


  • Megn_11
    Megn_11 Posts: 21 Member
    One nice thing about fast food restaurants now is they have their nutrition facts listed on their website. Before you go out, check out their facts to see what would fit in your daily alottment. I opt for the oatmeal at McDonalds. Delicious!! Subway also has the option to build a virtual sandwich and adds up the nutrition facts for you. I love that option. Taco Bell has the same option. They even had a "diet menu", but be aware a lot of those are loaded with sodium. Hope that helps.
  • ababygrace
    ababygrace Posts: 123
    I go for a happy meal because many of the salads have lots of calories. I miss the old fashioned chef salads that McDonald's use to carry.
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    I have to small kids as well. I sometimes get them burgers from BK but never does it feel good.
    I would avoid it all all cost anda finds a new place to eat on the run. ANYWHERE But those fast food joints.

    Its terrible for you!!!! I promise to never go again if you promise to.

    says the hypocritical human

    I do let my boys eat the egg and cheese wrap from D n D. Because having it microwaved I don't see too much that is bad with that. Add in a jelly munchkin and their pretty happy
  • Puggled
    Puggled Posts: 26
    I used to go to Mcdonald's quite a lot with my friends and used get quite annoyed with only having having fatty foods to eat. Then I started having a bottle of water or something healthy from the supermarket before going in. That meant I only needed a coffee while everyone stuffed their face. What I would warn you is the urge to pinch a chip is always there but I suppose it's it's a lot better than a supersized meal.
    Have you tried offering your kids an alternative treat to tempt them away from Mcd's? You can have a cake when we get home home or some chocolate instead of a Mcdonalds then you can eat healthy at home while they chow down on sweets.
    What ever you do, don't fall for the salads!
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    I will often use mcdonalds if I have to eat out with the kids because i used to work there as a teenager, so I have a rough idea
    on how to make it healtheir.

    I always always place a grill order - quarterpounder - plain or with onions - cos they are raw.
    I detest ketchup anyway it is always too sweet.
    I always order fries with no salt for me & the kids too. this makes a huge difference to sodium levels and it is rare to get fries which are not hot, in fact I'd be quite suspious if they weren't, I do watch them as the pack them up as it is easy for them to forget.

    I only drink diet coke or water depending on mood and how I am doing with my water levels!

    I eat the meat from the burger but not the bun. and have a regular fries or share a medium between me and the kids (both under 5) this means my meal works out at about 445 cals, 27g fat and 180mg salt.

    You are fine having salads but remember any dressing tends to add silly amounts of cals and croutons have lots of fat in them.

    I look at it as a moderation thing, this is my new lifestyle, but I am not going to stop having mcdonalds and other takeways nor am I going to stop my kids from going there, I will just try and teach them that it is an occasional thing not an every week thing.
    much to my eldest daughters disgust when in formed last weekend that she wasn't having chips as she'd had them on the friday evening. Fries/chips are a once a week treat in our family.

    hope some of the suggestions help.
  • Thanks guys. Bottle of water and sniff of a chip it is.
  • WeeThistle
    WeeThistle Posts: 3 Member
    Hayley, I eat 1500 calories a day. Today I've had - an alpen light bar and a bowl of All Bran for Breakfast, a 6 chicken nugget meal with medium fries and diet coke for lunch and a weight watchers pizza, garlic petit pain and weight watchers toffee yogurt for tea. I've stayed under calories, fat, sat fat and carbs for the day so it can be done!

    Sarah xx

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    If I'm going to McDonald's, it's usually not to try to be healthy so I just go all out and deal with it. It's not like I'm going there and eating like that on a daily basis. The last time I went, I got a Filet O'Fish and a small fries - no drink, I'm done with soda. I believe I did a double Insanity workout that day so I still wasn't over my calories but even if I was, I wouldn't have fretted too much. I know the next meal would have been tons healthier anyhow. :happy:
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I usually get a happy meal.
  • starkiss100
    starkiss100 Posts: 235 Member
    Hamburger, side salad. Watch the dressing, high in calories and/or sodium. Fruit and yogurt parfait or fruit and walnut salad is good with a haumburger too. I also like the apple dippers! Low fat caramel sauce.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Pretty much any of their premium salads, with grilled chicken and no dressing will be tasty as well as decently filling. I uses to get the premium bacon ranch salad (I think that's what it's called) with the grilled chicken. If I was going home to eat it I'd use my dressings at home. If I was on the run with it, I'd use one of their BBQ sauce containers as the dressing. You don't even need the whole container if you shake it up really well.

    Just remember, the sodium level will be crazy on any of the choices, so drink plenty of water.
  • Anidorie
    Anidorie Posts: 291 Member
    do not be fooled and get one of there fruit and granole yogurts. those are awful for you. they are small and loaded with sugars. they mix sugar into the yogurt. i would suggest even getting a grilled schicken snack wrap with no dressing. getting a chicken sald is a good thing too. the put the dressing in a bag for you so you dont have to use it.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Most of the time I get a cheeseburger (300 cal). If I'm a bit more hungry, I'll go for the grilled chicken club sandwich instead (530 cal). No fries. Diet Coke.
  • sconns21
    sconns21 Posts: 92 Member
    Everything in McDonalds is really bad, especially the things that you think are not.

    Their website has nutritional values on of all the foods so you should be able to make good choices using that.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    Big Mac meal, medium, with diet coke. 820 calories. Not too bad if you work around it.
  • tarjake
    tarjake Posts: 56 Member
    Men's Health just had a McD's meal as a good breakfast. The egg McMuffin meal with hash browns and a coffee. Something like 430 total calories, plus the protein to help keep ya full!
    i have heard the egg mcmuffin is the best real food they have (not a salad or trying to be healthy type food)
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Yup, I'll occasionally pop in after my morning workout and have a bacon and egg McMuffin - 300 cals, good post-work-out protein, and tasty enough to feel like a treat. I limit that to once a fortnight. But it's certainly possible to eat there without ruining the whole day's calorie count.
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