

  • You need to calculate your daily intake (and deficit) based not only on your BMR but including execise. Calculate BMR - Figure out your activity - = Maintenance Subtract calories = deficit.
  • Don't do this. It wont help. You'll feel like **** and miss out on vital nutrients. Losing fat is not tricky. Move more eat less. Seriously. Pick lean proteins and leafy greens, with some good fats and you'll feel sated and look great.
  • You are very thin for your height and the bloating your are experiencing could be due to the amount of food you eat at one time, or simply a reaction to the foods you are eating. If you brace your abs do you find you still have a distended stomach?
  • It's very likely that even though you've lost a significant amount of weight you don't have any real muscle base, nor have you gained a significant amount of muscle. If you do a lot of cardio you may lose a lot of fat but your body shape doesn't really change - it just shrinks (this is traditionally called skinny fat -…
  • Ok. The way you calculate your deficit is as follows - pay attention. Calculate your BASIC METABOLIC RATE (BMR) - This is how many calories you need to live if you lie in bed and never move, etc. Then you take that number and you multiply it by your Harris Benedict formula…
  • If you want a tailored waist you do not want to do direct ab-work. If you train your obliques with direct eccentric ab work, and they will get wider become a straight line. Women who want a soft look should avoid direct ab eccentric work and stick to larger core movements and isometric holds. This is the result of direct…
  • If it's fat then you just need to keep plugging away, remaining in a deficit, until your body fat percentage drops back down enough so that it's flattens out. If it's a lot of loose skin you can probably get it to tighten up a bit by building some muscle, but extreme stretch will probably require a tummy tuck.
  • Diet =Fat Loss Training = Look Keep a close eye on your calories and make sure you're consistent with your deficit and the fat will come off. Everyone is different and it might hold onto that part of your body the longest.
  • Women typically hold on to fat on their triceps/back of their arms until the very end. Just continue to work off the fat and they will tighten up :)
  • Too many calories are hat you need to be most worried about. If you're going over in protein, but under in calories, you will be fine. Make sure you drink enough water to help your body process it.
  • First of all, that's a huge drop in 6 weeks! Congratulations! Is there one day a week, or maybe two evenings, where you can set aside the time planning and packing time you need? Most people don't eat a varied diet, they rotate the same bunches of meals so I imagine you're the same. It might take a little while longer to…
  • Chestnut flour is remarkably low in fat and works amazingly well in baking treats, crepes and waffles and stuff like that.
  • I use 50% quinoa flour wiht 50% ground almonds instead of regular flour, agave nectar instead of sugar and coconut oil instead of vegetable oil. I also cut the sugar by half.
  • *shrug* If you ate take awya yesterday and you eat take away today that's not really a plan. It's not giving up your social life to arrive not hungry, have a good time with your friends and just say no thank you. there's no shame in saying no thank you. Keep in mind if you are trying to lose fat it's not a permanent thing.…
  • Eat dinner before meeting up with the girls and then just have a little side salad or soup. You don't have to eat or drink to have fun with your friends.
  • They're both garbage.
  • Kettlebells do work, but if you don't do them correctly you will get hurt. (avoid jillian michaels DVD like the plague, else end up in hospital) Go will something by Dragon Door (Pavel Tsouline) who is the grand daddy of the KB. - There's a lot of studies showing how great they are. - American…
  • Do you weigh your food?
  • You probably have what I call sleepy glutes. You haven't really used them for much besides sitting so your legs take the brunt of the work. Active them by doing a glute-bridge (lie on your back, bend your legs so your feet are flat on the floor, squeeze your but and raise your hips, keeping your shoulders on the ground).…
  • There's more factors involved than just a random 1200 number. Your height, age, training history, any EDs in your past, etc will all play into how you body reacts to different amounts of food. You do need to maintain a deficit to lose fat, and most people will not go into "starvation mode" very quickly. If you eat every…
  • Lipsuction is the only way your'e going to lose that much weight in 2 months.
  • Do you eat any red meat or fatty fish? There's really only 4 reliable ways to get vitamin D - sunlight, red meat, fatty fish and supplements. Fortified breads and other procesed foods generally contain a lot less vitaminD than listed on the label and the absorbion of vitamin D in this manner can often be interrupted by…
  • How are you measuring your food? Are you weighing it or eyeballing it? Are you sure you're eating as little as you think? Check this out -
  • edited double post
  • They do nothing.
  • When you've lost as much weight as you have your body is (and this sucks!) much more efficient at using energy. The last few pounds are always the hardest but don't give up, you just need to make every workout and meal count for the next few weeks and you're there! I don't know what kind of workouts you're doing or how…
  • This article doesn't say that exercise won't help you lose weight, it says that if you reward yourself for hitting the gym with tonnes of extra calories you won't lose weight. Calories in vs Calories out.
  • Heavy is relative to the person. Using correct form will prevent injury.
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