Keeping on Track While Sick

I'm new to this and I'm not sure what to do. Do you still exercise when you're sick? Full force? Do you push yourself to eat? I have some autoimmune issues and last night I got really sick. (Joints hurt, queasy, fever, tired, just overall BLAH.) I didn't eat dinner and I haven't eaten yet this morning (It's ten in the morning right now.) I'm worried about not eating because previously I've been a one-meal-a-day girl. So I think if I don't eat my metabolism will get all crazy again. But I'm really not hungry. And exercising. Should I? I've been up. I've done the dishes and swept the kitchen floor. Is that enough for a sick day or should I do the real deal?

Just some worries floating through my head. Thanks for your help!


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    If I was sick I would let my body rest and recover, you arent going to affect your crash your metabolism if you dont eat normally for a day or two while you are sick
  • bathori
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    If I was sick I would let my body rest and recover, you arent going to affect your crash your metabolism if you dont eat normally for a day or two while you are sick

    Agreed. But maybe try and get some broth down? That will help your metabolism if you're sick for longer than a couple of days, as one usually is with an autoimmune disease. I hope you feel better soon hun!!!!!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    If I was sick I would let my body rest and recover, you arent going to affect your crash your metabolism if you dont eat normally for a day or two while you are sick

    Agreed. But maybe try and get some broth down? That will help your metabolism if you're sick for longer than a couple of days, as one usually is with an autoimmune disease. I hope you feel better soon hun!!!!!

    yeah eat what you can get down.. but dont be at the gym with the flu and 102 temp
  • blh_1010
    blh_1010 Posts: 284 Member
    I am in the same boat. I have a lot of sinus problems right now...and really can't walk like I want too. So I have been using my hand weights and trying to deal with it that way. I am just trying to eat well and let this pass...I go to bed earlier and I eat soup and fruit. I do hope you feel better, being sick doesn't help trying to be all healthy. Just keep track and rest up.
  • nicolepope11
    Definitely do not push yourself! Your body needs to recover. Cleaning counts as cardo (it is in the exercise category!). If you feel like you should do more, maybe only a short walk. If you are not eating, though I suggest you try to eat at least some toast or something else light like soup, you don't need to burn the calories because there is nothing to burn. I wouldn't worry about throwing your metabolism out of wack in one day's time. Try to eat a few small things throughout the day and see how that goes. Otherwise, try to get better and then you can get back on track with exercise and eating right. Hope you feel better soon!!
  • fucifino11
    I would agree, rest is the best bet for your body. Keep drinking lots of water and don't eat crappy. Your body needs nutrients and that may be the reason you are not having any energy. Eat some soup or something with some protein in it to give your body the fuel it needs.

    Your metabolism is wanting food so if you only eat once a day, then your body is going to retain it because it will not know the next time it is going to get any food. That is the worst thing that can happen to your body. Eat small amounts throughout the day to keep your metabolism up and you may see an increase in your energy level. Keep your calorie intake throughout the day at 1200 for the day but having like 4 to 5 meals. You will see better results.

    Don't workout if you are sick. that will not help your body recover from whatever sickness you may have.
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    Rest and enjoy it! You'll come back stronger and not eating 100% while sick won't throw you off track. Just make healthy choices when you are hungry. Hope you feel better!
  • Buccinator
    If I was sick I would let my body rest and recover, you arent going to affect your crash your metabolism if you dont eat normally for a day or two while you are sick

    Agreed. But maybe try and get some broth down? That will help your metabolism if you're sick for longer than a couple of days, as one usually is with an autoimmune disease. I hope you feel better soon hun!!!!!

    yeah eat what you can get down.. but dont be at the gym with the flu and 102 temp

    I'll try to eat if I get the craving and I'm not contagious. My immune system is just attacking my own body, so I have a fever from that. Thanks everyone.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I think it's more important to focus on getting healthy than trying to lose weight.

    I would try to eat as healthy as possible (this would help you recover, I would assume -- and protein is important when ill!), but I wouldn't exercise, except maybe something very light IF I felt up to it.

    I hope you feel better soon!