The 600 kcl diet



  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    I got to my goal weight by lifting weights and eating 1400-1700 EACH DAY. No starving involved! So while you're cutting yourself off at 600 calories 2 days a week, I'll come sit next to you while I enjoy my remaining 1100 calories. :laugh:
    To each their own!

    That's fine, WHen you're eating you 1,500 calories, I'll come next to you eating 3 cups of ice cream for desert, and still having a difficult time reaching my 4,000 calories, while i reduce body fat.
    LOL! Go ahead, I'm lactose intolerant so ice cream doesn't really do it for me! HA HA HA ;)
  • CynGoddess
    CynGoddess Posts: 188 Member
    I don't think it's a good idea. If you want to lose weight and keep it you need to make a real lifestyle change.

    ^^^^^ yep
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    Even if you are going to do this forever (which to me doesn't sound like a great idea), why not stick to a balanced diet and physical activity, forever? Why should you go near starving, even if "only" for 2 days a week?
  • mag1c
    mag1c Posts: 36 Member
    Intermittent fasting works great for me. The people who argue against it almost never understand what it actually means to intermittently fast and I'm not interested in trying to argue with or explain it to them. If you are open to it, give it a try.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Quick, someone google or wiki something

    It's true, I really am this awesome...
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I don't think it's a good idea. If you want to lose weight and keep it you need to make a real lifestyle change.

    you could also do this as a lifestyle change. I already eat very healthy, so why not reduce my calorie intake on two days to 600kcl, if it works. I can eat a lot of veggies for 600kcl, so I got vitamines and everything I need. And the rest of the week I can eat normal. Sounds not very unhealthy to me, but easy to follow - even for the rest of my life.

    Good nutrition is not just vitamins ....... the other macros .....especially protein and healthy fats are EXTREMELY important also. Make sure you're eating more than veggies ..... just saying
  • uclown2002
    uclown2002 Posts: 79 Member
    Even if you are going to do this forever (which to me doesn't sound like a great idea), why not stick to a balanced diet and physical activity, forever? Why should you go near starving, even if "only" for 2 days a week?

    And the balanced diet includes breakfast- the most important meal of the day- and 2-5 other meals? Stokes that metabolic fire, right?
  • jamesbiz
    jamesbiz Posts: 22 Member
    Define eating normally. If the rest of your week cancels out the deficit on the two 600 days, it will be pointless.

    normal eating is for me:

    Lunch: Salad
    Dinner: for example Veggies with rice or Veggies with potatos, etc.

    Is no one going to point out, that the OP idea of normal eating, is a salad, then some veggies, rice or potatoes?

    and she wants to go down to 600 kcl on 2 days? I don't see 600 in her "normal" eating.
  • jamesbiz
    jamesbiz Posts: 22 Member
    Even if you are going to do this forever (which to me doesn't sound like a great idea), why not stick to a balanced diet and physical activity, forever? Why should you go near starving, even if "only" for 2 days a week?

    And the balanced diet includes breakfast- the most important meal of the day- and 2-5 other meals? Stokes that metabolic fire, right?
    I can't tell if that was a statement, or a question. Are you being sarcastic, or are you saying that a person requires breakfast?
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    I do fasting for health benefits It will be hard if you are already lean but you can try fasting for shorter periods of time like 14 - 16 hours a day
  • Miiimii
    Miiimii Posts: 279 Member
    I don't think it's a good idea. If you want to lose weight and keep it you need to make a real lifestyle change.

    you could also do this as a lifestyle change. I already eat very healthy, so why not reduce my calorie intake on two days to 600kcl, if it works. I can eat a lot of veggies for 600kcl, so I got vitamines and everything I need. And the rest of the week I can eat normal. Sounds not very unhealthy to me, but easy to follow - even for the rest of my life.

    Good nutrition is not just vitamins ....... the other macros .....especially protein and healthy fats are EXTREMELY important also. Make sure you're eating more than veggies ..... just saying

    I know eating healty is more than just veggies. This is why I would eat other things in the five days. But it's not unhealthy to eat just veggies and fruits twice a week. You'll get all other stuff you need during the rest of the week.
  • Miiimii
    Miiimii Posts: 279 Member
    Define eating normally. If the rest of your week cancels out the deficit on the two 600 days, it will be pointless.

    normal eating is for me:

    Lunch: Salad
    Dinner: for example Veggies with rice or Veggies with potatos, etc.

    and she wants to go down to 600 kcl on 2 days? I don't see 600 in her "normal" eating.

    this was just an example. I also eat tofu, soya products, milk, fruits, cheese, lentillesm beans, oat, pasts, avocados, etc.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    I lost 35kg in 8 months by using MFP the way it was designed....
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
  • vienna26
    vienna26 Posts: 115 Member
    If your meant to eat at your TDEE for the rest of the days when your not eating 600 then I think you may aswell just eat at 20% below your TDEE everyday and not have to worry about the two days you can only eat 600, sod that i know i coudnt do it think id rather stick to eating my 1600cals everyday lol good luck though anyway hope it works well for you!!!
  • uclown2002
    uclown2002 Posts: 79 Member
    Even if you are going to do this forever (which to me doesn't sound like a great idea), why not stick to a balanced diet and physical activity, forever? Why should you go near starving, even if "only" for 2 days a week?

    And the balanced diet includes breakfast- the most important meal of the day- and 2-5 other meals? Stokes that metabolic fire, right?
    I can't tell if that was a statement, or a question. Are you being sarcastic, or are you saying that a person requires breakfast?

    I was being sarcastic!
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    I don't get why people attack things they don't truly understand or are against because they feel it not the right way! It's not hard to imagine that with billions of other people living on this planet, that fasting is actually a lifestyle. Hmmm just as normal as people not eating breakfast because they are not hungry. Interesting concepts....
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    I fast one day a week (eat and drink nothing) but that has more to do with religious reasons than anything else and it has never done me any harm. I was offered to go on the plan that you are talking about from my doctor when I was diagnosed as having diabetes 2, it is also know as the diabetes reversal diet here in UK and GP's recommend it in all surgeries. Good luck to you hun if you intend to do it! Currently I am eating 1200 calories a day (6 days a week as I fast on one day) and I exercise but do not eat back my exercise calories and its what is working for me.
  • uclown2002
    uclown2002 Posts: 79 Member
    If your meant to eat at your TDEE for the rest of the days when your not eating 600 then I think you may aswell just eat at 20% below your TDEE everyday and not have to worry about the two days you can only eat 600, sod that i know i coudnt do it think id rather stick to eating my 1600cals everyday lol good luck though anyway hope it works well for you!!!

    And then she wouldn't get all the health benefits associated with IF. Did you read the links?
  • jamesbiz
    jamesbiz Posts: 22 Member
    Define eating normally. If the rest of your week cancels out the deficit on the two 600 days, it will be pointless.

    normal eating is for me:

    Lunch: Salad
    Dinner: for example Veggies with rice or Veggies with potatos, etc.

    and she wants to go down to 600 kcl on 2 days? I don't see 600 in her "normal" eating.

    this was just an example. I also eat tofu, soya products, milk, fruits, cheese, lentillesm beans, oat, pasts, avocados, etc.

    You gave an example of your "normal" eating in a day. Something tells me, that everything else you mentioned, probably isn't included, or you would have mentioned some real food, instead of some leaves and a potato. I'd love to see your daily diary tho, because otherwise, no one can suggest anything for you, because we have no idea what you eat on a normal day.