Exercise Help

Hi All

I need some help coming up with an exercise regime. Not to delve into too much detail, but I have an illness that inhibits my breathing, and stops me from taking breath in if i allow myself to get too far out of breath.

Because of this I'm struggling to lose weight at any great pace through exercise. I'm unable to run, or do any high intensity cardio exercises. I can manage a fast walk if I really concentrate on my breathing, but have tried and failed with things like cross trainers.

Does anyone have any advice on low intensity cardio / any other ideas I can try? I'm doing well with my walking, and slow biking, especially now I'm watching my calories, but I'd like to be able to mix things up a bit!

Thanks :smile:


  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    how about water aerobics??
  • darrenham
    darrenham Posts: 110 Member
    You basically need to stick with light intensity exercise. Unfortunately that means you'll need to work out longer to see the same kinds of kcals lost.

    Not a problem though. Take long leisurely walks, swimming, basically anything that's more active than what you'd normally do will burn more calories, so providing you're eating under your goal, you'll see weight fall, I guarantee it.

    As an asthma sufferer I have a similar issue and I like to lift weights.

    Maybe some weight loss will help the condition (I don't know, cos I don't know what it is).

    Best of luck.