Having trouble entering a recipe

bopper Posts: 352 Member
edited September 25 in Recipes
There is no place to type in the ingredients in my recipe. What am I doing wrong please. I went to recipes and typed in the name of my Recipe and hit the ingredients button but it won't let me type in the ingredients.


  • Puggled
    Puggled Posts: 26
    Did you click the "add ingredient" button under Ingredients?
  • bopper
    bopper Posts: 352 Member
    I did and and the box comes up but it won't let me type.
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    You should probably post this under the TECH SUPPORT board.
  • bopper
    bopper Posts: 352 Member
    Ok where is that?
  • bopper
    bopper Posts: 352 Member
    Thanks I just did, now hopefully someone can help me.
  • pelleld
    pelleld Posts: 363 Member
    Bop - I was able to do it....are you sure you're typing in the right box? After you type in the recipe name, then click add ingredients. Two boxes will come up, one small one says "search our food database by name". That's the one you want. Type the ingredient in there and hit search. It will bring up mathcing food items. Once you find your ingredient under matching foods you can click on it then on the "add ingredient" button. Hope this helps!
  • bopper
    bopper Posts: 352 Member
    Thanks pelleld I'll try that tomorrow morning, too tired right now. Thanks again, I hope it works :)
  • bopper
    bopper Posts: 352 Member
    Ok I did that in the small box and hit search and it said no results found??????
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