Why do you need friends



  • Sublimely_Self_Righteousreused
    My friends have been nothing but awesome. It's their humor that keeps me coming back to this site. While I'm here, I might as well track what I eat. It helps me keep on track. Though, it's not helping they are suspended on the forum for two weeks now.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I need people to laugh at my jokes or I will cease to exist.

    Well that made me laugh.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I think it's sad when people start a thread, looking for friends on the internetz.

    I don't need friends. But I need ilookthetype.

    You got me, Baby. Never doubt that.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    My friends have been nothing but awesome. It's their humor that keeps me coming back to this site. While I'm here, I might as well track what I eat. It helps me keep on track. Though, it's not helping they are suspended on the forum for two weeks now.

    :huh: :noway: :laugh:
  • glockster972
    glockster972 Posts: 704 Member
    I think it's sad when people start a thread, looking for friends on the internetz.

    I don't need friends. But I need ilookthetype.

    And I need Bry and Q.
  • cominupmilhouse
    cominupmilhouse Posts: 257 Member
    I think it's sad when people start a thread, looking for friends on the internetz.

    I don't need friends. But I need ilookthetype.

    No, its not sad at all! Don't think of it that way. When I was new to this site I posted an introduction topic hoping to gain some friends with similar goals and stats. I ended up meeting many very supportive people who have helped me immeasurably already and continue to do so daily! They constantly motivate me, inspire me, and give me amazing advice whenever I'm in need. I have lots of friends in real life, of course, but nowhere else would I be able to address some of the issues I need to talk about and get so many responses so fast! It's like my own 24/7 support group! And I also love contributing and helping others when I can!

    There are absolutely major benefits for most people to have MFP friends, I don't really think you can deny that, maybe it just doesn't necessarily appeal to you personally
  • foodcraver
    foodcraver Posts: 16 Member
    Wow, It must be so great not to need the support! Although, sometimes its about giving support too. But... the journey is for you and not others...
    For me personally, I like to see how others are doing. I don't need to keep in contact all the time. I just like the community of everyone striving for a common goal. My "local" friends are not really into fitness, weight loss or eating healthy.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    For those that have friends on here, do you also have support in real life. By which I mean family, friends not on this site, etc.? I come from a very big family that is very supportive so maybe that's why I can't grasp the online friends thing.

    Maybe working in IT and constantly being reminded that people online are not necessarily who/what they claim makes me more wary too.

    Or maybe I'm just weird.

    I have a HUGE support system away from here, BUT since those friends and family do not know what it is for me to go through,mentally, emotionally, etc. I have my friends here who understand and GET that part of it. Plus, they all laugh at me and call me a brat, so its like home away from home. I love it.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    One big benefit is that you can kinda brag on here when someone compliments you, or you buy a smaller pair of pants....

    My 'real life' friends that I talk to regularly aren't necessary interested in hearing this all the time, and in one case, I think it pisses her off because she's not losing (not using MFP either....coincidence?). My husband is TOTALLY supportive, and I can brag to him, but this adds another dimension.

    Anyway...since we're all like minded, we LOVE to hear about someone's smaller pants, or new cool food find, or how they caught someone checking them out.....
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    Really I need motivation ... and if it is in the form of a friend request then by all means, lets do this ....

    What i need is a workout buddy right here in my own city who doesn't flake out ... NOW THAT IS WHAT I NEED ... and have been having the hardest time finding.
  • teemarania
    Because it's fun. It's fun to meet new people. It's fun to exchange ideas. It's fun to exchange witty banter. It's encouraging and beneficial to give "friends" internet "high fives" when they do something great during their weight loss journey, and even better to receive them. It's about sharing your experiences with "friends" with similar goals and motivations - get healthy, lose weight, get fit. I, personally, am starting to like MFP better than facebook :)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Because it's fun. It's fun to meet new people. It's fun to exchange ideas. It's fun to exchange witty banter. It's encouraging and beneficial to give "friends" internet "high fives" when they do something great during their weight loss journey, and even better to receive them. It's about sharing your experiences with "friends" with similar goals and motivations - get healthy, lose weight, get fit. I, personally, am starting to like MFP better than facebook :)

    See, I think I am just weird. I don't have any FB friends that aren't relatives or friends I had before FB. :ohwell:

    But I really have a LOT of relatives. I just laughed when I saw 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding" and she complained how many first cousins she had. That was nothing!
  • teemarania
    Because it's fun. It's fun to meet new people. It's fun to exchange ideas. It's fun to exchange witty banter. It's encouraging and beneficial to give "friends" internet "high fives" when they do something great during their weight loss journey, and even better to receive them. It's about sharing your experiences with "friends" with similar goals and motivations - get healthy, lose weight, get fit. I, personally, am starting to like MFP better than facebook :)

    See, I think I am just weird. I don't have any FB friends that aren't relatives or friends I had before FB. :ohwell:

    But I really have a LOT of relatives. I just laughed when I saw 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding" and she complained how many first cousins she had. That was nothing!

    Everyone on my facebook are family or friends (who I know in "real life"), but I'm not opposed to meeting people online. I just feel like MFP is a great place where we are all here for one purpose and are discussions are on one main albeit broad subject, and it makes the journey more enjoyable when you make new friends and have people to talk about similar situations with. Sometimes it's hard to do that with people in your "real life" because they are on the same page, don't care, or can't understand as well as "friends" on MFP can. :)

    p.s.: i know what you mean, i have a big family too!
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    Most of my MPF friends are people I know irl AND on facebook. People just can't get enough of me....

    Plus, I can continue to support workout buddies, relatives, and friends who have moved away.
  • cofakid
    cofakid Posts: 213 Member
    like a lot of the other comments i think ppl get responses in terms of friend requests. i had that myself, and i do that for ppl looking for friends.

    if u dont need friends than thats really good for you. im sure those that do will find them. at first i found a few friends but soon realised they werent exactlty wat i needed so i posted looking for more and now have some friends i really am glad to have.

    for me its a combination of things. I do have supportive family, but they still have very different lifestyles, and support from ppl who are also trying to loose weight is so different. they may have experienced the same prob as u and have good advice, or even just have a good weightloss mentality that is helpful for u. I will admit that i dont have many friends irl. i have 1 or 2 close friends, some ppl i occasionally hang out with, but in terms of friends id really only count the close ones.

    i thrive on positive feedback and small comments like "good work" wen i achieve weightloss, or do some exercise, really helps motivate me to do more. may seem pathetic to some but it helps me a lot!

    ive also found some help with some non diet problems ive been having through my mfp friends.

    and i find that giving support really motivates me. i love telling other ppl they are doing well, it makes me feel good, it makes them feel good, and then we both work harder.

    and seeing other ppl suceed, and even seeing them slip up, helps me to see that slip ups will happen, but i can succeed if i stick to it.

    you can see these things in the community, but with mfp friends i see it daily, i see them meeting their calorie and exercise goals every day, and im getting support every day.

    and there are a few ppl who i am starting to get to know and really become friends with. and making new friends is always nice, whether u have a lot or just a few...