Attack of the Food!!!!!

Anyone here feel like friends and family are handing you delicious treats from all angles. Chips, cookies, ice cream, and french fries.....all week i've been having that. When I finally consulted my family about it asking them to please stop my sister just scoffed saying "Well it's not exactly like you've been resisting!" I started crying.... I can't help that it's so hard to resist. I'm the only one in my family attempting to diet at all and i live with my family with a young teenage sister who's only got a two inch stomach practically. I can't take it anymore their sabatoging my diet! Any advice????

(feel free to add me i can always use the support)


  • keb80
    keb80 Posts: 394
    I don't think you can change their behavior so you may just wanna try to change how u react to it? If they offer you treats, gratefully decline and then delight in how good it feels to have such willpower in the face of temptation. I'm sure inside they will be uber impressed with your focus (though they will not let on that they are impressed). Just enjoy the fact that IT WILL PAY OFF and YOU WILL SHOW THEM!! Sabatogers will probably always be sabatogers.... don't give them the power over YOUR battle.... YOU are in control.... show them that! BTW, is that your bunny..... sooo cute!!
  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    Tell them how hard it is for you. Tell them that you need help. For some of us, it is just as hard as other addictions. I can keep myself from buying things I shouldn't eat. But once they are in my house, sometimes it is hard.

    Don't feel bad, you are not alone. And you can do this.
  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    I am on my way out, but feel free to friend me, I will accept when I get home. Have a great day.
  • Raebug123
    Raebug123 Posts: 79 Member
    I love to bake for my family and friends so I actually attack myself with food. It use to be that of course I always had to share with my family the partaking of those treats of nibble as I made stuff. However I've learned that even though the temptation is there...BIG time...I have a trusted family member living with me who can help me be accountable for what I eat it this case. I simply tell her exactly what I will eat during this time, If I don't have any calories to spare for the day I tell her I'm not going to eat any of it and IF temptation gets to me and I start to go for it she will remind me that I said I wasn't going to eat that. It may be goofy and only work for my but aside from having someone else hold my accountable I'm better able to resist because I don't want to lie to her. If you have someone it the house you feel you can truly trust to be honest with you talk to them and see if they are willing to help, but make sure that it is only when you ask because you don't want someone watching your eating habits ALL the time. Good Luck!!!
  • darrenham
    darrenham Posts: 110 Member
    Unless they're physically pushing it down your throat it's down to you to have the willpower to say no unfortunately. You cannot expect others to undo the natural kindness of offering what is theirs to you.

    And that's it, they aren't sabotaging your diet, they think they're being nice by offering you food. Explain to them your aims, goals and what you need to do to reach them, explain to them that they aren't being mean if they don't offer you some. Explain to them you'd rather they encouraged you not to, and that that would be the kindest thing they can do.

    Remember, this is you making a change, they're just doing what they've always done, as hard as it is for your to change your ways, it'll be just as hard for them to stop offering you stuff, especially if it's the way things have always been in your house.