :)
  • RDTaylor13
    RDTaylor13 Posts: 160
    it may be food related, but another factor is when you are exercising, your blood vessels, and veins expand to help blood flow easier and the higher heart rate. and when you stop, the blood is not longer needed, but your veins and blood vessels remain enlarged for about 30 min, which causes a massive drop in blood pressure. this can cause you to feel light headed, and dizzy for a little bit after exercise.
  • Adsnwfld
    Adsnwfld Posts: 262 Member
    Talk to your doctor about it, their are literally hundreds of things that could be going on, some insignificant others life threatening.
  • nlt518
    nlt518 Posts: 7 Member
    Feeling dizzy after exercise can mean a lot of things. Other posts are very correct in their possibilities. It could also be sinus or inner ear pressure. A sudden drop in blood sugar can be an early warning sign of diabetes; or a number of cardiac issues. The blood pressue issue that was referred to earlier is called, "othostatic hypotension", meaning getting up from a lying to a standing position causes a sudden drop in blood pressure. Are you dizzy if you pop out of bed in the morning? One thing is for sure, drink lots and lots of water, and if it persists, SEE YOUR DOCTOR!!!!! It could be very insignificant, or a real problem. Don't let it go unchecked if it happens again! Also, a good dietician can help you ballance and space out what foods to eat to make sure you have a good mix of carbohydrates for quick energy when you exercise with a base of protein and a little fat to sustain you when you burn through the carbohydrates. Most insurances cover their consults. If not, it may be worth paying for an hour or 2 to get an individulized, good, healthy weight loss plan. Nancy RN
  • pixietoes
    pixietoes Posts: 1,591 Member
    Being dizzy for a few seconds after standing up is not unheard of. It happens to most people occasionally. Next time you see your doctor mention it to him or her. If it happens again, or begins happening with greater frequency, make sure the next time you see your doc is sooner, rather than later. If it is postural hypotension, (a temporary drop in blood pressure from standing up quickly) which was my first guest, getting up gradually will help. It's possible you didn't get enough oxygen through your situps, that your blood sugar dropped, you are anemic, or any number of other things including neuro problems, but the simplest explanation is often the best unless something becomes a problem.
  • shandy32
    shandy32 Posts: 193 Member
    Id say it was more likely to be getting up of the floor to fast. i know you rested after doing the sit ups but if you get up to quikly that can cause your bp to drop suddenly causing you to feel abit faint and dizzy. just keep an eye on it xxx
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