darrenham Member


  • Yep. Going for a run, playing football with friends, home-work-out type routines. Any activity burns calories, dance, skip, cycle, jump, do whatever you enjoy and gets you out of breath!
  • You're obviously a pear shaped person. That's nothing to be ashamed of, hips are great!. Best thing you can do is keep up the good work. No specific exercises will tone, shape or tuck a specific area.
  • Oh, and no-one will have put on 6lbs of muscle in one month. But drinking that shake will make you put on weight.
  • Stop concentrating on supplements. Creatine is useful for athletes, not so much for bulking as it's nothing but a fuel. Creatine loading theoretically increases the store of phosphocreatine in the muscles allowing slightly faster recoveries after maximal exercise (60s instead of 90s for example), not really useful for…
  • If you want to lose weight, and aren't hungry, don't eat. Best thing to do is listen to your body. This stuff about refuelling after exercise is only useful for athletes, if you refuel with lucozade you're taking in needless calories when your aim should be to avoid them at all costs, Definitely look to rehydrate though.…
  • Unlike the calories total, the others are merely a guideline. As long as you aren't seeing any "other effects", don't worry about it.
  • DOMS is not eased by protein intake. So dropping the extra protein would be a start.
  • It's impossible to say. People all store their fat in different places and it's determined by your genetics. It's possible that your body simply won't let you lose some of the fat, without taking unhealthy and drastic measures.
  • HRMs are no more reliable than MFP for estimating calorie burns. If you want to, you could average both, but if you find your HRM over estimates for you, (it's not what it's designed for, so you can't ask it to be 100% accurate) then sure, subtract some, x by 0.8 or whatever.
  • You might not be eating enough during the day, causing your body to crave sugar in the evening. Try to spread your calorie intake out more. Other than that, try to plan your evening meals so that you've decided EXACTLY what you're gonna have before you get home, you'll then be less inclined to snack.
  • You basically need to stick with light intensity exercise. Unfortunately that means you'll need to work out longer to see the same kinds of kcals lost. Not a problem though. Take long leisurely walks, swimming, basically anything that's more active than what you'd normally do will burn more calories, so providing you're…
  • Rest is good for you. How else is the body meant to recover from all the stress we put it through.
  • Just log the ice-time. Had me a bit confused by calling it hockey though, unless the weather's very bad where you are, you were playing ice-hockey :D
  • First and foremost, give it 3 or 4 days (preferably a week) of complete rest. You will not go back by resting for a few days. And if you don't take this advice, you could be resting for a lot longer (try forever) if you push yourself too far. Second, if it's not better after rest, go and see a doctor/physio who will assess…
  • If it's just DOMS feel free to work-out but a) don't expect it to be fun and b) don't expect to be able to work as hard. You are probably better off resting or doing light work until it's gone. However, if it's more than DOMS and you've pulled something then you should rest and see a doctor/physiotherapist.
  • Exercising (light!) helps temporarily relieve DOMS, but other than that there is no proven way to reduce it. No amount of increased blood-flow, stretching, salts, hydration or... anything will stop it. Bear in mind also that exercises you do more than twice a week shouldn't cause DOMS, it'l reduce as your body gets used to…
    in DOMS Comment by darrenham May 2011
  • Never take a single blood pressure reading to mean anything, there are too many factors involved. If you have ANY worries, the only person to take advice from is your doctor.
  • Use the mirror instead. Do you look better? Scales show a lot more than fat loss, they show muscle-growth/reduction, hydration status, fasting status, level of clothing, etc etc etc. Don't let 1lb get you down. If you know you're doing things right, any weight gain is natural and probably muscle growth, however I'd suggest…
  • I'm NOT advocating under eating. Attempt to follow MFP's suggestions, but if you are under them every now and again, do not worry about over-eating to reach the goal. If you eat a healthy balanced diet, then protein will not be an issue. Increased protein intake should have no impact on weight loss.
  • There's a massive difference between the forces put out during a lift and during running. I echo the shoe comments, do you have specialised running trainers? You don't have to spend loads. Don't tell anybody, but I get my feet measured at a running shop and then go elsewhere for the shoes they recommend :D If I had the…
  • Time of the day really doesn't matter when it comes to weight loss. Yes it changes the way the body reacts instantly to food, but over the course of a week it doesn't really make much difference. The only time I'd advise not to eat calorie rich food in the evening is because these are the times when people snack, if you're…
  • Don't worry about the plateau. Concentrate on maintaining until after you recover from your surgery, then get back on with the running when the physios or your doc says you can.
  • Nothing you can do really. Don't confuse corticosteroids with anabolic steroids though. Some people report they cause weight gain, others report weight loss. When I'm on them I get really really hungry though, so make sure you record your food intake well so that you know when/if you're going over, and if you are, adjust…
  • There's no such thing as starvation mode. Do you eat breakfast? If not, add it in, it'll help you reach your calorie goal. Don't eat if you're not hungry. Go to bed, and if this is a regular thing, try to find ways to get more calories into your diet. If this isn't a regular thing then it won't matter. The body doesn't…
  • Stretching will not help if you're in pain. It's more likely to cause further damage. STOP RUNNING for a week at least. If it's still hurting then go and see a doctor and ask to be referred to a physiotherapist.
  • They're both estimates. Average the two.
  • It's worth bearing in mind that we all have a different "default" body fat percentage, and areas of body-fat storage, which our body prefers to maintain. Especially women, women are designed to store fat, and without it can cause themselves a variety of health issues. Stop comparing yourself with others and compare…
  • 1 day won't make a difference. Remember how many calories you have to burn to lose a pound? It's the same the other way. There is no shame in going over your target every now and again. If you really want to, why not just increase your exercise to make up for it on another day. Or, negate however much you go over, by the…
    in Weigh in Comment by darrenham May 2011
  • Your body needs time to recover remember. And when recovering, it uses more calories. That doesn't mean take a week off every other week, but it's perfectly understandable for a week off to see improvements in weight, strength, endurance. There's a reason why athlete's taper before a big event, it ensures that their…
  • Unless they're physically pushing it down your throat it's down to you to have the willpower to say no unfortunately. You cannot expect others to undo the natural kindness of offering what is theirs to you. And that's it, they aren't sabotaging your diet, they think they're being nice by offering you food. Explain to them…