foodcraver Member


  • Any of you that would like info, check out 100 down. It is a podcast/you tube videos of a very smart man who lost 100 pounds on keto and share a LOT of info.
  • 20 carbs
  • Has anyone ever heard of adding gelatin to things to "up" the protein. It seemed a bit odd to me because I have had a box of gelatin in my cupboard for 12 years or more. Obviously, never new what to do with the stuff. This lady told me she buys in in bulk to "up" her protein as she can not afford alot, and the calories do…
  • I am in the same boat with you ladies. I have been going to Weight Watchers for quite some time. I will continue for the one on one support and love of the people at the meetings. I found mfp and love the barcode feature for my phone. Love how it sincs with online and how we can keep a record. Too bad it would not convert…
  • Thank you all, I will just add that I am 5 ft 1" and have about 8-10 lbs left to lose. The first amount came off slowly before MFP. Mainly following Weight Watchers PP system. That is why I am unsure of how to proceed with this program, and I want to ensure success. My first weigh in is coming up and I don't want a same or…
  • Always have frozen chopped up bananas in the freezer ready to be processed in the food processor for 'BANANASCREAM" Its heavenly like ice cream.
  • Wow, It must be so great not to need the support! Although, sometimes its about giving support too. But... the journey is for you and not others... For me personally, I like to see how others are doing. I don't need to keep in contact all the time. I just like the community of everyone striving for a common goal. My…
  • She should be o.k if she loses it slow and steady. Still young .
  • Good for you, Keep up the great effort! Everyone will be envious of your consistency. For me, I think of all the butter,cream and calories in pot luck situations and bring my own alternatives. I like being in control of my destiny and sometimes family like to sabotage that, but I do not allow it in my mind. I learned to…
  • Do you add water? Juice or liquid of any type?
  • If you are in Canada, the Super Store for P.C Plain Greek yogurt is the best and the best deal.
  • Fantastic job!! It's nice to see hard work pays off! You must be so proud!!Should be!
  • I guess you can measure success in different ways...this week it was finding this program before my backslide went too far! I celebrated my birthday, anniversary and Thanks Giving and got right back on track. The old me would have waited till Monday. Success is also my belt is one notch loser, my bicep has a muscle, and…
  • Hi, I will just add to check your protein at each meal. Make sure you are having a small portion and reaching your target at the end. This seems to have curbed my appetite and it is usually quite ferocious ;)