mag1c Member


  • From reading things posted by employees of that chain, they are under a lot of pressure to sell you GNC branded products. If you do not meet certain % quotas they can and will be terminated for under performing. Personally, I don't enter that store unless I've run out of something and don't have time to wait for an online…
  • As someone who has also had back injuries and 1 back surgery, I often shied away from doing anything that that I thought might further injure that area. However, after yet another disk herniation and consulting with an orthopedic doctor and a physical therapist that was interested in fixing this without cutting me open, I…
  • Just switch to them slowly. I had lower back surgery about 3 years ago, switching to the minimalist shoes has reduced the discomfort that running/jogging sometimes causes in my back. However, it was tough at first on my feet and legs just getting used to the difference in strike as well as a slight difference in muscle…
  • I'd recommend some decent strength bands. Very versatile and you can continue to use them and incorporate them into your routine even as it becomes more advanced.
  • When making an effort to "look good" even just to yourself, you automatically are going to be more judgmental and unhappy with what you see. You have to translate that into motivation to carry on. At one point I had lost 103lbs but my body composition was crap. I had gone from fat/round and ugly to floppy/flabby and ugly.…
  • What method are you using to measure your lean body mass? I ask because I notice in your profile you say you are at 21%BF and its unlikely that in your 1st 20 days of dieting your body has resorted to burning muscle when there is still that much of another fuel source available. Other than that, the advice of lifting heavy…
  • Work on perfecting your hip hinge and good form doing deads will be natural.
  • If you are working out and grunting makes ya happy. Have at it. Don't worry about what everyone else is thinking. Be proud you are doing work, the ones who are complaining arent doing your reps for ya.
  • You can say its not healthy and make a legit argument, however, you can not claim that none of them "work"
  • Wonder how this story would sound if he were the one posting it.
  • soylent green is people!
  • Intermittent fasting works great for me. The people who argue against it almost never understand what it actually means to intermittently fast and I'm not interested in trying to argue with or explain it to them. If you are open to it, give it a try.
  • Its not quite the same as a standard deadlift but it is effective. It feels a little more like squatting to me. You will probably be able to increase the weight you use in comparison to using a straight bar. I personally do them with the trap or hex bar because I have back problems and this helps me stay more upright.
  • seems to be a recurring theme around here
  • Supreme Protein various flavors FTW!
  • "In total, these suggest that herbal ephedra/caffeine herbal supplements, when used as directed by healthy overweight men and women in combination with healthy diet and exercise habits, may be beneficial for weight reduction without significantly increased risk of adverse events." C N Boozer1, P A Daly, P Home, J L…
    in diet pills Comment by mag1c August 2012
  • Its summer bro! Spring and Summer are for leaning out. Even on a clean bulk I can't avoid adding some fat here and there. It would be really tough to hit calories perfectly to have the surplus you need for gains without adding a little fat as well. Because of that, once fall comes around, thats when the bulk cycle starts.…
  • Evidently neither could they ;)
  • I'd say listen to the guy you are paying for fitness advice. You know that guy who's in really good shape that you trusted to train you for a fitness competition? Your trainer works with you on a personal level, trust him over a bunch of random people you have never met on a fitness forum.
  • Its still the best. Its a different feel but the rush and pump are still good. I actually mix it with their blox product and get great results.
  • Giving your body time to heal after a workout is just as important as the workout. That said, if you are still very sore after you get the blood flowing into those muscles, I'd say not to work that muscle group. Give it an extra day of rest and then blast it the following day.
  • QFT! I log my food and supplements for my benefit, so that I can track my calories and macros. I'm not sure why anyone else would or should want to see it.
  • This is spot on with the exception of misspelling "Rippetoe" ;) Its all about knowing and working with your specific %'s in specific rep ranges.
  • I would say the lost inches should mean so much more to you than a number on the scale. If I were happy with the way I looked and I felt healthy, I wouldn't care if the scale read 100lbs or 300lbs.
  • 6'4" Ive been almost 300lbs lost down to just under 200 and have been hitting the weight room really hard for the past 8-9 months and currently weigh 215 with around 10%bf. I dont screw around on the forums much because there is so much drama every time I read thru the threads. I track my calories and more importantly my…
    in Big Men Comment by mag1c April 2012
  • Cytosports Monster Milk made with a cup of skim milk and 3/4 cup of pasteurized egg whites.
  • Then why make this thread?
  • One has nothing to do with the other... I have lost around 100 lbs in less than a year, I am less than 10% bf and I have loose skin. Years worth of stretched skin will sag, it may draw up slowly over time but that depends on many other factors.